V3 ch285 Regional Tryouts (3)

"I don't know anything about first base." I complained to Noah as we lined up like the coach instructed. Everyone was going to take turns fielding at first and even making catches from across the diamond. 

"It's just like playing second." Noah brushed me off. "Field ball, tag base. No ball, go to base. Don't take it too hard if it's not perfect. This isn't your ideal spot anyways."

The line went quick as everyone got three attempts. A ground ball would be hit down the line. Scoop it up and tag first. A pop fly would just barely go over the player's head so either turn and run or jog it backwards. I prayed for an easy one. The third would be running over to first to cover and wait to receive a baseball from somewhere else. I didn't worry about that at first, but when I started to see the throws that would come in, I wanted to hit the skip button. It was bad throws, making a first baseman do a full body stretch to dig the ball out.