Of Course He Likes Everything About Me

"Enough! Lihua, I've told you before that what happened to the Shen family has nothing to do with our Qiao family. If you blame Xia Ning because of this, don't acknowledge me as your older sister!" Gao Wanhua said in a low voice.

Gao Lihua was upset to see Gao Wanhua's forceful attitude. "Sister, are you really going to let her be your daughter-in-law?"

"Why not?!" Gao Wanhua looked at Gao Lihua and said coldly, "I heard that you introduced someone in the Gao family to Xiao Yu. Gao Lihua, do I need you to interfere with who my son wants to marry?! Who gave you the right to meddle with other people's business? Take care of your own business first!"

This was the first time Gao Lihua had seen her so mad. She was a bit shocked by her words but she still stuck her neck out and said, "I did this for Yu's benefit!"

"No need!" Gao Wanhua said coldly. "My daughter-in-law has to be determined by me. Outsiders should not meddle!"