V3 ch236 @ Pre-OLU

Grampa crushed us in bowling. He scored a 224. Dave was the closest with a 162. Noah was at 107. And I was last at 88. It was a great time though despite no one winning Grampa's money. We found out that Grampa used to be in a league a few years ago before him and Gramma got too old. 

On the way home, Dave told him he should join a seniors league to get out of the house more. Grampa waved him off and said he couldn't bowl every week. Just every now and then with us would satisfy him. 

"Is the $500 on the table every time?" Noah asked. 

"Sure!" Grampa grinned. "Maybe you'll catch up to me before I die. What a sight that would be."

We laughed even though we shouldn't. Noah really got his attitude from Grampa. A lot of his personality couldn't be explained with just Mom and Dad, yet with Grampa...they acted like two peas in a pod.