Good person, keepsake, and weird people

The five men including Lin Kun was laughing when they heard Naruto's word. They seriously thought this man had a brain damage.

"Have you gone insane, Leecher?! They are the one who would send you to meet Yama, not you!" Lin Kun roared with a mocking tone.

"Sorry, not interested. I had seen Yama, not a likable guy," Naruto coldly said.

"Looks like you still be able to joke in this situation, fine, let's see who will laugh in the end. Brothers waste him!" Lin Kun said.

The five men looked at each other, there were a sneer and lazy expression on their face, clearly, they had underestimating Naruto.

Naruto stared coldly at them, his face masked with deadpan expression, "None of you guys have to volunteer himself to fight, if you guys think this is a boring job, why don't you all come together and be done with it?" His word seemed like succeed on fueling their anger, they looked at each other again before the outermost one nodded and separated himself from the rest of the group.

The man just a little bit taller than Naruto, his black tight suit clung to his body, revealing the bulging muscle that he had in his body.

"Sorry, dealing with you is not worthy of us goes together, although we have heard that you have a little bit skill and knowledge in a fight, but compared to us, you still far behind," the man shrugged.

"Has anyone ever tell you not to take a low opinion of your enemy?" Naruto wrinkled his brows.

"They are, that's why I will not let my guard down even when I'm fighting you, no... when I'm crushing you," the man took a fighting stance the moment he only a few meters from Naruto.

Naruto nodded, his tone choked with ice cones, "Good! tt makes me feels bad if I have to kill you without any sort of resistant, not that I care actually."

The man's lips twitched after hearing Naruto rambled, he felt like just being looked down by an ant. While his anger was rising, he sneered as he thought, Try to keep a tough appearance, eh? Let's see how you beg for mercies when I humiliating you with my punches!"

The man suddenly took a quick step, and launched a strong jab into Naruto's face, the attack was precise, strong, and fast.

It seems these people really are not common, Naruto thought while tilting his head to the left side. Although his movement looked normal, in everyone else's eyes, he looked like doing a fast dodge to avoid the incoming attack.

Missing his target, the man startled for a while before launching a triple combo attack consist of two jabs and one uppercut. It was a deadly combo because if all the attacks connect, it not only could stun the opponent but also could knock them back, even stumbled to the ground, leaving them defenseless for more strikes. Sadly, this combo doing a poor job on their task as Naruto completely avoid them all.

Missing for the second time, the man felt frustrated and a little bit nervous, but not disheartened. he took a little step to encircling Naruto, looking for his blind spot and caught him off-guard, but soon his anger flared up.

The reason was simply that Naruto didn't try to follow his movement, usually at this time, the opponent would try to mimic the attacker movement so they can kept their guard up and stayed their vision on the attacker. Naruto action can cause many blunders that can led to his demise as his back was completely open to any attacks.

Fucking amateur!

The man laughed quietly, he readied his stance and launched another strong jab into the back of Naruto's head. Didn't know whether he was an idiot or a retard for not thinking further why Naruto didn't follow his movement.

Naruto was like a hunter that deliberately showed his weakness, so the prey would think it was safe to run or killed the hunter in the order to save himself. Just like what would happen next...

Naruto made a small step backward while avoiding the man attack, in a swiftness, Naruto hit the man stomach with his left elbow, the force was strong enough to cause the man to cough a mouthful of saliva and his feet to shortly lifted to the air. His body was about to bend forward when Naruto quickly turned around and launched an uppercut with his right hand. The attack land precisely on the man's base of the nose.


Naruto's attack launched the man into the air before he landed heavily several feet away from him. There a deathly silence after this sequence, everyone except Naruto held their breath when they're seeing what just happen and now the motionless body of the man. Lin Ruoxi eyes widened when she saw this, she didn't know that Naruto was actually that fierce. The rest of the four-man adopted serious expression right now, they gloomily looked at the 'fainting' man before settling their eyes to Naruto.

They knew that attack completely 'knock out' the man, so there was no need to check on him.

"It seems like you really have what it takes to knock him out, no wonder Lin Kun was afraid of you," One of them spoke coldly.

Lin Kun body shivered when he saw this but quickly returned to normal, after all, there were still four of them, no matter how strong Naruto, it's impossible for him to take them all at once.

