Can't I enter my girlfriend's room?

After her shower, Lin Yi came out of the bathroom and saw Liang Jingchuan sitting on the bed in his pajamas.

She was stunned."What are you doing here?"

"It's my girlfriend's room. Can't I come in?" He looked at her and asked.

Lin Yi didn't know what to say.

Hehe, it was only the first day and he was already trying to be a hooligan?

She glared at him and said in a serious tone,""Mom said that I can't do bad things before I get married."

"I didn't expect a girl who grew up in a place like America to have such a feudal mindset." Liang Jingchuan looked at her and said with a smile,""Come here!"

Lin Yi stood still and looked at him warily."So what if I'm feudal? I have a strong sense of self-protection."

"The so-called self-protection awareness is targeted at others, not me. I'm your man!" Liang Jingchuan retorted. When he saw that she wasn't moving, he continued,"be good and come here."

Lin Yi didn't know what to say.