Another Drive

Once I reached my room, I expected Noah to follow or maybe even Mr. Atkins, but it was Dr. Moore that can by first. I had sat down on the bed, so to be more eye level with me, he had sat at the desk, facing me. 

"You panicked." He stated calmly. 

I felt the blood rush to my face, no doubt turning me red. 

"Do you have any guesses as to why?"

I avoided eye contact. 

"I like helping my patients come to their own conclusions, but I can sense that you already have an idea as to why you got upset and stormed out of there." Dr. Moore waited. "So, I'll say it first: you want to reject him before he rejects you."

"No!" I denied. "He already said we weren't brothers. I just now decided that it was okay not to be. I don't need him."

"I'm not saying you do." Dr. Moore said calmly. 

My jaw clenched.