I'm looking for my brother!

Zeng Yuqian finally stopped.

Wang Jiaxin and Wu Qian looked at an Yue in disagreement, but they couldn't say anything for fear of provoking Zeng Yuqian.

They had seen Zeng Yuqian on the top floor of the teaching building that night. She had been standing next to the railing at that time, and it seemed that she had planned to commit suicide.

The next morning, Zeng Yuqian did not go to class.

"Are you really going to beg Hua Yu?" Wang Jiaxin asked an Yue on the way.

"What the hell is this? what does it have to do with you? in the end, it's like you're the one in debt." Wu Qian was a little speechless.

"I have a way to solve this." An Yue thought for a while and said.

Wang Jiaxin didn't dare to ask an Yue not to go. After all, Zeng Yuqian had already made up her mind.

She was afraid that Zeng Yuqian would die because of her persuasion, and her heart ached for an Yue's sacrifice. She was in a dilemma.