System’s New Function and The Bloody Tomahawk

In the world of Gourmetopia, battle chef's strength was labeled by his or her battle prowess by means of the level that was given to each and every rank they achieved on practicing and cultivating.

But for Nil, with the help of the system, had a deeper understanding or can see the much bigger picture. Using the the system, He can exactly see figures of how powerful someone before him might be. Unless the gap between his and the other parties' strength had a gap that far surpassed Nil's prowess.

For example, the 3 geniuses might be potentially strong given their rank and status. But that was all given by the backing of their family, they were all feed with high quality and delicious food since they were born thus helping them to breakthrough ranks easily.

But it does not affect they're actual prowess base from the system, Nil discovered that three foolish guys who mocked him was only a little stronger than the Unicorn Bull he faced.

Despite having very high figures on their intelligence, the dexterity and strength barely reached the qualities on the level to be called an adept ranker.

Even so, those talents would be considered special since they only moved up to the second year not too long ago.

The statistic status of those 3 second year student was only on the level of a pinnacle apprentice just a little stronger by a hair.

As for Nil, his stats was almost all maxed out for his level and with the system's assistance he can manage to fill the gap within levels that is if the gap was not too wide.

"GBS show my current status." Nil whispered to himself, it was already late in the evening and Nil long departed from his group and was now alone on his room.

In an instant, the system flashed a green digitalized assessment of Nil's stat.

User's Status:

Level: 17 (Apprentice)

STR 60| INT 59| DEX 59 | PREP SKILL RANK: Apprentice | COOKING SKILL: Apprentice | GASTRO POINT: 65

The fact that Nil never slacked off from training after he awakened on this new world of his' and decided to walk the path of a gourmet battle chef show that his stat's was always maxed out.

If it wasn't from the bottleneck restriction of his current level he might surpassed those figure's shown.


A tickling sound of a small bell beeps on Nil's consciousness and was followed right after by a monotonous voice of the system.

"New functioned unlocked! Nutrient conversion unlocked! Quest function unlocked! Dimension space unlocked!"

Sweet! Nil was confused but still rejoicing even though he doesn't know what the three new function means but having it from the system, it would surely be great!

GBS! Explain the three new functions! Nil immediately ordered on his mind.

Right after a fraction of a second the monotonous voice rang and some digitalized words flashed that explained the new functions on Nil's mind

"Nutrient Conversion function

1.Improved gastro point recovery by eliminating unnecessary substances from the food the user ate.

2.Provides the figures needed for the user to break through levels.

Quest Function, user will receive task to accomplish or guides for the user to follow and will be reward by the system.

Dimension Space, a space inside the user's ring that can store any kind of items and supports life. (Current space 2 cubic meters)"

A few more minor details was given by the system which Nil intently listened.

Nil nodded in satisfaction, just what he expected, the three new functions was of a big help for his journey.

He took a glance on his status and found a new line called the 'Nutri-Point' which was basically 'Exp-Point' from what he remembered from the video games on his previous world.

He also gave a quick peek on the dimension space the GBS mentioned and tried to place some common things around him, except that the inside was like and endless horizon of void yet all in all it was convenient! Nil thought.


Right after the explanation of the new functions from the system, a tickling bell sound echoed on Nil's mind again.

"A new chain quest was triggered!

Quest 1: Reach the Adept Rank

Reward: New Battle Skill"

The system flashed the first task from the new quest function which made Nil felt like laughing.

"That's basically hitting two birds with one stone! This is cheating and I'm loving it!" Nil who was sitting on at the edge of his bed let out a laugh. If not for the dormitory of the university all being sound proof for privacies his laugh would definitely be heard by his neighboring students.

Reaching the adept rank was only a passing through for him to reach the pinnacle of a battle chef but being rewarded to reach that realm was just another bonus for Nil to advanced even faster.

Nil jumped out from his bed and went to his kitchen holding the same container he used for the Unicorn Bull's meat except that it was way more larger than the one he gave to Miko and Nicole.

"Time to prepare beating those bastard!"



Crisp sizzling sound of meat being seared suffused across the small dormitory room of Nil.

Mouthwatering smell of steak together with the sweet scent of onion and rich aroma of garlic permeated around the room.

"Time to increase the heat!" Nil holding a bottle of scarlet fire wine whisked some on the huge piping hot wok where a tomahawk like steak sits above a pool of golden brown onion and garlic. The wok itself was not the usual one, it's more flat than the usual, the wok Nil used was that specially made in cooking large portions of meat from massive beasts.

The moment the fire wine touched the surface of the wok, azure and crimson flames started to ignite around the meat, dancing to the beat of the sizzling steak.

"...and done!" On top of a white oval shape ceramic plate about 2 foot long, sits a flaming hot tomahawk like steak, around the steak was like a pool blood. The rare golden onion and garlic was now covered by the same blood like sauce giving off a more realistic blood like look.

Even so, it was elegantly plated. If one would see the dish Nil made, on the first glance they might mistake the dish as a preserved museum artifact, or a blood coated tomahawk axe fresh from a fierce battle.

But when the mouthwatering rich aroma of the fire wine sauce and the meaty scent of the steak reached them, they'll get intoxicated to gobble down the steak.

The rib bone of the tomahawk steak extends about almost 2 foot in length only missed by an inch or two. The steak itself was attached on the to the end of the rib bone resembling an axe blade covered in blood.

"Good thing I still spared this last portion! Pay back time for you poor gamey unicorn!" Nil whispered and scratch his knife against the back of his fork producing some soft clinking sounds.

With the assistance from the system, Nil was able to precisely analyze components of a specific ingredients before him thus making cooking easier but that is if he had enough materials on his arsenal.

But it was not entirely all work of the system, obviously, Nil's understanding of the ingredient and his cooking skill still decides what would be the outcome of his dishes.

Nil started to have the first slice of his Bloody Tomahawk, the tenderness of the meat was marvelous, Nil only needed a little push of his knife and the steak itself leads the way through. He even felt like even the blunt of the knife could cut through!

Visible juices flowed down from the slice, the inside of the meat was perfectly marbled in comparison with an A5 wagyu or even more.

"Time to have you!" Nil gulped down and closed his eyes before having a slice of the steak.

As soon as the meat entered Nil's mouth and touched his tongue and palate, his eyes that was shut closed just a second ago opened up wide with a shocking expression.

"This flavor!" Nil uttered slowly. What he felt was more than what he expected.

I knew that the rib bone will help to boost the flavors of the steak but not this depth! The garlic and the onion serve their purpose to enhance the tenderness of this naturally marbled meat! Nil thought and was amazed.

He unconsciously grab the 'hilt' of the Bloody Tomahawk and chow down the steak like a viking from old ages.

No matter how much I bit on to this meat the depth of the flavors and the harmony between the fire wine and steak never got too overbearing, actually it even makes me want for more!

"User successfully level up, 18."

"User successfully level up, 19"

"Gastro point maximum regeneration increase!"

"Cooking Skill level up to Adept!"

"New sub-quest triggered! Defeat the trio!"

Different flashes of notification flashes at the corner of Nil's field of view but he set aside all of it and enjoyed the dish before him.