Job's interview and test

Yu Lei International headquarters was a building over forty stories tall, the word 'International' was not just bragging either, acknowledging the fact that it has blossomed in three markets namely Europe, USA, and Japan. Yu Lei International had even become one of China's top 10 corporations in fashion and cosmetics.

The whole Yu Lei building was just like a slender and refined silver tulip, its smooth lines and simple yet elegant decoration makes those who enter the building feel more lively and invigorated

The air was filled with the faint smell of sweetness, and all kinds of flowers and plants are attractively placed all around the building, bringing the beauty of nature to the plain white-toned decorations of the building.

However, what made Yu Lei International Headquarters famous wasn't its unusual style of decoration, but the many kinds of beautiful attendants wearing office uniforms instead. As they are a part of the fashion and cosmetics industry, it was as expected that females are the absolute majority. But what most important was this, as Yu Lei International recruitment clearly took the corporate image into account, all of the employees who entered the company are intelligent and beautiful city girls, even the worst were delicate and pleasant ladies. As for the company's or their partnered models, they could induce millions to daydream

As a result, there were many lonely city men walking in circles outside of Yu Lei International, every single one of them hoping to hook one of the women inside. The only problem was those who succeed are next to nothing.

With such a situation, to enter Yu Lei International had become the optimal opportunity for innumerable men. Everyone could picture, from the second Yu Lei International published its advert of the Public Relations department recruiting, the number of men that batter their heads trying to apply!

Hence, for Yu Lei International's recruitment, they had come up with a few special requirements only applicable to men:

1. Male applicants must possess a university bachelor's degree or higher from the top 50 universities in the world.

2. Male applicants must be proficient in at least two foreign languages.

With such conditions, the men who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity for their personal desires were all scared silly. If there was a man who fulfills these conditions, why would he even go to Yu Lei International to be a public relations officer!? Even if they aren't top-level executives they would be the elites of any company. Beauties may be important, but if one's rich would they still be lacking beauties?!

In the end, on the day Yu Lei International was conducting its final interview, among the dozens who came for the final interview, the only men remaining numbered less than ten. And among these men, every single one of them was wearing branded goods all over, with arrogant expressions of being unparalleled in the world. They were obviously not taking this job seriously, believing in their hearts "I'm the best in the world". They were such spoiled sons, their purpose, and also the reason for their job application was simply to look for thrill and women because they were bored.

Right now there's still five minutes before the start of the final two tests. The first was a written paper, and second was answering the examiner's questions. Of the final thirty-over people lingering in the hall, a majority of the ladies seemed nervous, while the remaining seven or eight men were relaxed and carefree.

Standing in the circular-shaped hall, Naruto sat beside a fat man who was fully clothed in branded goods.

"Dude, which flower you desire?" The fatty shift closer and whispered to Naruto

Naruto, with a little confused face, asked, "what flower?"

"Bah, don't be posing! Let me tell you, most of the men came here to pick up girl or girls, look at me for example, I've been eyeing the PR department's chief Mo Qianni since forever!" The fat man said with a lecherous smile.

Naruto was speechless to this fatty, and said:" Nah, I just here for a job, besides, I already have a wife."

Fatty laughed and gave a contempt look to Naruto, "you're really great at making a joke! Which of the other men here because they have the money yet have nowhere to spend it and so have to come to find women? You are wearing this summer's Calvin Klein newest fashion to apply for a small PR job, do you take me for a fool? Even if you have a wife, what stopping you from having a lover?"

Naruto turned silent as he couldn't refute him since he's in the situation just like fatty said, Having Lin Ruoxi as a wife and Jiang Wei as a lover, Naruto shook his head. He couldn't help but remember his previous interaction with Lin Ruoxi

"Naruto how about work in my company?"

"You mean the fashion and cosmetics corporation?"

"Yeah, I think there's an open recruitment."

"But I have no idea about fashion or cosmetics at all."

"Do not be worry, the test may just ask the general thing about them, I have many books for reference. As for the requirements, you are a Harvard graduate and come from Japan, so at least you must be proficient in English and Japanese, right?"

"Yes I am, but..."

"Then what are we waiting for, quickly go to my room, you must start studying now~"

"Ruoxi, wait! you don't have to push me!"

"Come on, come on, to the study room we go!"

Naruto smiled bitterly as he thought, 'this wife of his, really can become bossy when she needs to be'.

Right at this time, the hall's door was pushed open, a lady in a fitting black dress, white shirt, and black knee-length skirt slowly walked in, behind her followed other ladies carrying materials.

"Oh my god! she's here, Mo Qianni!" The fatty beside him started become excited, his eyes stared hard at the lady in uniform who seemed to be Mo Qianni.

