V3 ch300 VS Servite HS (2)

"It's popping for a Thursday night." Sean commented as he walked into the clubroom. There were a few of us hanging around. Me. Dave. Mitchell. Joey. Matt. "Those bleachers are packed." He sat down a few spots from where I was laying on the floor. "You good, Jake?"

"He can't hit in the cages." Mitchell said. "He's probably contemplating life."

"Who is stopping him from going to hit a few? Coach?" He guessed. 

"It's all those people that want to watch him." Dave explained. "We came down right after school, thinking it would be less crowded. And it was. Until Jake started hitting. He attracted a crowd. A lot of scouts, coaches, and randoms. Jake is decompressing right now."

Sean nodded understandably. He leaned over me. "Jake, just to prep you, we're going to have a packed house tonight. We have more people here than ever before. A lot of Servite fans seem to be showing up too. Honestly, if we had a place as big as them, it would be a sold out show."