"Knock out?" Naruto startled when he spoke this, then he shook his head and said, "he's not fainted, he's dead."

Who would not get shocked if heard what Naruto just spoke? Even the four men left speechless as they heart turned cold. They had the same thought, how strong that attack that actually enough to kill a person?

Both Wang Ma and Lin Ruoxi froze on the spot, they just normal civilians who never saw a murder right in front of their eyes except in movies or shows. Lin Ruoxi trembled when she heard Naruto, it would be a lie if she didn't feel horror.

Yes... she felt fear for Naruto.

"You dare to kill him?!" one of the four shouted angrily.

Naruto stared at the one who shouted with cold eyes, "I already said that Lin Kun has brought you all tickets straight to hell, in case you failed to notice, it wasn't a joke."

"You!" the angry man was about to move forward when a hand blocked his path.

"He wasn't simple as he looked, we go together this time, also, since he has the guts to kill us, don't stay your hand!" the cool-headed man spoke.

The angry man grumbled but nodded nonetheless, four of them exchanged looks before spreading away from the house, they surrounding Naruto and position themselves in four directions. Naruto cold eye swept them all before focusing on the cool-headed man.

The cool-headed man glanced at his comrades, "no one acts reckless, just do it like in the drill, we could-" Before he managed to finish his sentence, suddenly a presence appeared in front of him.

Naruto already on arm-length distance from him, his right-hand formed an eagle claw and without waiting for the cool-headed man to react, he strikes the man's throat


the cool-headed man felt like he just chokesdon his own Adam apple as he suddenly couldn't speak or breath. Blood slowly spilled from his mouth as he strongly grasped his own neck, trying a futile struggle to stop the inevitable.

"A battlefield was a place of action, if you want to talk about strategies, do it outside, or you would lose your life without knowing it how."

Naruto's speed on killing the cool-headed man was shocking the rest of the three.

"Bastard!" the angry man once again explode, as he rushed toward Naruto. He leaped into the air and prepared his fist to punched Naruto.

Naruto sneered as he easily dodged the incoming attack,"And you... your temperament is easily clouding your judgement, putting you and the rest of your group in danger."

Naruto bent his leg and hit the angry man stomach with his knee and followed up with a hook punch with his left hand. The punch landed in the angry man's temple as he gets thrashed by Naruto and landed heavily on the ground, there is no further movement from him.

In mere seconds, Naruto already killed another two persons in their group, it would be a joke if they didn't harbor any dreadful thought right now. As chill went down their spine, they didn't dare make any move and just stayed on their feet.

What would you do in this situation? Most people would just be called it quit and fleeing as fast as they could from here. These two people were no different, they planned to get away and reported back to their chief. At most they would just have a severe punishment, it's better than have to be this man's another victim.

With that thought, both of them prepared to get away, but Naruto's words completely destroyed their plan.

"You two plan to escape right? Sorry! Not gonna let you do that. You see, this tickets... they have an expire date and I'm not the type of person that like to waste on something, so... even if you guys are miles away from here, I'm still going to chase you." Naruto shrugged.

Since Naruto already declared that he won't let them go, they ceased their thought of running away and decided just to take their chance on killing Naruto before he did.

They closed their eyes and seems like there was a change in the air around them.

"Oh?" Naruto interestingly observed them, he already sensed some strange energy within their aura from the very moment he arrived here. But maybe because they looked down upon him and there was no chance, the rest of the dead guys didn't manage to let it out.

The two men let out a grunt sound and their muscles somehow became larger than before. Several veins could be seen on their temple as their eyes turned a little bit red. Their glared at Naruto while their aura became stronger and killing intent spread in the air.

Wang Ma and Lin Ruoxi felt pressure around them and couldn't help but got suffocate. Lin Kun was not that far from them, but he also felt excited when seeing this. After Naruto killed the last guy, he also bore a thought to ran away as Naruto skill completely out of his expectation. But it didn't matter since he just have to report this to Young Master Xu and he would lend him more money to hire better people.

But seeing the last two people seemed like still having a card in their hand, Lin Kun erased that thought and excitedly watching the event in front of him, he hoped to see these two people tore to shred Naruto's body.

Naruto interested appearance only last for a short time as bored expression take its course now. With a faint smile, Naruto raised his hand and make a provocation gesture with his palm.

