V3 ch308 Kindred Spirit

I looked to Coach for help. 

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, Jake." Coach assured me. 

I tried not to die of embarrassment as I rubbed some dried sweat off my cheek. "I'm not really sure what he's asking." I said in a low voice. 

"Am I tipping my pitches?" Cody repeated. "Is there a telltale sign that gives away what my pitch will be?" He elaborated. "I feel like you and your team could possibly tell."

"Oh. Jake probably could." Noah shrugged. He nudged me. "Tell him how you know."

Oh. "Well, when you're throwing a curve, your index and middle fingers are on the outside. When it's a fastball, they come out on top of the ball." I tried to show him what I would see. 

Coach Wilson laughed. "That's not really what he meant. That's not actual tipping. That's the normal consequence of throwing different pitches. You have excellent vision then, Jake. I'm not surprised you have such skill given your success."