How should we make sure we take the right decisions in life? Well I have an idea....we don't.
We make mistakes, because is nothing wrong with being wrong sometimes. We learn from those mistakes and move on, we grow and get to know eachother better.
Is more probable to regret something we have not done than something we already did, believe me. But sometimes we are not sure what to do, so we turn to our friends and family for support and guidance.
I am about to share a personal issue that bothered me lately. It was about a guy that I was talking to and I enjoy talking to him. But that is all, talking. Nothing more, nothing less. Let's get it straight, I was not misleading him in any way, friendzoning him or anything. And he didn't ecen mention anything about a relationship. But my friemds, because they like to get nosy, are trying to advice me about what I should do regarding this situation. Some say I should do something and go out with him because there might not be other guys out there to actually want me. And some say that I should force myself to take a decision I am going to regret later.
So I got to the conclusion that, I will figure it out on my own guys. Because, I do not feel nothing for this guy. Yeah, I do not really know what love feels like, I mean I had crushes on guys before, but I never fell madly, deeply, crazy in love. But there way this time I was kind of close to. I have an idea about what I wish for, and it is nothing fancy. Is just as simple as having someone to come home to, someone who will always listen to your problems without trying to shame you for being to weak or stuff. Someone who will love you when you do not even love yourself, and will have faith in you when you already lost it a long time ago. Someone who will not try to change you just so that you could fit into the society's standards.
Someone who will love you and respect you equally. Someone who will trust you back and tell you everything.
My mom used to say that we can compare a relationship with a shirt. What do you do if you get a stain on that shirt or if it tears a little? Do you throw it away or you try and save it? Some people afford to buy as many shirts as they wish, some do not. But the important question is. Is that shirt important to you? Does it make you feel comfortable and confident? If you wear it just because you have nothing else to wear does it really count?
I guess it depends only of us to decide whether we throw it or fix it.
Good luck with your choices guys and may your choices bring the result you are expecting!