Fist of the East

User's Status:

Level: 19 (Apprentice) NUTRI-POINT: 120/1900


Nil nodded in satisfaction before closing his status window. He was in a very good mood from the result of his last night's cooking, which the class found weird for he had a fight with the big-shots from the 2nd year.

"Hey, hey! Brother Nil, you didn't forget about your fight later after class right?" Mirone whose seated beside Nil, whispered.

Nil only nodded while smiling in response, they're now on the middle of the class and miss Laura was on the peak of their discussion which will obviously cause problems if Laura caught them idle chatting.

Even Lily, Nicole and Miko shows signs of worry. Especially Miko whose seems a little agitated from Nil's actions on provoking a fight with their seniors.

Those reactions of his friends never miss out from Nil's eyes. He was a little confused about how Miko was acting strangely but Nil only pondered about it for a second leaving the matter behind.

It was already noon time and the class was about to be dismissed, miss Laura was only giving off some closing remarks for the discussion and some hints about the next activity for the selection which the students listened intently.

"As for you Mr. O'Berry, follow me to my office." Laura sent a bone chilling glare to Nil.

"Class dismissed!" Miss Laura left the classroom of 1-E and Nil followed her a step behind.

I guess news really flew to her as well! Nil thought and shrugged. He forced a smile while walking but was deeply shocked to his wits from within. That cold glare he just received from miss Laura whose a rank A All-Rounder was enough for Nil to differentiate their levels.

For the students due to their low cultivation level thought that it was just a cold glare coming from the attitude of their professor and the coldness they felt just came from the AC on their classroom. All of the students on class 1-E doesn't have the instinct to feel what Laura sent through that glare, not even Lily whose on the apprentice rank didn't felt anything from it.

But as for Nil who experience death once and the system, it almost made him fell from his seat.

What Nil felt from Laura's glare was a tinge of killing intent which gave him the chill running down on his spine. Some beads of cold sweat were even formed on his forehead. If not for Laura suppressing that intent will make Nil fell on his knees. As for the system, it flashed digitalized red warnings telling that the user was under a dangerous position and being targeted.

So this is the strength of master! Nil was surprised but became more eager to advanced further.


Inside the private office room of Miss Laura.

Nil, Laura and another old man was present inside the room.

Nil instantly became wary of the old man before him as the system was not able to trace any information from the old man. It only means that the system can't recognize the old man's prowess who might surpassed even that of Laura's

"Nil, meet this old geezer Bertolt." Laura introduced the old man to Nil, the latter was in deep thought feeling a deja vu after hearing the old man's name.

"Stop calling me a geezer you little lass, I am still your master!" Old man Bertolt exclaimed.

"Young man, as Laura says, I am Bertolt or thats how they called me." Bertolt added.

That old man was only about five foot tall and standing on a lousy manner with his back curved. His white beard slightly covers a pinkish tainted cheek, maybe from a bottle of booze as he reeks the same scent.

Together with his almost balding white hair, Bertolt was the very definition of an old drunkard geezer.

Bertolt, Bertolt, Bertolt, I know I have read this name somewhere! Nil was still in his deep thought trying to unravel the deja vu he felt.

After a few second of thinking, Nil gasped after he remembered where did he stumbled the name Bertolt from. He immediately pull of the library from his system.

"Food saint!" Nil uttered and took a step back.

No shit, is he the real deal? Nil was processing every detail he gathered with the help of the system.

Bertolt was also known as the Fist of the East and the second strongest Food saint among the ten around the Gourmetopia.

Picture or images of this so called food saints were inexistent for they seldom show their faces on the crowd unless a devastating disaster happened.

Most of the time the food saints who stood on the pinnacle of this world were busy exploring the unknown and cultivating to surpass their own bottlenecks.

But that was not Nil was troubled, from the current situation, his aura was suppressed by the system to fool the likes of Miss Laura on his actual level. Which would be ineffective to a food saint, so as the system says.

"As you can see, we would not bother our self if we have no important matters to discuss. Now down to the business the old geezer will fill you up." Miss Laura said calmly and prepared a seat for all the three of them.

"Might as well call me master in front of other people you little girl!" Bertolt blurted out and continued. "Well, young lad, as you can see I am the apprentice of The Prophet."

Nil was caught of guard yet again, another name of a big-shot popped out. He definitely knew the name of the Prophet who was the strongest food saint of the era who was deceased from an unknown reason.

From the name Prophet implies, she had the ability to foresee what the future holds and made precise prophecies that always happens on the very exact time she declared.

Nil calmly sat down, he have come to calm. Until the system have yet to be exposed, I'll be safe. Nil organized himself calling back all the warnings that system have given him since he stumbled upon it.

"So how can I help you Miss Laura and respected Mister Bertolt?" Nil asked trying to act on his very usual manner.

"Nothing for now. But as you see, you have challenged quite a few folks against you and captured the attention of some unnecessary on lookers." Bertolt told Nil, from the tone of his voice, he was asking Nil to forfeit the challenge which should be starting now.

"Let me get this thing straight, I won't back out from my own challenge." Nil quickly understood where this conversation will go but still confused for why did his professor and a food saint have to do with him.

"As you can see, my master told me her last prophecy and it was very much related to you." Bertolt changed his tone to a serious one and continued. "Pinnacle of the apprentice rank huh? Must have felt good right?"

Laura who was sitting on her chair showed a sign of shock, she was surprised after hearing what his master told.

"Sneaky bastard how can you hide your aura from me?" Laura whispered which gave another round of chill on Nil.

"My master prophesied that a young man on this very school and on this very section will come and will stumble to a hidden legacy who will have a major part on this growing era. The only thing she told me was, that young man would have a tattoo on his left index finger." Bertolt explained with a serious expression.

Nil on the other hand instantly felt the fear creeping inside him, does he know about the system? Was he the original owner of this ring? Different ideas flashed on Nil's mind.

"I was surprised back on the hall E when you advanced just by preparing a rock egg, Laura and I started to investigate and observe your movements. Thats where we confirmed about the sign on your index finger." Bertolt continued.

"Fine! Fine! Let's cut the chase now, how can I be of help?" Nil asked, his voice was resolute, he must be overthinking things. Even the system does not react on the situation at hand meaning his probably safe.