Nini, Xixi, and Yanyan

The morning came as Naruto and Ruoxi sat in their dining room, eating the food Wang Ma prepared before she went to the hospital. A simple breakfast consists of congee, homemade youtiao as the side dish, and a glass of milk. Ruoxi ate in a quite small portion since at the midnight she had eaten her gluttonous meatballs, which selfishly, refused to share it with Naruto. She brought up the last spoon to her mouth and gulped down the congee. She gobbled her half-eaten youtiao and drunk up her milk. She took a thin tissue and wiped her lips.

"Well, I gotta go now, I have to meet some client first before going to the banquet," she gathered her stuff and stood from her chair.

"Alright, take care," he smiled, breaking a youtiao into two and dipped one of them into his congee.

She smiled back and strode leaving the room. Traversing the hall, she went into the shoe cabinet and grabbed a pair of stiletto heels, she strapped them into her delicate feet before walked out through the door.

Ruoxi's driving neither slow or fast, most of the times her speed ranged between 40 to 50, only on a rare occasion she went beyond that, like sudden meeting with clients or emergency general meeting. She stopped her Bentley in the back of a red Chery car, waiting for triple automatic lights to give them a go. It took some of the times since the lights just went red.

Come to think of it, why he never use any car? she quietly pondered.

She tended to receive a lot of gifts in many kinds of form; dresses, cosmetics, accessories, and other stuff, including cars. Beside her Bentley and Wang Ma KIA Optima, four more cars resided in her garage; Volkswagen Jetta, Ford Focus, Hyundai Veloster, and BMW M3. Since she never fond of automotive and Wang Ma not the showoff type middle-aged lady, she just put these cars and lined them up in her garage without ever being used. What made her eyebrows wrinkled, up until now, the cars still covered in their own specific coat which mean, just like the both of them, Naruto also not even once touch these cars.

He doesn't like cars? But he always peaceful whenever he rode one, kinda like a kitten, or a fox?

He doesn't want to drive and prefer to be a passenger instead? Possibly, but even the laziest young master in this city drove their own car, how can a healthy hot blood young man like him be not?

He can't... drive? It's understandable if he never had any car before, but, don't he got adopted by well financial family? Even if they never bought him a car, at least they had one right? Do they never bother taught him how to drive? unless his adopted family part of underground save earth movement.

On the second thought, I never really know his past, he mentioned about giant fur ball before, what is that mean? His pet? But he said it hate human, what kind of animal hate human? Pikachu?

*Deng!* *Deng!* *Deng!*

"Oh, shoot, it's green already!" startled, she looked at her front and noticed the Chery car already gone, she quickly stepped on her pedal gas and left the angry mobs who loved honking their car so much. After drove half a mile, she decelerated her car and rode it in normal speed again, she let out a soft breath before cursing those people who have zero patience and a certain blonde who distracted her focus.


Back at the house, Naruto stood on the dishwasher, his hand held a bowl while another rubbed its surface with a sponge, he raised his naked forearm and used it to wipe his nose.

"Still morning, yet already talked shit about me-dattebayou..." He put down his arm and focused on his cleaning duty while his face gloomed with a distress.

Ruoxi turned the steer into her right and entered Yu Lei's gate, she pressed down her side window button and its slid half downward before she lifted her finger from the button.

"Good Morning CEO, how are you today?" A kind-faced man with a security uniform greeted her. A gentle smile presented for her eyes.

Ruoxi returned the smile with her own, this man had taken the security position in here since back when her grandmother still active, his appearance may not be so threatening but his dedication and honesty had well known by many people including her and her grandmother.

"I'm fine Mr. Zhang, how's your wife and kid?"

"Haha, my wife is fussy as always, and my first son just got accepted into university today!" Mr. Zhang brushed the back of his head.

"Congratulations, which university?"

He waved his hand, "ah, it just a second-rate university, not worth to be mention in front of CEO."

Ruoxi shook her head, "It doesn't matter what rate it is, everyone can study anywhere, I hope your son learn well."

He nodded excitedly, "Yes, CEO, thank you."

