A Reporter Irritating Shen Weiran

Inside the ward, Shen Weiran sat on her bed after venting her emotions hysterically, her hair unkempt, her makeup smudged, and the floor messy with the things she threw everywhere.

She was discharged from the hospital today. But when she saw the news online this morning, she could not calm down.

What she minded the most in her life was the remark that she was a mistress's daughter. For all these years, she had been trying hard to create a positive image. She was also justified in becoming the elder daughter of the Shen family. But someone wanted to expose her!

It was all because of Shen Chuxia. If that woman had not appeared, nothing would happen now. She and her little bastard were the banes of Shen Weiran's life.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and a man in a smart suit came in and said to Shen Weiran, "Madam, Mr. Song sent me to take you home."

Shen Weiran looked up at the man and asked, "Where's Mr. Song?"