Picking On Her On Purpose?

This scene was about Weiyang getting framed of having an affair with Prince Qi. The empress was interrogating her and Dame An was on the side, adding oil to fire. The situation was very tense.

Director Li saw the two under the camera and his expression looked very ugly.

"Cut. Xia Ning, Chen Shiyan, you two come here!" Director Li shouted to the two in the scene.

Xia Ning frowned. Even she herself had a feeling that she was not doing it right.

And Chen Shiyan on the side was not looking good either. Obviously, she noticed that as well.

Seeing Xia Ning and Chen Shiyan walking over, Director Li said directly, "What's going on with you two? It's just a simple scene and you can't do it well? You NGed three times."

Chen Shiyan said apologetically, "Sorry, Director. I was paying too much attention to Xia Ning's performance just now."

Xia Ning lowered her head and said, "Sorry, Director. I will pay attention next time."