Ruoxi continued to drive her Bentley toward the underground parking lot, she greeted another security on the pos before parked her car on the ground level. She walked out from her car, many employees showed their respect along the way, she entered the lift and pressed the highest floor button.

The room before her office just the same as always; two lounge chairs, one barrel chair, one ottoman chair, one rounded leather desk, two shelves full of recreational books such as novels and children books, magazines put on its own specific place, one 16 inch Changhong flat LCD, and other thing else.

Most of the stuff here decorated base her own preference, including the indoor plants except the one that placed beside the shelve, it's an aglaonema with their leaf came in pale green and patterned in dark green.

She smiled and approached the plant, she bent her back and caressed its leaf, she looked at its soil then pressed it lightly with her slender fingers, Hmm it's a bit dry...

She opened up her handbag and brought out a mini spray, she held the leaves while pulling the spray trigger several times, she aimed it at the soil and gave it the last hit. She put her spray back inside her bag, and glanced at the aglaonema for the last time, Don't die on me, OK?

Several minutes later, a woman with complexion younger than Ruoxi entered the room. She had a pretty face mixed with a tad of cold flavor, short hair with a pin on her bang, and a quite skinny body. She fixed her glass as she strolled forward and arrived at the only desk in the room and placed her bags on top of it. She took out her iPad and strode toward the door on her left, she passed by two doors; one led to a restroom on her right and another led to utility room on her left. She paused behind a white door with classic interior and tapped her knuckle on it. Soon she heard a feminine voice permitted her to enter, wasted no more times, she grabbed the handle and opened the door.

Ruoxi sat on her desk while reading some report, she wore a one-piece dress that flaunted her womanly part with a cream blazer covered her exposed skin. Her raven hair fell loose to her shoulder and the back reached up till her waist, she only put on a light makeup yet already appeared so stunning.

She stared at her superior with widened eyes, despite her eyes no longer a virgin seeing this, but every time they captured the view as if a fairy flew closer and spread its magical dust on her.

Caught a figure on her peripheral vision, Ruoxi turned her head and smiled upon seeing the person, "Wu Yue, how's your morning?"

The gentle voice pulled her back from the mysterious land, her cheek went red as she fixed her glass, "it's fine, nothing special, how about you, CEO?"

"You have no idea, though it's not happened in the morning, but still... anyway, what's my schedule for today?" Ruoxi giggled as she smiled at her.

She frowned her eyebrows a little, as far as she knew Lin Ruoxi, never once she saw her appeared this cheerful. Now she thought about it, her CEO behavior indeed quite strange for the past few days, Sometimes she showed up very happy like a chirpy bird played in the woods at the morning, while the other times, she came in with a gloomy mood like dozen of clouds gathered on her head before pouring their rain on her.

"Beside the original schedule, Mr. Yan from Creative Mind and Ms. Xian from Han Shi would like to meet you in the afternoon, " she decided to ignore it, maybe great people indeed had strange behavior, like Einstein.

"Hmm... I can meet them above 3 pm because I have to participate in the banquet's auction," Ruoxi eyes set to the ceiling.

"You want to participate in the auction?" Surprise flashed across Wu Yue face.

"Yes, an item I need will be displayed there," she nodded in a glee.

"I'll contact them immediately," she said with a frown, noticing Ruoxi anomaly attitude for the second time today, "do you require any further assistance?"

"Thanks for asking but I think that's enough for now, Wu Yue."

"Then, I'll be in my desk."

"MHmm, take care."

She turned around and left the CEO office, Ruoxi declined her head, reading back her report.

Twenty minutes later, a middle-aged man entered her office with a temperate countenance, his name was Mr. Lu Ling, manager of apparel industry Zong Hai branch. Ruoxi and he talked their deal for an hour before Ruoxi finally struck him a deal he hard to accept yet unwilling to reject, they reached their agreement before bid goodbye. Five minutes break, another person entered her office, this time a foreigner who owns a cosmetic company in Zhong Hai, it can be said that Asia region habitat a lot of herbs and plants that had unique and exotic function, especially when they mixed together, thus these people prefer to set their own company within local country to get the resources easier. They talked for another hour before the foreigner left her office, but unlike her previous client, they yet to reach a deal this time and decided to postpone of it for the next day.

