V3 ch32 (end of practice)

"I can't let the twins down." I said proudly. I can't wait to see them and have them compliment me on a job well done. Garret may be the better pitcher, but he's still on the same level as the twins if he can't strike me out. 

Garret pulled me into a headlock and patted my helmet loudly, trying to give me a headache. "You're starting to sound more and more like those Atkins. Now that you have brothers, you don't care about friends, do you?"

I laughed as I tried to get out of his grasp. 

"There's always next week." Coach reminded him. 

Garret let me go. "You think I can change anything in the next week, Coach? It took me forever to learn that pitch as it is." He sighed dramatically. "All that work just to have one pitch hit to the outfield."

I looked to Mitchell. "Does that mean you'll pair up with other pitchers next week?" Because he only worked with Garret today.