CIF Semifinal: Anderson HS (1)

"We'll start with Kyle on the mound today." Coach told the team as the bus drove towards the sunset, heading for the coast. Coach looked at Kyle. "Work hard, try your best, and don't lose your cool. Anderson has a great lineup. It rivals ours, if not better."

"I can handle it." Kyle's voice broke midway through his sentence causing the whole bus to laugh and for him to turn red. 

"I'm not asking you to." Coach said with a small smile. "You throw what you can. Garret will come in once you get tired. Dave and the rest will be in the bullpen just in case." He turned serious. "This is the farthest our program has ever come in CIF. We win, we go to the finals. We lose, and there won't be another game."

The team stopped laughing and sobered up.