Chapter 1603-faith!

The confession went smoothly. Qiao Yu had prepared for this day for five years, so there was no room for error.

"Mr. Qiao, we will contact you again if we need you." Zhao Gang stood up and extended his hand to Qiao ran.

Qiao Yu shook her hand and nodded,"thank you."

"You're welcome. This Is the Police's fault,"Zhao Gang replied.

The two of them walked out of the interrogation room and saw Xia Ning asleep on the table. Qiao Yu's expression changed and he quickly walked over to the bodyguards and said coldly,""Why didn't you get her a blanket?"

The bodyguard didn't know what to say and only lowered his head.

At this time, Xia Ning woke up and saw Qiao Yu as soon as she looked up. Her eyes were still drowsy, obviously still half-awake, so she asked,""Has it ended?"

Qiao ran took off her coat and draped it over her. She replied, "It's over. "