V3 ch12 (Football Game)

After my shower, I got dressed and headed back downstairs.

Noah spotted me and turn to Alisha. "Jake's done. I'll go take my own shower real quick. Be right back." He hurried up the stairs, leaving me alone with Alisha in the living room. 

Alisha saw me wearing my baseball sweatshirt. "Are you cold?"

I shrugged. "Nah, it's comfortable. But Dave told me to wear this for school spirit so we can get in for free."

"Oh, man." She lightly hit her forehead. "I forgot. I should have had my parents bring me a different shirt or something." She was in a pink t-shirt which was definitely not our school colors or logo. "Do you have a shirt I can borrow..?"

I shrugged again. "Yea." I had a practice shirt with the WHS logo on it as well. "It's just a t-shirt though so you might get cold." 

"Just go through Noah's stuff." Dave entered the room, and had overheard us. "He has a bunch of school gear that me, Kyle, and Zeke have passed down."