
At this moment, Hua Yu was buying food by the roadside. He took out money while making a phone call.

"Why do you suddenly want to study medicine?"

As he spoke, he took the takeaway bag from the waiter.

Outside the dormitory, Cheng Anyue leaned against the wall and looked at the dark sky.

After a long silence, she said,""Because I want to be a useful person to the people around me."

"Just because you're a doctor, you're useful?" Hua Yu asked with a smile.

Cheng Anyue looked serious."That's right. If I were a doctor, not only would I be able to take care of myself, but I would also be able to take care of my family."

It was a sudden decision to become a doctor, but it was also a decision she made after careful consideration.

"It's good to be a doctor. Your grades are so good that you'll definitely be able to get into a top medical University. Tsinghua University is perfect for you. "