The two men let out a roar and lunged at Naruto with a strong step, they left a crack in the ground beneath their feet. In a matter of seconds, they already arrived in front of Naruto, side by side. Both of them launched their punched and hit Naruto, a broken and crash sound loudly coming from where Naruto stood.

"Nooooo!" Lin Ruoxi desperately shouted. This was the first time she let out a voice after seeing how easily Naruto killed people. She still had some fear toward him, but right now it was overwhelmed by grief.

"Hahaahha! This what you get for messing with me!" Lin Kun madly laughed. But soon his laughed have to be rudely stopped because when he took a clear view of what happened, shocked fill his heart.

On where Naruto previously stood, there was a log that is broken to pieces. It was a weird sight because around the area, there was no such thing. There were several trees, but for a log to be here, it was a questionable existence.

The fuck, where the hell is that blonde man?!

Suddenly a dull sound coming from behind one of the men, forcing him to be crumpled. Then from his back, a shadow took another leap and arrived on the other man side. A foot strongly kicked the man on his back of the head, a crack sound could be heard, it strongly indicated the man back skull probably broken. After finishing his job, the shadow flipped backward and landed his ass on the top of the crumpled man. the crumpled man let out a muffled sound as if a big rock just landed on him.

The broken back-skull man looked dizzy for a while before his body fell down to the ground, twitching before goes silent.

As the scene was over, they finally got a clear appearance of the shadow which was none other than Naruto himself. Lin Ruoxi felt a deep relief when she saw Naruto completely fine, she also seemsed noticed that despite everything that happened, Naruto's welfare was most important to her.

Naruto lazily sat on the man, he said, "Well, that's all of your friends, they are enjoying their trip going downstairs now. Wouldn't you want to join them?"

The man felt his spine turned cold when Naruto mentioned that, "Please let me go! I swear, I will not tell anyone what was just happen here!"

"You swear?" Naruto inquired

"Yes, yes I do!" The man said

"OK! But you know, I'm a good guy, I like to help people lessening their burden, So I help you keep the secret, don't worry, I'm a trustable guy!" Naruto reassured

"Wai-" the man would never be able to finish his word as Naruto punched his backside of the heart position, the shockwave travel its path of rupturing the heart while destroying everything on its way.

After killing the last man, Naruto stood up and looked around. With a sigh, he made his way toward Lin Kun.

Lin Kun instantly fell on his ass the moment Naruto walked toward him, cold sweats drenched his clothes, his previous excitement had gone flushed down the toilet, all was left its dread.

"Y-you! What are you going to do?!"

Naruto with a grave expression and cold tone said, "I already told you that if I heard anymore stinky word coming from your mouth, I won't be so kind. And I'm a man of my word."

Every step Naruto took was Like a reaper that honing his blade slowly become sharper, preparing it to smoothly take his life. Lin Kun body trembled from imagining what would Naruto do to him. He looked at the absentminded Lin Ruoxi and roared, "What the hell are you doing?! Are you just gonna let him kill me?! What kind of shitty daughter are you?!"

Lin Kun roared proof to be effective as Lin Ruoxi became sober, she looked at both of them to and fro, there was an agonized expression as she was experiencing a great deal of torment inside.

Naruto didn't stop his step even when Lin Kun using Lin Ruoxi as his escape path, this was made Lin Ruoxi feeling more pain as she had to force him to stop if she wanted to help Lin Kun. She knew by doing that, she also would cause so much pain for Naruto, Lin Ruoxi was seriously in dilemma right now.

In the end, blood was thicker than water.



"Just this once..."

"Let him go..."

Her voice was not loud, even close to mumbling, it's full of entreaty and pleading. Every word she spoke made her heart felt more pain, she didn't know what reaction he had but she knew her word hurting him.

Naruto's body shook for a while when he heard her voice yet he still not stopping his steps.

Lin Kun shocked because he thought Lin Ruoxi could put a hold on this man, but turned out it's not working at all!

"Fuck! You useless daughter! You never did anything right!" Lin Kun roared again

"Father! for once, stop speaking!" Lin Ruoxi wailed

"You!" Lin Kun was about to yell at her but found that he couldn't.

Naruto's eyes coldly stared at him and if you looked closely, his eye flicker between cerulean and red blood colors.

