Eating and Feeding

Naruto held her waist as they indulged in their makeout session, their lips tried to swallow each other before they stuck them together and brandished each other pink spear, creating a spark whenever the edge ground against their enemies. He moved his hand downward, passing through the slender hip then reaching out for her ample butt. He gave it a squeeze which received her approval moan. He lifted her and placed her on the top of his crosslegged tights, her legs circled his waist and her hands grasped the back of his hair. The pit of lust inside their guts intensified as they rubbed their partner limbs, the firm chest met against the plentiful bosom and the wild hand crushed the bountiful mound. She could feel his towering tool raged against his pants, poking her protected sacred place clad in a black barrier. She moved her hip in a circular motion and gained pleasured moan from his tone. His reaction encouraged her to move more and motivated her to please him. Their condition akin to a surface of boiling stove as it roared with a hot steam and bubbling water. Her movement getting faster and his hands getting rougher, it only the matter of seconds for them to liberate their caged wave.


A foreign sound interrupted their enjoyment, causing the couple to cease their amorous act. Both eyes wide opened as their joined lips distanced themselves, a translucent line that connected the lips, cut from the middle and went down their middle chin. Absentminded expressions filled the man and woman's face.

"Pfft..." Naruto lips shivered once before they largely gaped, "Buahahahahaha!" He stumbled backward and held his stomach, much to her displeasure.

Her cheek went red, from morning until now, she only managed to gobble a sandwich and a glass of milk for a breakfast, counting a small sip of contaminated water, she pretty much ate nothing else. Those consumptions already entered her bowel long time ago and now her stomach demonstrated their discontent for her mistreatment. Not only ruin her amorous moment, but they also made her lose face in front of him.

Noticing she showed no reaction, Naruto dropped his laugh and scratched his cheek, he sat back up and hugged her, he pecked her lips, "Sorry, it's me that show you no sensitivity, I should have known."

She shook her head, putting her hands around his shoulder, "None of this is your fault, stop blaming yourself like that, it makes me feel bad."

Naruto curled his lips, "How about... after I done here... we went to the restaurant downstairs, and you... can order anything you want?"

"Really?" Her eyes glittered with sparkling dust.

"Mmhmm," Naruto brushed her strands of hair and hooked them behind her ears.

"Then go! Do your thing before I start to drool!" She giggled then leaned forward and smooched his lips.

Their makeout held for a while before he pulled back, a smirk adorning his lips, "You'll be drooling anyway, regardless here or there, eating or... you know."

She wrinkled her eyebrow awhile then redness crept from her neck, but instead showed any embarrassed reaction, she curled her lips and fluttered her eyelashes, "Ooh, I don't know... I'm not sure you really that good."

Naruto twitched his lips, sneer pulled the corner of his lips, he grabbed her waist and gave it a light squeeze, "You this seductress, I make sure you never leave the bed!"

Her finger touched his face, "That depends if you can make me hop onto the bed first~"

"Eh, it wouldn't be so hard."

"Don't underestimate me, Mr. Naruto~" She giggled before pushed him, "go now, complete your assignment, it's bad if you make your guest await."

A chuckle came out from his mouth, he went to peck her again before stood up from the bed, "Oh yeah, doll yourself up OK? I want my girl to look outstandingly beautiful."

"You sounds like a perverted old man!" She held her mouth as she tittered. Curve slanted his lips as he walked away from the bed and strolled toward the bathroom. Liu Mingyu gazed at his back with a faint smile, then she looked at view beyond the broken window, a light blue sky glistened her eyes with wavering water, I don't know whether you still alive or... somewhere peace, I hope... you can forgive me and bless my relationship... I won't wait for happiness anymore.

She wiped her eyes and glanced back the bathroom direction, a gentle smile touched her lips, Let him be the one and the last...

Naruto closed the door behind him, the moment he smelled the scent that lingered in the air, his guts automatically churned up, when he eyes saw the scene in front of him, he no longer hesitated to throw up on the spot.

The once tidy and clean bathroom now completely messed up with soap and other creams spilled on the floor, wall, sink, and toilet. The silver curtain fell off its hanger with some of the parts took a dip inside the jacuzzi. One of the cameras knocked from its stand and laid sideways, pointing at the tub. A pungent smell resourced from a sort of yellow puddle and chocolate substances, they mingled among the cream and enough to make any person choked out his yesterday dinner. Not to mention the smell that came from the jacuzzi, it's like a joined force of army marched toward his nasal gate and breached it open.

