Lin Yi can only be his!

In the office, Liang Jingchuan had just finished a phone call. He looked at the time and saw that it was time for lunch. He was going to ask if Lin Yi was awake.

All of a sudden, his WeChat beeped. He clicked on it and saw that it was a photo from Lu Chaoqun.

He clicked on the photo and saw the backs of a man and a woman.

Liang Jingchuan was about to turn it off when he suddenly realized that the two figures looked a little familiar.

Looking at the surroundings, it seemed to be Lu Chaoqun's home.

So, if that man was Lu jueming, then the person next to him was Lin Yi?

Liang Jingchuan's long and narrow eyes narrowed as a dangerous glint flashed across his eyes. What was Lin Yi doing at Lu Chaoqun's house?

So, that woman did not sleep at all this morning. She went to see another man behind his back and even went straight to his house!

At that thought, Liang Jingchuan's heart burned with anger. He immediately called Lin Yi.

However, no one picked up.