Collecting the Winnings (1)

Monday morning, all of us were sluggish in our movements to get going for the day. None of us got to bed before midnight, which was more true for me than them. After staying up and talking about the game, and what to do about my lack of nutrition, I still had to do my homework and shower before sleeping.

"Did you get to the math homework last night?" Dave whispered as we walked down the stairs for breakfast.

I nodded and let out a yawn.

"Okay, we'll find you at lunch so we could see it." He sped up and beat me to the table.

"See it?" Noah snorted from beside me. "More like to copy. One of these days, we're gonna have to cash in on your hard work."

If it was my hard work, then why is it a 'we' cashing in? But I let it go. I wasn't one to blackmail others. That was obviously Noah's expertise. I'm pretty sure he could get a bigger reward than I ever could too.