
Through life we have to follow certain rules and regulations. Given by certain authorities.

But we also make our own rules according to our own judgement. We make this set of principles, based on our expectations, standards, maybe even experiences. They may change through time, more or less, but it does not mean is neccesarily bad.

On our way to succes or reaching our dreams, we use these principles and they may work or not. But that doesn't mean they aren't good, maybe they were not suitable for that situation, but they may reveal their usefulness in the future for other situations.

Also, just because other people we know have got they way up through different means, that shouldn't influence you to change your principles.

For example, I was raised to think that working is never shameful, unlike stealing or misleading others for money. Some may not think the same. Also, I was raised to become more independent even if I am a woman, nonetheless, my mom always encouraged me to learn and read and fight for what I believe in. So I always knew that I want a career before a family. Economical and social independence and more.

Some might think differently, they may have other priorities. This hierarchy is different which is not a bad thing, neccesarily.

So in the end, can you define yourself?

Are you emotionally, economically, socially independent/dependent?

What are your priorities? Your hierarchy?

Will you allow anyone to change those principles snd standards? And if you will, how will that benefit you?

Communication and respect matter.... sometimes more than love or attraction or passion.

Or maybe not.

Do not allow anyone else defind you, let your actions and decicions speak for thereselves.😉