Chapter 38 Coma

Jay's P.O.V

After I woke up, the girl who was sleeping looked really sad, I could tell that she was holding back tears. Was I someone important to her? But all I remember is mom and mom and dad were killed by someone but I can't seem to recall who. They made this thing called 'memory tea' to help get my memory back and I do but in tiny fragments. I can remember all the way up to the age of 12 but nothing after... People keep coming in and they give me a look of worry and concern as I ask them who they were. But I keep thinking about that girl...she was...stunning.

"Jay it's been a while man." I see Michael come in the door with that same look everyone wore. "I heard you have amnesia? I know someone who can help." Behind him was a handsome man wearing a tailor suit.

"I'm a doctor who specializes in restoring lost, suppressed and forgotten memories." he told me to lay down and just close my eyes.


I'm suddenly my 4 year old self. I'm at my uncle's house, I remember not being given anything but a little but of food. Every time uncle saw me he'd right away hit me and curse me to die, I though aunt would be nicer but she wasn't any better she ordered the maids to lock me up in the 'room'. I was nearing death when I was brought out by the servants and they bring me to the living room where I see my grandpa. "Grandpa!" My grandpa's eyes were full of tears and he saw me.

"Jay! I'm so sorry, Jay you'll be with me now, come here my boy..." He gently hugged me, he didn't give me a tight hug, he seemed to be afraid that I would break. "I'm here Jay, no one will hurt you."

He repeated that over and over I tried to count but I lost count as I fell into a slumber.

"Jay!" I see the girl I saw when I woke up, she was dressed in a leather outfit which made her look stunning, "Hey! wait for me Jay!"

"Alright, alright come on A--er." I can't remember her name, No"Amber!" I lose consciousness once again, I here a man's voice.

... ... ... ... ...

"My, my look at the proud Jay, the once incredible Jay in this condition! What a sight to see!"

"Shut...up...." My throat was dry, it hurt to even make sound, the fact that I was hanging upside down didn't help. ""

"What did I do to you? I just bribed some old guy greedy for money to put a little something in your drink. And what did you tell me to do? Shut up?" Richard signed the guy who was watching the whole scene with a grin, the guy got the rope I was hanging upside down from and let it go dunking Me into the freezing cold water. They pulled me back up for a few seconds before dunking me once again, endlessly. "Stop." Richard stopped the guy and walked towards me I was violently shacking my head trying to stay conscious. When he got face to face with me, I spit water I kept in my mouth straight to his face. He got angry, and spat out the truth I guess he did that to get me angry.


Jay slowly opened his eyes and got up from the bed he was on, he ignored the pain he had and walked out the door. His eyes were full of anger and sadness, full of hatred and pain, he clutched his head and punched himself right on the wound which was opening up. He couldn't unconscious now, he had to find Amber the girl he loved, the girl he hurt. But even though he wanted so much to do so, the other side of him wouldn't allow him. It seemed like the whole world was against his will, his will to fight. He clutched his chest in pain and once again fell into a deep slumber.


"The patient is weak, he suffered a heart attack he has survived this one, but if he has another one in his condition...I'm afraid that it would cost his life...he needs to regain consciousness soon, if he doesn't in the next 12 hours, he would lose his chance and fall into a coma." Amber's legs went limp as she fell on her knees sobbing. Felix and Gun helped her sit down in a chair before guiding Jace to sit.

"" A weak voice came from behind the doctor the doctor's head spun around, and he was met with a weakly opened pair of blue eyes, "" Hearing Jay's voice Amber and Jace both quickly stood beside Jay who was hooked up to many machines, and IVs.

"" Jay's voice got weaker and weaker, as Jace came closer to listen in. "I' y...guys....It''" Jay's arm went limp, which threw Amber into a panicked state.

"No! Jay! Stay with me! Jay!" She shook Jay but he didn't open his eyes, the machine monitoring his heartbeat was not beeping which meant that Jay's heart was still beating. "You have to stay strong Jay!"