Waving his hand while kneeling on the floor, a silhouette of pale green energy covered his body, isolating him from the room damnation.

"Never again.." Naruto bitterly mumbled, he preferred any gruesome view and bloody scene over this.

Regained his bearing after a while, he stood up and tiptoed toward the cameras, he checked the one that still on their place, he pressed the rewind button and the scene flowed backward, it stopped precisely two hours prior to this time where he pressed the record button at the beginning.

Not even more than a second the movie played, Naruto pressed the stop button, closed the small display and pulled out the cassette. He went to the other one and did the same. He grabbed the one that fell, he played it back and noticed a couple different scene from the other two but nevertheless, those scenes just made him want to gouge his eyes out more.

He shook his head bitterly, he dug out its hard storage, then he threw the camera back to the ground then he walked on his toe toward the tub.

In the small and indoor pool, two people stuck together, one man stayed on the top, and another... man laid on the bottom. The one on the top had a lean and quite proportional body, while another had a fat and rounded body. A contented smile decorated their face as if they just experienced the greatest moment in their life. They hugged each other body like a couple of sweethearts, basking in their partner love.

Some people might say and considered this view as romantic and cute, while for Naruto, seeing this scene reminded him of those horror scenes in the movies. Another wave hit his stomach but he managed to prevail, he made a quick seal with one hand before stretched out his palm and two balls of water surged from it. Both sizes as large as toddler's head and they floated above his hand. They circled one another before launched forward and splashed the naked men's face in front, throwing them from their current position, the lean man propelled and his head hit the edge of the tub while the fat man hit the tub's wall.

They groaned from the pain and awoke with a severe headache, they looked around and noticed the opposite party lacked fabrics. Widened their eyes and pointed their finger, terror screamed through their mouth.



"Why the hell are you naked?!"

"Why did you naked?"

They both startled and looked at own body, pale sucked away their tone.


Then the horrible smell started their siege upon their nose. Looking at the water surrounding them lost their pureness and became murky with something floated on the surface.

"HOARGH!" Failing to contain the river, the dam broke out in the instant, polluting the already polluted lake underneath.

"You moron! Don't throw up here, urgh!"

"You the one who should not throw up here, blergh!"

They paled as white as a corpse, the streaming of today's food kept flowing from their mouth jar. After a while and satisfied their urge, they looked at each other again and took notice of another presence beside them, A man with blonde hair and lagged expression stared at the pair with uninterested eyes, his grey suit somehow appeared in mess with a shredded part here and there.

"You guys finish? I kinda have a date with a hottie and her munchy stomach, so let's speed things up shall we?"

"Who the fuck are you?! And where is the purple hair girl?!" The man roared his frustration, everything felt like an illusion to him, he remembered joining in the tub with the beautiful and sexy girl, he remembered her smooth skin, her plump part, her sweet lips, and the most important one, her tight valley.

But why she disappeared and Ma also inside the tub moreover naked too? Did he join together because unable to hold his desire? But the man failed to recognize him when they immersed in the act, was he in that much pleasure that he ignored his surrounding? Also, who the hell is this man?

Unlike the man who confused with the circumstance, Ma knew perfectly what happened, he remembered Naruto forced him to consume the drugs, fearing for his wrath and threw this sorry soul out the window, he ate them all then everything became a blur. He remembered a hand guiding him toward somewhere, then he felt his body entered a comfortable space, his veins put to relax and his muscles as if kneaded by an expert hand, he wanted to close his eyes then entered the dream world but the aphrodisiac and the vitality boost forced him to stay awake, then he heard a sound of water splashed, he opened his eyes and saw a gorgeous girl with purple hair approached him, caressing his face and kneading his chest, unable to resist the combustion of lust inside, he lunged at the girl and the amorous act happened.

Now he realized the girl was part of this man trick. No purple-haired girl in the first place, the one he touched, played, and enjoyed...

He glanced his head to the side and stared his companion with a dazed expression, after a while, he screamed out loud and jumped in fright till his eyes ball rolled to the back of his head, signing he about to pass out.


Another water ball launched toward him and punched his face, hitting his back against the tub wall. He rubbed his head and groaned in pain, but managed to stay sober.

"You dare pass out the next thing I throw will be these cameras."

Cold embraced him as he shivered in his place, the previous dread and fear surged within him.