Taking her time for a while, Ruoxi glanced at the clock on the wall, she rose from her couch and walked toward a phone on her desk, "Wu Yue, I'll be going to the banquet, aside from previous people and urgency, set whoever wants to meet me to tomorrow."

"OK, don't get drunk CEO," Wu Yue bland tone punched through the intercom.

"Yes, mum," Ruoxi giggled as she closed the connection. She strolled toward the bathroom to settle her privacy and checked her make up.

Emerald Quaza, the most expensive and luxurious hotel in Zhong Hai City, owned by one of the giant enterprises in entire China, Liu Corporation.

Ruoxi parked her car at the gate, she had abandoned her blazer on the way here thus she currently with her dress only. She opened her handbag and picked up her Gucci purse. A server already stood by beside her car and helped her with the door.

Oh boy, his eyes as if exploded in their hole the moment he saw a person like a goddess come down from the Bentley. Living up to its name, this hotel frequently attended by high-status and successful people, he had seen a lot of handsome and beautiful faces come and go but this was the first time he caught the true apex of beauty. A luster white skin that held no single impurity, most well-arranged face feature as if gods meddled on the creation themselves and hair flowed like the best quality silk he ever sees.

Ruoxi noticed the man absentminded expression, she only let out a sigh before placed her key car on his palm and she grabbed her parking ticket on his finger. She strode away, leaving Elsa's victim behind.

Ruoxi glanced at the hotel and gave it a pair of admiring eyes, the building made of emerald green marble, with several gem ornaments gleamed an enchanting sheen that resembled a collective lustrous crystals, a strange symbol like weak "S" with one strip on the first curve and two strips on the last curve carved in the middle of hotel's name which written in Chinese cursive script.

From the gate to the hotel's entrance, a bunch of heads marked her figure as their target, whether they recognized her or not, male or female, old or young, they all stared at her in absentminded expression. For people who thirst for fame and public attention, this moment enough to destroy the gravity around them and flying them toward the sky. But to her? This fame instead brought her an insecurity and paranoia feeling. Regret roused within her, not just because she attended this event, but not daring to publicly expose her so-called marriage with Naruto, then she won't be coming alone. Or she could tell Naruto to just sneak in, he had done something impossible, this should be like turning a hand for him right?

What the hell I'm thinking? She shook her head bitterly, taking a deep breath, she strode toward the entrance, trying to get away from these predators like eyes.

Right in front of the entrance, four beautiful women in cheongsam that exposing their slender legs, stood respectively on both sides of the gate. They smiled at the arriving guest and checked their invitation one by one.

"Thank you for attending our banquet, may I check your invitation card miss?" One of them with yellow cheongsam spoke politely.

"Sure, here," Ruoxi took out her card and handed it to her.

The girl accepted it gently and a pair of charming eyes scanned it, before long, she smiled at her and handed the invitation back, "Sorry for taking your times Ms. Lin, you may enter now."

Ruoxi grabbed her card, she smiled back before walked passed through her side. The woman in yellow cheongsam glanced at Ruoxi back as she sighed, What a beautiful person, but why she come alone though?'

She faced her front again and about to greet a couple with a man who wore a camo outfit and a beauty in his hand.

Ruoxi walked in a long hall with various art displayed in the wall, she stopped sometimes to examine the ones that caught her attention,

"Fascinating isn't it?"

An elder in a Tang suit stood beside her, despite the white hair on his head, his face still traced with a ruddy complexion.

"Does senior know the story behind this painting?" Ruoxi bowed her head once then gazed at him.

The elder laughed a bit, it's quite rare to see such a polite young lady these days, he honestly surprised, "Of course, I can tell if you don't mind hearing old-man rambling..."

Ruoxi smiled beautifully, "Senior please, how can I ever mind? Beside it pique my interest as well."

The elder grasped his long beard, "Alright, so the story is..."

