Stanford University: Friday (1)

After Zeke left with the Bradley guy, the twins started talking almost immediately.

"That was The Bradley Thompson right?"

"Of course it is! How many Bradley Thompson's do you think play baseball for Stanford??"

"I just can't believe they sent him to pick up Zeke!"

"Yea, no kidding. Does this mean they really want him?"

"Definitely! You don't just send a star player to pick up a recruit. Usually you would send a freshman or someone that doesn't normally start."

Dave and Kyle went back and forth so quickly, it was hard to tell who was who. I looked over to Noah for help, but surprisingly he looked as lost as I did. I nudged his foot to get his attention.

He snapped out it with my prompting. He stood up and waved his hands between the twins. "Wait. Wait just a minute. Who was that? And why is he such a big deal to you two?" I nodded. That's exactly what I wanted to know as well. Good work Noah.

Dave and Kyle looked up at the standing Noah.