The man looked at Ma and the blonde with a shocked expression, he just saw this man threw something like a bubble toward his friend yet the impact strong enough to cause him fell backward and hit the tub behind.

More question raised in his mind regarding this blondie identity.

"As I said before, I want to speed things up so first let me introduce myself, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, Yu Lei employee, and the man of the woman you about to sexually exploited."

The man's face twisted in an ugly way but soon he laughed, "You're Mingyu's man? Hahaha, too bad, too bad, even though you manage to destroy our business, but she still lost her purity and played by my friend here! How does it feel to have your woman taken?!"


Another ball of water flew from his palm and hit the man's face, he felt like a fist just struck his nose, causing it to become red.

"Who says you can talk?" Naruto gave him his pair of frosty eyes, "besides, the deed never happened, the previous thing you saw or heard just my way to fool you into my trap."

Thunder zapped his mind and fried his brain, he absentmindedly stared at Naruto then glanced at Ma in a robotic manner, the fat man just turned his face down, unable to respond his friend questioning stare.

"This is... a joke right?"

Ma reminded silent.

"What he means by a trap?"

Ma sweats broke out.

"Alright, now introduction out of the way, time for the hard fact..." Naruto took a deep breath, "Ok, soo... uh... " He scratched his head, "wow, even I have a hard time saying it, alright, alright, so... there is no purple hair girl."


A nuclear reactor decimated the man's inner world as if everything he saw since the first time he opened his eyes as a baby until now had been a lie. His face without color looked at Naruto who just scratching his head.

"Ahaha, you have a bad taste of humor... there is no way that girl... " Mirthless laugh crawled their way from his throat, after a while, his voice still the only one sang in the room, like a lonely wolf on the top of a cliff. He ceased and set his eyes upon Naruto who wore a bored face as always then Ma who skin as pale as white paper.

"You... are telling the truth?" Naruto nodded.

"He... is telling the truth?" Ma nodded.

His face twisted, forced laugh accompanied his tone, "Haha... haha... there is no way... then... then... the girl I saw?"

Naruto pointed his finger and the man followed it which led his eyes toward the fat fellow beside him. His brain processing suddenly went slower than downloading a song with a dial-up connection. It took several clicks before it reached 100%

"OH MY GOSH!" The man jumped in fright and his eyes turned white.



"Now you both understand the circumstances, let's get to the part I like the most."

The gentlemen inside the jacuzzi listened to Naruto with a pale complexion and declined their head together, none of them dared to lift their eyes and witnessed the art they created.

"I have three videos here that waiting to be air, one for a bunch of adult sites, one for interested third parties, and one for your next of kin, hmm, I wonder what I could get and how many? For unique kind of people, these videos worth than two small houses, and if I copied it with a limited quantity, maybe I can get a Porsche? Or Ferrari maybe?"

"P-please, don't!" The man snapped his head upward and joined his palm together, on the other hand, Ma just sitting there in silence, he knew that pleading bore nothing in this case.

"Don't... what?" Naruto tilted his head

"D-don't expose that video, I'll buy them from you in huge sum!"

"I don't want your money," Naruto shook his head, then he chuckled "you just need to agree on my three conditions, and I make sure these videos privacy stay safe."

"W-what conditions?" Bad premonition surged within his guts.

A smirk pulled the corner of Naruto lips, he stretched his finger, "First! I want a monthly fee, from a certain percentage of your hotel's profit and send them to my company!" He rubbed his chin, "let's see, hmm, how about... 40%?"

"What?!" The water around the man splashed as he almost stood on his position, "are you crazy?! I'm just a manager here not the owner, moreover 40%?! Might as well put on the corrupt LED sign above me!"

"That's a good idea but I'm not a flashy type, besides, don't try to fool me, I know you have the authority to process the hotel's fund," Naruto sneered, then he raised his shoulder, "I'm a sensible person, I know 40% burdening you too much, so I give you a chance to negotiate."

The man's eyes twitched, he gritted his teeth, "Even so, by the end of the year, people might notice the unbalance money flow through the report."

"Not my problem, as a manager, you have a smart brain, so think a way," Naruto pointed his finger at the man beside him, "that fatso work as our head finance, sought for his help to cover your track, hey, you like playing with numbers, right Ma?" Naruto winked his eye.

A shiver ran through his surface, an invisible force pulled his eyes to its limit, "H-how do you know?!"

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, it's a common sense that people who sit in your position definitely good at numbers, no people fancy a miscalculated finance report."