The painting in front of them held within a golden frame, it showed the illustration of many people led by a figure resembled a woman with a golden hair and white dress, kneeling and put her hand together as if she commenced a prayer. Stood by her side, another figure also had a golden hair that stretched until his waist. His hand held a black staff, raising it above the kneeling woman as if he tried to protect the woman. The opponent they faced, a big creature as high as a mountain with a dual horn on his head, holding a big sword that had a length almost to the end of the painting.

No... it was bigger than that... one slash from that sword decimated the entire country, cut into two any strongest metal in the world, turned people into a bunch of butchered meat. His roar caused a massive earthquake, volcano explosion everywhere, surging tsunami to wreck the land. Everyone scared... everyone terrified, their knees touched the soil underneath them, but they still have to fight him no, we... have to fight him because he possed the thing we need...


"Oh, so you already know the story, hah... youngster this days really like to tease an old man," the elder sighed in depression.

"Um, what?" Ruoxi glanced to her right and left. Her face seemed confused.

"Miss, are you OK?" The elder wrinkled his brows, this young woman was really pretty yet acted like a weird person.

"I'm fine... I just..." Ruoxi frowned a while before she shook her head and looked at the elder with an apologetic expression, "I'm so sorry senior, I must be lost my focus somewhere around your story, you can continue now."

"Haha, it's fine, it was a boring matter anyway, especially when I'm the one who telling it."

"No, no, I promise I won't disrespect you again, so please continue your story."

"Alright, if you insist, so..." the elder about to speak when the piece on his ear buzzing.

"Master Liu, there is a problem at the entrance..."

"Ooh, I'm sorry Miss, it seems like I have to handle something..." The elder said in a sour tone.

"Senior, it's fine, I'm the one who should apologize for disturbing your work," Ruoxi waved her hands and quickly said it.

The elder nodded his head and excused himself as he strode toward the entrance. Ruoxi glanced at his leaving direction curiously before looked back at the painting, she paused for a brief before she turned her face away from it and strolled down the hallway.

The banquet hall situated on the 2nd floor, with landmark more than 1000 square meters, the entire room paved in crystals, thus the room glowed brightly. Servers hustle and bustle carried a silver tray around, dozen glasses of wine delivered into anyone in the place. A roundtable placed anywhere with a very long table fixed on the side, a lot of variety of expensive foods ranged from cakes to fruits readied to be gobbled by a hungry mouth, but lucky for them, most of the people in here possessed a benevolent and kind heart, they won't dare to slay these food till the last of their descendant.

He'll be roared in madness if knew these many foods going to be wasted, she giggled while her eyes smiling, whether she realized or not, people still placed their gaze on her, the moment they saw her behavior, they cried a tearless tears, they all shared the same thought.

Beautiful like goddess but sadly crazy.

"Xixi you here!" A valiant yet feminine voice entered her ears, she turned her head in response and brightened her eyes as soon as she saw the person.

A female in her twenty, with shoulder-length hair and healthy skin, approached her from the side. Her height close to 170 cm, wide shoulder, protruding chest, and beautiful face like an actress, not to mention her pair of green eyes.

Ruoxi hugged her as soon they got closer, colliding both bountiful mountain into a deflation, "Yanyan, I missed you much!" This person precisely Cai Yan, the chief inspector of west Zhong Hai City.

"Whoah, you have gotten heavier, girl! Whadyya ate these years?" Cai Yan rubbed her back and a grin showed her pearl-like tooth.

"Whose heavy... I just... increase few weights," red adorned Ruoxi's face.

Cai Yan roared in laughter, "That must be because the lacked of exercise, without this sister nearby, you slacking around, eh?"

"No! I just... busy..."

"Bullshit! You have a set of exercise equipment in-house, it just you who lazy on using it!"

Ruoxi sighed in a depressed manner, "Alright I admit defeat, our lord Yanyan cannot be defied."

"That's a good girl..." She chuckled, "if Nini here, this will definitely funnier!"

"No! You both will team up to bully me!" She took a step back with a shivering body.

