V2 ch188

With two on, two outs, Korrey came up to bat. Garret had to shake off Ethan's signs twice before nodding at the one he wanted. He got set and started his motion. As soon as the pitch left his fingertips, Korrey started his swing. The ball cut inside, jamming him. He fouled the ball back. 0-1. 

Garret was given a new ball and got set again. He threw the same pitch, slightly faster. Korrey had swung again, fouling the ball down the third baseline this time. 0-2. Garret had to shake his head a few more times at Ethan before getting set for the third pitch. This time he threw a fastball outside. A pitch that Korrey read very well. He swung and made contact with the barrel of his bat, blasting the ball to right-center field.