V3 ch265 Dr. Visit

The girl's softball team won with ease, with a lot of help from Kaylee and Marie at the plate. The sisters garnered a lot of attention afterwards, leaving us no time to stick around and talk. By the time we got home that night, it was time for dinner and then showers. After mine, I stepped on the scale we had in the hallway bathroom. The number surprised me and I stepped off, let it reset, then stepped on again. 

"No." I mumbled to myself. "That can't be right."

I went to the big bonus room that we all shared and started to look for the tape measure.

"Looking for something?" Dave asked. I told him and he joined in on the search, finding it in a junk drawer. He helped me out and told me the results. "You're almost five foot seven." He let out a whistle. "You're really sprouting up now!"