V2 ch200

After waiting ten minutes, Dave pushed himself off the car. "Maybe their game is going long. Let's go check it out?"

Kyle nodded. "Yea, let's just drive the car down to the lower lot. See what's going on."

We got in the car and Dave drove us down to the lower lot. We could see a few players hanging out up top, looking down at the field. 

"They're still playing." Kyle confirmed. 

We three got out of the car and walked over to the field, heading down towards the bleachers. We weren't the only ones to sit down to watch. Players and coaches sat around, spectating. I spotted Alisha sitting beside Coach Wilcox on the highest row. 

The twins found an open spot and started to get comfortable, taking up two or three rows when they stretched out. I quietly sat on the other side of Dave, looking at the field for Noah. He wasn't hard to find. At first glance I found him playing shortstop.