Lin Kun gulped down his saliva, he closed tightly his mouth, fear any word his spoke would further encouraging this man action.

Eventually, Naruto arrived in front Lin Kun, there was a long silence before he finally spoke: "Mr. Lin, guest visit time is over, everyone is tired and need a good rest, so if you don't mind, please get the fuck out of here."

Then Naruto proceeded on walking inside the house.

Lin Ruoxi looked at the disappearing Naruto's figure with a sad expression, as if cannot hold it anymore, tears started to flow from her eye, she covered her beautiful face with both hands, her body heavily shaking.

Wang Ma also cannot bore the scene that presented in front of her, she sobbed and hugged Lin Ruoxi gently, tried to calm her down which was she doing poorly.

Lin Ruoxi sunk herself into Wang Ma embraced, like a broken recording, she painfully said: "Wang Ma! He must be hating me now! He hates me now! He hates me!"

Wang Ma didn't know how to comfort her young miss, the situation was too complicated and she unable to form a right word now. She could only hope, whatever storm that brewing, quickly passed by.

Inside the house...

Naruto leaning his forehead against the bathroom wall in a depressed manner. A cold shower poured down from above, doing their best job to extinguish the flame that had been ignited within him.

Man, I screwed up, Naruto dejectedly thought.

She must be hating me now, maybe even scared of me, Naruto bitterly thought as he remembered her expression when he killed the first guy, the horror that filled her face when she saw he can easily kill a person with his bare hand caused Naruto felt pain in his heart.

Well, it's not like she can put to blame, which normal person could still be calmed after seeing something like that. Not to mention he almost attacked her own father, which sane daughter would just let that happen. No wonder if Lin Ruoxi detested him now.

Naruto sighed as he wryly smiled, Maybe she will tell me to pack my bags and leave the house? After all, which people want to stay in the same house with a killer.

Naruto turned around and leaned his back now, he slowly turned into sitting position with his left leg vertically above his right leg which was in a horizontal position.

Come to think of it, this is the first time I kill again after for a long time have not killed anyone, hah... kinda wish it can stay that way a while longer.

Naruto face revealed a reminiscent expression, he chuckled as he thought, If you still here, would you berating me or congratulating me?

Naruto stood up and turned off the shower, covering himself with a bathrobe, Naruto walkout from the bathroom and headed directly to the bed. He threw himself and laid on top of it with his back.

I knew it still early but man, I'm sure felt spent, he thought as his eyes slowly became droopy before he had fallen asleep.


Somewhere in the vast green field, there were several hills crowded by trees.

In one of those hills, a man mingled with green environment, he had a sturdy figure, fine muscle, and long golden hair. He wore a long black robe with v neck style that showed quite a much part of his upper body. A staff stuck close to the back of this man, it was around as big as the man itself and it had black color. The man sharp eyes wandered around the area, his fox-like nose sniffling the air, there were metallic smell mix with soil and fresh leaves that got caught by him. A pair of ears on the top of his head twitching like a radar that detected an anomaly.

At this time, from the lush green bush not far from him, a figure comes out. It was a young woman with also long blonde hair that was tied in a woven style. She wore a white long dress with a belt around her waist, a sharp and thin sword hanging on it. the woman had good figure despite her beautiful innocent face which was frowning right now.

The young woman indigo iris stared at the place where the man stood because the man was not alone. there were another five people or bodies of people laying around him. Red liquid poured from various source of those bodies and repainting the green bush around them.

"You did it again?!" The young woman protested with a frustration tone.

The man lips with a pair of fang slip between it twitched, he grumbled, "But they were enemies..."

"They just thugs and bandits!" the young woman retorted

"So what? Am I just gonna let them attacked me?" the man sneered

"Defending and killing is two different action, you don't have to kill them if you just defend yourself!" The young woman said

"I didn't have other option OK?!" the man frowned

"You did! You clearly strong enough just to knocked them out yet you choose to killed them!"

"If I do that, they just going to attack other people, what if they attack an innocent woman? Or a child?"

"We wouldn't know that, is not up to us to decided what action they would take in the future!"

The man scratched his head, his blood iris swept the bodies around him one by one, his expressionless face became gloomy as he responded to the young girl argument, "Believe me, I know this kind of people, they don't change."