"Ah, you right..." Ma nodded his head.

"Anyway, I open up for any negotiation term, how much you can offer, manager?"

The man hesitated, frown pulled down his face, before he glanced up, "5%..."






The man gnashed his teeth, glaring at Naruto with his pair of laser eyes, "11-"

"Ok, let me cut these non-sense, what you offered to me so far not even worth to buy me a snack, so let me save you the trouble, 20%, yes or no?"

His body trembled all over, his head almost fallen from their throne, "It's still too-"

"Did I hear a yes?" Naruto pushed out his ear, then nodded his head, "alright, you're too kind, a praiseworthy manager!"

"Huh, but I-"

"We settle at 20, done and done, now, onto the next condition!" Naruto ignored the man sobbed expression, he thought Naruto such a bully.

"Every time Yu Lei and its employee need to use this hotel facility, it must be free from any charge, for a lifetime!" Naruto rubbed his chin, "oh except Ma!" The fatty honked his mouth at the differentiated treatment.

The man seemed wanting to express his disagreement, but immediately cut by Naruto, "fine, fine, you such a cheap person," Naruto eyes stared at the ceiling, "how about just the restaurant, the bar, the swimming pool, the reflexion room, the meeting room, the grand hall, and one president suit room?"

This time, tears really flowed from the man's eyes, he felt like returning to a high school time where a bunch of punk-student robbed him of his lunch money. He nodded his head in a helpless manner.

"Alright... the last condition... " Naruto crossed his arms, "oh yeah, give me your car."

Horror flashed through the man's eyes before he spoke in discontent, Naruto cut him, again, "I'm not robbing you of your vehicle OK? You can have fatso car instead." Naruto noticed a pair of confused eyes and another pair of terrified eyes, he shrugged, "what? It's not for me, but for Mingyu, if she came to the office in Ma's car, people might get a wrong idea."

Even in unwillingness, the man agreed with Naruto's condition, his freedom to chose already been robbed anyway. Naruto nodded in satisfaction, "I want all of them write down on a paper, with your name and Ma's name as the mediator, oh exclude the car part."

"As for you Ma, I also have three conditions for you to follow, first, stay the fuck away from Mingyu, second, don't cheat money from Yu Lei, third, sign the condition's paper."

"I wanted all of them ready in one hour, I'll be downstairs at the restaurant with Mingyu," Naruto turned around and tiptoed his way toward the silverish door, "oh, if you late just one second, expecting this... abomination in any adult sites tonight, hahaha!"

He pulled the door and walked out of the room, leaving behind two people drowned in their sadness and misfortune fate.

Liu Mingyu sat in front of the mirror with makeup and cosmetics laid on the desk underneath it, she just painting her eyeliner when she caught Naruto figure on her peripheral vision, "Finished your business?" she said without turning her face to him.

Naruto rushed his feet toward her, in the flash, he arrived beside her, grabbed the slender shoulder, turned them around facing him, and in her surprise, he leaned down and capture her sweet lips. He ravaged her lips and she responded in a heated manner, despite unclear with the situation. As if unsatisfied, Naruto moved his hands toward her waist, he lifted her and put her plump bottom on the makeup desk, scattering her beautification tools all over the ground.

The purple streak woman accepted his somehow desperate kiss, and pull his face closer to her. Naruto held one of her legs and circled it around his waist, one hand fixed on her chin. Their lips mashed against each other created a spark of slobbering sound. They beat up the pair of pink meats their opponent possessed, no one willing to raise the flag of surrender, their white pearl-like teeth sank their fang on the soft textures as if uncared with the injury they might cause.

After a while, Liu Mingyu's face started flushing with redness, her eyes turned moist with her lids slightly sagged, her air reservation became thinner, her lips movement lagged behind him. At this moment, he halted his crazed attack and finished it by trapping her underlips between his mouth and fiercely sucked on it.

A few seconds later, he finally let her go, giving her a chance to live again. He nudged his forehead against her while sharing some of his aura to calm her chaotic state.

"Sorry..." He bitterly smiled.

"There you go, apologizing again..." she grasped his head and rubbed their forehead together, "what happened?"

"I just saw... something... beyond dirty" he sighed, "and without a woman touch, I don't think I ever felt clean again."

She curled her lips and stared at his cerulean eyes, "Alright... how about... tonight, you come over to my place, and I cook something for you?"