Naruto also looked at her and realized why this Fatty was really captivated to Mo Qianni.

This was really a pretty woman, with a fit body and cutesy face. If one had to compare, she could compete with Jiang Wei. However, Jiang Wei possessed a more wild and flirtatious vibe, while Mo Qianni bore a more confident and intellectual beauty vibe.

"Everybody, please stay quiet" Mo Qianni spoke with a smile, and with a voice as clear as a bell, "What we have next is a written exam regarding you candidates' foreign language capabilities. This is because PR work requires facing many types of customers.

With regards to us Yu Lei International, international customers are extremely common. In the future, if one is unable to properly communicate on the job for the benefit of the company, that would be considered extremely irresponsible behavior. As according to everybody's declared information, we have prepared test papers on six foreign languages namely English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish and Italian.

Later on, everybody can choose according to their two preferred foreign languages for the test, applicants with a test score of 60% and above will enter the final interview. Therefore, everybody please seriously and carefully fills in the test papers we are about to give out. The time limit is one hour, thank you."

With that said, Mo Qianni signaled to the few other girls by her side, they spread out toward the four corners at the same time and started giving out the test papers from the corners toward the middle.

The majority of those present who understood foreign languages had definitely started to learn since childhood. When learning they acquired English, and a language with similarities to English such as Spanish or the simpler Japanese. Which was why once it was time to choose test papers, English and Spanish test papers were chosen the most.

Naruto sat at a rather central position when he was asked which test paper he wanted, Naruto quickly picked up English and Japanese.

The examination may only require 60% of the total marks, but the lower the passing mark required, the higher the difficulty of the test.

Naruto started writing his name and began filling the blanks. The atmosphere of the examination room turned heavy in five minutes, most importantly, few of the scarcely remaining male candidates were considerably unhappy. The reason was the contents of the test paper. In the test paper, the majority of the questions were regarding ladies cosmetics and ladies clothing. This type of specific knowledge was something they probably couldn't answer even if it was in Chinese, they know how to play with women, but they don't understand women!

The men were going mad from being bombarded by specific cosmetic ingredients vocabulary, breast pads, bras, and thong professional designing vocabulary!

In less than 10 minutes, 4 out of the 7 or 8 remaining men dropped their pens and left. Before leaving, they still greedily glanced at Mo Qianni's fiery figure and unwillingly left the examination room.

Fatty who sat beside Naruto was sweating profusely with a painful headache, but he continued to endure and battle bravely.

15 minutes passed, Naruto lifted his pen, he raised his hand and said, " Proctor, I have finished."

His sound was not loud but in this already silent room, even the sound of nail drop into the floor would still be heard. The rest of participant became restless and soon whispering voice could be heard from anywhere.

"Please calm down and be silent, continue on your test," Mo Qianni warn them. She also startled by this blonde hair man that finished his test so soon. Wrinkled her cute brow, she walked to Naruto. With her formal business smile, she said: "Are you sure mister? There's still much time left, you can slowly think and fill the blank spot."

Mo Qianni though that this man is already giving up and kindly gave him advice. Mo Qianni's career womanly charm was substantially increased when she entered close proximity, the faint smell of the Chanel perfume on her body matched well with her intellectual temperament and exquisite face, she was a beauty radiating brilliance.

Fatty at the side had let go of his pen long ago, he stared in infatuation at Mo Qianni while swallowing his saliva

Naruto little bit absentminded before controlling himself, he faintly smiled, "thank you for proctor kindly advice, but I already answer all the question, you can check it by yourself." Naruto offered his test paper to her

Mo Qianni was stunned and unconsciously picked up his paper, she scanned briefly, and startled because he didn't lie, All the question has been answered and it seemed that he is confident with all the answer. Meaningfully look at Naruto, Mo Qianni passed the exam papers to other, "alright, we will grade the test paper, Mister can wait inside or outside the room, but if you decide to wait inside please be silent and didn't disturb other participants," she said with beautiful smile before continued to look over other applicant.

Feeling bored, Naruto decided to wait on the outside for the remaining time. closing the door behind him, Naruto chuckled and said on his mind, 'Thanks guys, you all had helped a lot.'

"Sure boss anytime," suddenly a lot of voice resound in Naruto head.

Back at his home, in the Lin Ruoxi's study room, a lot of Naruto could be seen moving around the room, putting a bunch of books back into their shelves, then with a smoke, they all disappeared and left no trace at all. No long after that, the door was opening and revealed Wang Ma with a confused expression staring at the room

'Strange, I thought I heard a lot of movement here'