The young girl stared at the man's eyes, she said, "human is not an animal, they are not a creature of habit, they have thought... feeling... and strength to choose their own fate, we have no right to set them on the stone!"

She walked closer to the man, her indigo eyes stared deeply into the man blood eyes, she added, "You also can change, I know you can! You thought that killing is part of your habit or instinct, but it's not! You can choose, you have the will of choosing your path!"

The man tried to avoid the young woman gaze but he somehow couldn't as her eyes took his as it captives.

"Promise me!" the young woman dictated

"Promise you what?" the man confusedly asked

"Promise me you change! Promise me you wouldn't kill anymore!" the young woman asked

"I... can't," the man rejected in distress

"Yes, you can! You just don't try it yet," the young woman persistently said.

The man absentmindedly looked at her, he hesitated before gave her a small nod, he said "I'll... try... but can't guarantee."

The young woman didn't continue pushing him, she smiled as if satisfied with the answer she heard, she took off something from her neck and place it on the man's hand.

"This is my keepsake, so you can always remember your promise to me."

It was a pendant that resembling a cross, although is not that similar since there were several ornaments here and there.

"What if I lose it? Isn't that mean I can kill again?" The man chuckled as he stared at the pendant.

The young woman gave a pondering look before she smiled and stepped forward, next, she tiptoed then gave the man a pecked on his lips. It was a quick move so before the man managed to reacted she already return to her original position. She bashfully said: "That is my first kiss you know. Make sure you keep them too as another way to remember, key?"

The man stared at the young woman in a daze, he traced his lips as tried to recall the feeling, even it was only in short moment but her warm and soft lips were strong enough to left impression of her presence inside him.

The young woman figure, her warm soft lips, her gentle voice, and her word embedded deeply as her name left out the man mouth


*Tap* *Tap*

"Young Master? You have not eaten anything yet, Are you hungry? Do you want me to make something for you?"

Naruto eyelid trembled and slowly opened the moment he heard a soft knock on the door and Wang Ma voice.

He sat up then look at the clock on the wall. Surprisingly he had fallen asleep more than 4 hours since sunset. No wonder Wang Ma came knocking on his door. Naruto yawned as he lazily rise from the bed and walked toward the door.

Wang Ma's figure come into his eyesight the moment he opened the door, she looked better now but the imprint of red palm mark still could be seen on her face. Wang Ma gently smiled at Naruto but her eyes also revealed a worried expression.

"Young Master, are you hungry? let me make something for you," Wang Ma asked again.

Naruto smiled. Although he was not hungry, he felt bad if he didn't take Wang Ma offers, "Sure Auntie Wang, can you make me a ramen, please? Woah, I think my worm stomach start revolting!"

Wang Ma giggled, "Sure, Young Master. In a minute..."

Naruto followed Wang Ma went downstairs before he glanced at Lin Ruoxi's room, he hesitated but asked Wang Ma anyway, "Auntie Wang, had Ruoxi eaten?"

Wang Ma got surprised when she heard him, she felt happy and relief at the same time since looked like Naruto didn't angry or hate Lin Ruoxi, she shook her head, "I didn't know Young Master, Young Miss didn't come back yet from police department since afternoon."

Naruto startled, "Police department? Why would she goes there?"

"Young Miss went there to gave them a statement regarding... the previous incident," Wang Ma said, she looked like a little bit trouble speaking about the event.

Naruto becomes gloomy, he bitterly said, "I am sorry for causing such a trouble, why didn't you wake me up? I can explain to them by my self."

Wang Ma once again shook her head, "Young Master don't have to be like this, is not your fault for it to be happen, besides, it was Young Miss idea not to bother you and let you continue resting."

Naruto wryly smiled as he says, "Don't Ruoxi hate me for trying to hurt her father?"

Wang Ma startled before she suddenly laughed, her behavior gave Naruto a scare, Yi? Why she laugh all of the sudden? Don't tell me her nerves has gone crazy because of the slap?

Of course, how would he know the reason Wang Ma laughed because he and Lin Ruoxi altogether harbored misunderstanding. Both of them thought that they hurt the opposite person and made him/her hate themselves. She had been thinking the previous uproar with Lin Kun somehow strain the relationship between the two, but it looks like her worried are groundless.

Really these two people are weird people...