Cai Yan expression delayed for a moment before a light bulb flashed above her head, "I know! Why don't we bully her instead?!"

"What do you have in mind?" Ruoxi eyes gleamed in excitement.

"Take the picture of us together and mail it to her!"

"Hmm..." Ruoxi touched her finger before crafty smiled, "Qianni used iPhone too, same as mine, we just send it through skype, and she definitely vid call me!"

"Great! Sadly, mine's not iPhone..." She shook her head, "not fond of it..."

Ruoxi took her phone and gathered closer to Cai Yan, she aimed the back camera at them before pressed the snap feature, she turned her phone back to check the result, "Hey, I'm still prettier than you!" Ruoxi smirked at her.

Cai Yan rolled her eyes, "Of course you are, that's the reason why you were the snow white and I'm the prince charming every damn time."

"And Qianni's the witch!" She giggled, she opened her skype and sent the image to Mo Qianni.

True enough, several minutes later, incoming video call buzzed her phone, she and Cai Yan exchanged glances with a crafty smile on her face, Ruoxi about to answer the call before Cai Yan stopped her, "Wait! Reduce the volume first!"

Ruoxi looked at her in a confused manner before she finally understood, cold sweat almost broke from her forehead, she pressed the volume button several times, before took a deep breath and answered the call,

"YANYAN!" a cried roared at the other side of the line.

"See, we'll become vocal attention if we did not reduce the sound," she chortled before looked at the screen, she happily shouted, "Nini! I missed you too!"

A cute woman face appeared on Ruoxi's screen; gloss red lips, small nose, a pair of black eyes, and soft-angled eyebrows.

"Yanyan! How dare you showed up just now, do you know how much we miss you?!" Mo Qianni said with tears streamed down her smooth cheek.

"Yes, yes, I'm guilty as charged, sorry Nini! Please don't cry anymore, between us, Ruoxi is the crybaby one!"

"Hey!" Ruoxi nudged her in discontent.

"Haha!" Mo Qianni wiped her tears, "you can always make us laugh!"

"That's me! The Jester! Hoho!"

"How's your parent in central Yanyan?"

"Ah, they fine, pop's still kicking and mom's still spanking!"

"That's parent for you!"

"How about you Nini? Found a boyfriend yet?" Cai Yan smirked.

"Hah! I have eleven boyfriends... candidate!" panic touched her surface.

"And the result is..."

"Hum! No one matched my types!"Another tear streamed down her eyes.

"Told you, your criteria was too much, Qianni," Ruoxi sighed in helpless.

"But... but..."

"Nini do you want to hear my pieces of advice?" Cai Yan said with a solemn countenance. Which startled both Ruoxi and Qianni.

"What pieces of advice?" Qianni stared at her screen in full of doubt.

"I think you should just go to a monastery and dedicated yourself as a priest, maybe gods will ascend you to the heaven and you finally found your ideal man there!"

"Hey, that's a good idea..." Qianni mumbled, "maybe my man is not a mortal!"

"Don't listen to Yanyan!" Ruoxi glared at Cai Yan before slapped her perky butt, "don't say something weird to her."

Cai Yan shrugged, "Hey, I'm suggesting my idea, since she looks pretty desperate." She looked back at Qianni, "How about it Nini? I have a priest friend who might help you."

"Alright, I'm interested, send me the number, I'll call her immediately," Qianni nodded

"Qianni!" Ruoxi stared at her friend in horror.

"The number is..."

"Yanyan, stop this!"

"Ok, calling her right now," Qianni grabbed her desk phone and punched in the number, "hello, can I apply to be a priest? Yes, yes, I want to ascend to heaven and find the love of my life, yes, yes, oh don't worry I have no attachment in the world..."

"Qianni, no! Cancel that!" Ruoxi grabbed her phone with both her fingers and stuck her face close to the screen yelled in desperation.

"Pfft...Hahaha!" Both Cai Yan and Qianni twitched their lips before they burst out laughing, their face flaming red with tremor shook all over their limbs.