"Well, already inviting me in? Isn't it progressing to fast? Not that I hate it..."

"Don't get any wrong idea Mr. Hotshot~" She pushed his face back and blinked adorably, "it just a dinner~"

"That's what women always said before ended up under one blanket together."

"Hmm, may... be~"

"If you put on more... advantage, I'll give it a thought."

"Too bad then? Because that's all you get for tonight."

Naruto chuckled before she also giggled. He leaned backward and caressed her hair, "I'm fine now, you don't have to cook anything because maybe I don't have time for tonight, save it for the future, OK?" She nodded, enjoying his gentle treatment.

"You ready now? The foods await downstairs."

"What ready? You ruin my lipstick..." She pouted.

"Ah..." Naruto scratched his cheek, "sor-"

"Sshh..." She put her finger over his lips, " give me five minutes more, and I'll be your diva for the day, how's that sound?"

Naruto nodded, "Best deal ever!" He went forward, pecking her on the lips and walked out from her. She shook her head and picked up her tools on the ground.


Naruto and Mingyu walked out from the elevator with his hand holding hers. They strolled on the lobby's floor and crossed over to the restaurant. Mingyu ordered a lasagna, strawberry smoothie with vanilla ice cream on the top while Naruto had spaghetti and lemonade tea. They shared each other food, feeding each other, even sucked opposite party straw without hesitation. Their intimate action attracted a lot of jealous and envy eyes, some pity and sympathy; the woman appeared very gorgeous, her makeup put on so well that she could have been mistaken as an actress, yet the man indeed looked handsome but his clothes resembled a banner on the side road with a shredding mark visible anywhere on its surfaces. They cursed the world unfairness to let such a beauty ended up with an uncivil male like him.

The pair noticed their audience staring eyes but acted like they never exist in the first place, Mingyu asked before why Naruto kept his clothes instead changed into a better one, his replies made her heart melt like ice glazier, he said that clothes are human pride, and his clothes bought by his wife, thus making it her pride, he'll be kept wearing it even if it only left with a single fabric.

forty minutes passed, two waitresses approached the couple, one of them held a silver tray, a dignified and polite expression masked their face, one bowed toward them and grabbed a document in blue elegant folder from the tray, held by another person, he presented the document toward Naruto, he accepted the folder, then checked it for a while then nodded his head, noticing her pair of confused eyes, he chuckled and showed the content to her.

Mingyu read what had written there and widened her eyes, she glanced at Naruto but only received a wink from the blonde, her expression delayed for a moment before she held her mouth and tittered.

Turned out the waitress action not just stopping there, he rose and grabbed another item from the tray which was a car key and sort of license. He handed it toward Naruto. Her eyebrows not going to jump so high if the keys stopped in his hand but instead he took her palm and placed the items on it. Never her eyes went wide as large as now, a blue trademark with an oval outline and sparkling stars made her realize the kind of car she received, a Subaru BRZ. A car that cost over twenty thousands of dollars and one of the top ten most desirable car of this year.

While shiver reigned all over her body, Naruto leaned toward her ears, "for you." Then he kissed her cheek.

She gave him her absentminded expression before she lunged at him and they entered another heated makeout session. Adding the fuel of jealousy to other people in the room.

Ten minutes later, they went out from the hotel and Mingyu got a chance to test drive her newly acquired car, luckily she capable of driving, imagine how awkward it was if she's not. Unlike Mo Qianni who drove in a gentle manner, Mingyu raced on the road as if she inside a NASCAR tournament, though she still within the speed limit.

After quite some time, the car arrived at Yu Lei and entered the underground parking lot, they got out from the car and traversed toward the PR floor. Unlike in the hotel, they showed no intimate manner and acted just like a coworker, deceiving every eye they passed including the sisters in PR. They headed to their respective desk before gave a secret smile to each other. The roaring sobbed of Zhang Cai resounded in the entire place as she hugged Mingyu and almost choked her to death. Mingyu comforted her and told her nothing bad happened which calming the shoulder-length haired woman.

In those period hours of their absence, she had been covering for them so they free from any trouble.


"I'm home..."

Naruto opened the door leading toward his house, he took off his shoes, placed them in the rack, and stepped toward the living room.

"Young master, welcome!"

Naruto smiled at the appearance of the middle-aged lady from the kitchen.

"Auntie Wang, thank you," he strolled to the sofa at the center of the room, "Ruoxi at the hospital?"

