CIF Semifinal: Anderson HS (7)

Bottom of the fifth. We took the field with renewed energy, happy to have the lead back, 7-6. Dave had to start with the top of the lineup, which wasn't so bad when you look back and see that they haven't been able to do much. 

At least, back then, but they turned up for the second half of the game. Starting with a hit, the leadoff batter skipped a fast ground ball right by me, even when I laid out in the dirt for it. The batter tagged first and rounded the base, going straight for second without hesitation. 

Mahki, who was back in right field with Garret back in left, came sprinting in. He lowered his body to snatched the ball off the grass and continued his movement, throwing the ball almost immediately. I was still in the dirt, caught out of position. I started to push myself up. 

"Down!" Noah's voice raises above everyone else's.