Ruoxi startled before her face also turned red but... different kind of red, "See! You guys bully me whenever you guys together, I hate you both! I hate you!"

They winded up and both consoled the pouted Ruoxi, who wore angry face yet smiled gently in the inside.

"Alright you two, since I'm a good employee, I have to start working again, so have fun! Oh Ruoxi, don't get drunk~"

"Bye Nini!" Cai Yan waved her hand and gave Qianni a flying kiss.

"Why everyone told me not to get drunk?" Cutting off the line, Ruoxi honked her mouth in discontent.

"You have low alcohol tolerant, you are driving, you are a pretty woman who every man want to eat, you still a virgin, you went crazy if you drunk, you- " Cai Yan raised up her fingers one by one while looked upward.

"Alright, alright, I get your point, shut up already..." Ruoxi pinched Cai Yan glaring breast.

"Aiya! This is sexual harassment, I should throw you in jail!"

Ruoxi startled, "Oh yeah, I forgot you are working in police force now, how is it go?"

"Ah, you know; crappy facility, donuts, and caffeine every night, listening to higher-up bullshit complain, etc, etc..." Cai Yan smiled mirthlessly, "but it does have its own charm."

"So long you happy, then I guess it's not a problem right?" Ruoxi giggled as she held her mouth.

"Good day my ladies," from their side, a man with a white tuxedo and pretty face walked closer, behind him several youngsters appeared like a bunch of groupies. Ruoxi and Cai Yan exchanged their glances before they turned at him with raised eyebrows.

"Yes?" Cai Yan said in a bland tone.

The smile on his face seemed twitched a bit, but he maintained the smile, he offered his hands to them, "I'm Chen Hao, it's my pleasure to meet two goddesses in this hall, CEO Lin and Lady Cai."

Ruoxi frowned at his gesture, she knew about this Chen Hao and none of them gave her a tiny bit good impression of him, she even detected his malicious eyes who wandered on her and Cai Yan figure, as if he wanted to swallow it on the spot. But to reject his offering hand here would be greatly damaged his face and her reputation, hesitation flashed over her face before a certain blondie face appeared within her mind, remembering the event they have last night, she decided not to have body contact with other men aside from her father. With a resolute eye, she about to reject the hand, before a figure on her side dashed and accepted his hand.

"Oh, it's the Chen family boy, it's a pleasure to meet you," Cai Yan shook his hand then she leaned closer while putting her hand beside her left cheek, "you have to forgive Ruoxi, she's after all have bitter experience with a man, ooh..."

Despite her attempt to say it in the mosquito sound, clearly, Ruoxi still capable hearing it, puffing her cheek, she lashed out her finger and pulled a large chunk of Cai Yan's skin, "You dare to say it again?!"

"Yeow! Xixi, did you silently studied martial artist pincer skill? Your pinching hurt like hell!" Cai Yan spoke in agony while Ruoxi threw her face to the side with a snort.

"It's fine, I understand lady Cai, does your family has been well?" Chen Hao forced a smile.

Cai Yan took her hands back, as she started spouting about her family condition from A to Z, included several symbol and variation of numbers. Looking at her speaking without any indication of an end, Chen Hao's face turned ugly while Ruoxi took a step away, pretending not recognize this friend of her.

"Lady Cai, I'm sorry if I have to excuse my self, I have... to meet up with my friend," unable to bear any longer, Chen Hao raised a flag of surrender.

"Hmm? but I'm not yet talking about my butler chronic disease, my garden caretaker cheating case, my nanny love life, my driver food habits, my chef weird behavior, my first handmaiden experience, my second handmaiden, my third, my four, my-"

"You can talk about this in a later time, now, if you excuse me," Chen Hao bowed his head before he ran from the spot, followed by his bunch of groupie.

"Aiya, what an impolite man, I have yet done talking but he already run away," Cai Yan bitterly looked at his fading back.

"Alright, cut the act, I know you don't have a butler, much less a handmaiden" Ruoxi giggled as she approached her again.

Cai Yan shook her head, "Well, if not for certain someone who about to reject his hand, I wouldn't want to spare my times speaking a bunch of nonsense."

