V3 ch355 Softball CIF Quarterfinals

Kyle really did do a good job of driving us to the girl's game. His focus stayed on the road, only changing the radio station to the A's game when Noah asked.

"I feel like we've gone to less games this year." Noah remarked as we listened to the starting lineup.

"It'll pick up once our season is over." Dave commented. "Jeremy's always inviting us, but it's not possible on weekdays. And we've been busy on the weekends." He turned around to look at me. "Does Jeremy text you separately out of our group chat?"

I nodded.

"Of course. Doesn't Zeke text each of us separately?" Noah snorted.

"I don't know. It's weird. We aren't really related to Jeremy." Dave said. "So I just wonder what the relationship is like?"

I thought about it. "It's…I don't know…kind of like how Zeke is away at college?"

"There's a sense of distance." Noah commented.