"Yes, young master, young miss just arrived there not long ago and sent me home," her eyes startled as she noticed his tear up suit, "young master! What happened with your shirt?!"

"Ah, this?" Soft laugh breezed from his mouth, "nothing serious, I just got caught in a fight also, I tripped myself, somewhere."

Wang Ma sighed, "Young master need to take care of yourself, what if next time it's not only your shirt that messes up? I and young miss will be worried to death."

Naruto nodded, "Yeah, I make sure to remember that, thank you for worrying about me."

"Young master, what are you saying? It's what I should do, and young miss too because that's what family do." Wang Ma gently smiled.

Naruto expression became dazed for a while, his mouth mumbled, "Family..."

"Young master?" She tilted her head.

Naruto waved his head before a grin shone within his lips, "Yeah, we are family..."

Wang Ma nodded, then she pondered a while, "Young master, what do you want to eat? I'll prepare it along for young miss dinner."

"Oh, I-" He halted his speech and wrinkled his eyebrow, "wait you said you prepare Ruoxi dinner? Are you delivering it to the hospital?"

"Yes, that's what she wants, how about you, young master? Do you want to eat here or I packed it too?"

Naruto rubbed his chin before a crafty smile hooked the corner of his lips, "Auntie wang, do me a favor, don't make any foods for our dinner."

"Ah? Why?" Her eyebrows jumped.

"We just going to have a takeout," Naruto winked his eyes.

Wang Ma pondered before beckoning her head, "If that young master said, then I will obey."

"Thanks, just take care of yourself and get some rest for tonight Auntie Wang."

"Certainly young master, if you need anything just call me..." then she remembered something, "oh yeah, young master, since you lost your phone, young miss ordered you another one, it's in your room." She giggled before she turned around nipped toward the kitchen.

Naruto scratched his cheek and let out a helpless smile, Oh, Ruoxi... this cold shoulder facade of your making you look adorable instead.

Naruto sat on the sofa and turned on the tv.



Naruto turned back off the tv, he stood up and left the area while whistling.


In the room, where a sound of heart rate machine beeped in rhythm, Lin Kun laid on the top of the white bed, thin hose strapped into various part of his body, supplying the man with various liquids of herbs and medicine. Beside his bed, a young woman occupied a small chair and leaning her curvaceous body on its backrest. Her pair of crystal clear eyes drilled on the small book within her grasp. Her usual loose hair tied in a bun thus showing her thin and white neck. One leg crossed over another, proving their slenderness toward any pair of eyes who gaze upon it.


Her ears picked the sound of the door toward the room opened, without took away her eyes from the book, she said: "Wang Ma, just place the food on the table, I ate it later."

"Are you sure? Food tastes better when they warm you know."

Expecting a gentle middle-aged woman voice, she startled as she heard a familiar man voice instead, wrinkling her eyebrow, she refused to move her sight from the book, "What are you doing here?"

"Delivering your food, of course, we don't want our princess Ruoxi to starve right?"

The book within her hand shivered, her lovable dimple turned red, her eyes looked at the other, "Hmph, just put it there and get lost already, I'm fine alone."

"Are you sure going to eat it later? The taste wouldn't be the same after all."

Her thin eyebrows snapped together, "You're so annoying, I said just leave it there then leave it there!"

There was a brief pause, before the male voice resounded again, "OK..."

As if a bee came and stung her heart, she winced as she noticed the hint of hurt within his tone, she bit her lips and closed her eyes, it must be done, they just an accomplish under one agreement, he had his own life after all. When everything's over and they went into their separate way, he'll be returned into that life, to the place that someone waited for him...

And she... will be alone... again.

In the midst of her depression, a steam rose in the air and filled the room with its scent, her sensitive nose cutely move and inhaled the mysterious invader. Her nasal system delivered the scent into her brain, and the moment, they touched the surface of her pink core, as if a thousand fireworks launched into the air and exploded in the sky, decorating the gloomy night with various lighting shape and made the darkness cowered in fear.

She turned her head in a robotic manner, and saw Naruto on the far side of the room, opened a steamed package that placed on the top of a table, a familiar type of box that she impossible to forget even when every other thing gone from her mind. She set her eyes upon dozens of brownish thing in a shape of balls as large as a golf ball. She stood up in the instant with gaped mouth and if not exaggerated, a trail of translucent liquid at the corner of her lips.

