No More Practices

After lunch was math. Dave returned my homework just in time to turn it in. 

As I sat between the twins, I could feel some tension between the two. It became even more noticeable when Kyle spoke up. 

"I'll be going home with Marie after school, so you guys don't wait up."

Dave frowned. "Text Zeke yourself."

"Fine." He said stiffly. He pulled out his phone and sent the text. 

I shifted, feeling uncomfortable. 

The pair that normally spent the class time bickering, joking, or just chatting had turned completely silent. It was extremely awkward sitting between them; almost worse than all the attention we got during the day. 

In my next class, I told Noah about it, but he had no answers either. He just shrugged. "Maybe Kyle just wants to spend some more time with his girlfriend now that we aren't in season and the softball team isn't in season. The twins fight all the time, I wouldn't worry too much."