V3 ch376

The rest of the week was back to the basics. No parking near the field in the lower lot. No more practices after school or seeing all the guys in the clubroom. But…we did see Joey a lot more. He intentionally went out for his way to mention football to Noah at least once at every break. It got to the point where Noah changed up our Friday lunch spot to join Kaylee and Alisha in the quad.

Kaylee had skipped Wednesday like she said she would. Thursday she came and stayed the whole time, looking better mentally. But by Friday lunch, she was back to looking drained.

"The car ride is going to be rough if you're already looking like this." Noah commented between bites.

Kaylee shrugged. "My mom will bring my pain meds with. I'll be able to take one as soon as she picks me up during our cooking class. Those usually knock me out real quick so the ride shouldn't be too bad." She looked at me. "Tell Jeremy thanks again for me."