"M-meatballs... gluttonous meatballs?" Her body shivered as she took steps toward the godly food. As if sort of invisible hand magically guided her movement. But the next thing that happened caused her eyes to bulge from their hole. Naruto took a chopstick and split them apart, then he clasped one of the balls.

"Naruto what are you doing?"

He blew it three times.

"Naruto stop..."

He raised the balls as he mouth wide opened.

"No... no..."


*Munch!* *Munch!* *Munch!*

Shockwave blew her inner world, collapsing the city of her dreamland where everything made of meatball, a giant whirlpool appeared and sucked the construction away, dragging every single piece of them into an abyss of eternal nothingness.

She like a toy who remained moveless after its battery removed.

"Um? Oh Ruoxi, why are you standing there for?" Naruto said with a muffled sound as his right part of cheek bulged.

"How dare you..." Her face looked at the ground, making Naruto unable to look at her expression.

"How dare you..." Her voice akin to a giant block ice that capable to decrease the temperature in the instant.

"How dare you..." Her body shivered as if a large scale earthquake trashed the land.

"You, OK?" Naruto gulped the edible food inside his mouth and picked another meatball, he put it inside his mouth and chewed on it.

"No! My meatballs! How can you eat my meatballs! I hate you! I hate you!" She rushed forward and started hitting Naruto with her small fist.

"Woah! Ruoxi, what are you doing? Stop it!" Naruto raised his hands and blocked her assault.

"Give back my meatballs! Give back my meatballs! You rogue bastard! Jerk! Pervert! Evil!" She bashing her hands as if she tried to fight him till death.

"Ruoxi, you..." Naruto started getting annoyed, picked up one of the balls and pierce it into her mouth.

"Hmph?!" Ruoxi expression lagged as the delicious meat entered her wet cavern, touching the baby dragon inside and smeared it with the barbeque taste of lotion.

Naruto stayed his hand, looking at her delayed face, he let out a chuckle, "You calm down yet?"

She nodded her head but the pair of eyes still glaring at him. Naruto shook his head and sighed, he pointed his free hand to the other side of the room, "I placed your food there, this is mine to eat."

She followed his finger and startled as another package in similar appearance caught within her sight. Red surged from her toe to the top of her head, she felt like her face no longer capable to appear in front of him. Naruto chuckled and pull out his chopstick, she chewed the meatballs inside with head declined, she moved backward few steps and fidgeted on her feet.

Awkward atmosphere played their symphony in the room where the vital sounds beeping.

"I..." Ruoxi said with the head still down, "I'm just going to eat... over there..."

"Whoops, not so fast."

When she about to walked toward her left, Naruto stood up and grasped her hand...

"L-Let go of me..." she pulled her hand but to no avail.

"Nope," Naruto took her hand, causing her body to stumble forward, he circled her waist and lifted her body, he sat back at the seat behind him and placed her on his lap, "You'll be eating, and I'll be feeding."

"Aaah!" She struggled on his arm, "put me down, this is public area!"

"And? They all can go to hell," Naruto picked one of the balls, "I'm feeding you with or without your consent."

Her heart trembled, hearing his aggressiveness somehow made her felt helpless but at the same time, a slight sweet like honey poured into her body.

"Open your mouth, aaaaa..." He hovered the meatballs in front of her mouth, waiting to be delivered into her crushing mechanic. Her cheek turned red but she still closed her mouth neatly.

"Oh, well I guess this is mine," unbothered with her behavior, Naruto ate the food instead.

"You...!" She puffed her cheek, she hoped for him to coax her into eating the food, really a jerk!

"Now open your mouth~"

She rejected it by turning her face away from the food.

"Your loss!"

"Jerk! Jerk! You are the worst jerk ever!" She pinched his arm that circled her waist.

"Open your mouth..."


"Bye-bye delicious food..."

There were 12 pieces of meatballs inside the package, Naruto had eaten six of them, Ruoxi's heart bled with looseness, finally after the seventh meatballs, she gave up and took a bite of it. Despite her craziness about the gluttonous meatballs but Ruoxi still ate in a delicate manner, she took a bite and chewed them lightly, actually, she capable to eat a whole of them but decided to punish Naruto, making his hand tired hover in front of her mouth.

But out of her expectation, Naruto not even once look tired or impatient, he just smiled as he waited for her to digest her consumption. After a while, the dinner over, Naruto grasped a tissue and wiped her seductive lips from the leftover. He gazed at her, and she stared at him.

"Now, let's talk."