"Yanyan, thank you..." Ruoxi gazed and smiled at her.

"Anytime, Xixi," Cai Yan nodded in joy before she put her hands behind her back, "by the by, I remembered you are not that stiff in term of relationship with an opposite gender, not to mention in business prospect, that young master Chen perhaps can offer you a lot of projects yet you decide to reject his hand, because..."

"Well, I, uh..." Ruoxi turned her eyes away from Cai Yan, "I just... don't want him to touch me."

"You don't want him... to touch you?"

"Un..." Ruoxi helplessly nodded.

Cai Yan wrinkled her eyebrows, she squinted her eyes, "Do you really have a bad experience with men these past three years?"

"No, no! Nothing's bad!" she shook her head.

"Nothing's bad?" Cai Yan mumbled, before her eyes jumped in surprise, a gasp commenced on her attractive lips, "Xixi, you have a boyfriend!"

"No! Well, I mean yes! No, no! that's not what I mean... it's uh..." She hung her head while panic took captive of her face.

"Is he handsome?" Cai Yan giggled at her reaction.

Ruoxi declined her head in embarrassment, "Very..."

"Is he athletically muscular?" Cai Yan curled her lips.

Ruoxi eyes glossed in intoxicated light, "Sexy..."

"Is he overflowingly charming?" Cai Yan rubbed her nose.

Ruoxi nodded in excitement, "Mystery..."



Cai Yan broke out laughing this time as she smacked Ruoxi plump butt, waking her from her amorous feeling, "Damn girl, you really have fallen hard for that man! I can wait to see what kind of person he is, better be not disappointing! Anyway, we should celebrate this moment, come let's eat those cakes and drink the wine!"

"Ah Yanyan, don't pull my hand!"

Rouxi and Cai Yan went from one table to another in their quest for searching treasure items called cheesecakes, best delicate munchy for any people with a sweet tooth. Ruoxi took a bite of it and her face dazed in roller coaster of cheese town, she looked at Cai Yan on her side who adopted the same expression she wore, but twitched her eyes as soon she saw a stack of plate on the desk behind her, not only there were three other cheesecakes, but also black forest, snow vanilla, rainbow cakes, tiramisu rain, and blazed strawberry.

"Yanyan, you get sick if you eat that much," Ruoxi said with eyes full of worry.

"Eh, don't worry, I have a steel for a stomach, besides I have you to help me finish them," Cai Yan curled her lips as she delivered another cake into her oral cavity.

Ruoxi sighed in a helpless manner as she didn't have a choice beside helping her gobbled these cakes. She looked around and noticed people gathered on the far side, her eyebrows wrinkled, "Yanyan, what's happening over there?"

"Don't know, don't care," she said while her mouth made a chewing movement.

"Should we take a look?" Ruoxi curiously tilted her head left and right, trying to catch a peek.

"You go, I have the fight to settle here," Cai Yan waved her hand as she took another cheesecake plate.

Ruoxi gave out a forced laugh at her friend antics, "Don't force yourself to eat that OK?" She minced her legs and paved her way toward the crowds.

"You and a dinosaur look very alike, I finally realized what a dinosaur might've looked like after looking at you," a man voice entered her ears when she was half-way through there.

Dinosaur? What the hell it's going on in there? Ruoxi pondered as her curiosity getting bigger.

"Ruoxi, I'm so glad to meet you here."

Before she managed to arrive at the crowds, a man in Armani shirts and brandy wristwatch blocked her path. Her face changed in the instant as if an ice sculpture replaced her figure, hate surged within her heart while her mind picturing how she tore the man in front to pieces.

Xu Zhihong noticed her cold attitude but paid it no mind, he walked closer to her, "I'm sorry just approaching you now, I meet a lot of my business partners, thus it's hard to reach you out sooner."

"It's fine Boss Xu, besides I believe you still have business partners to attend, so please, just carry on!" Her eyes did not even look at his face.

Xu Zhihong shrugged then his eyes wandered around, "He's not here..."

"He is a busy and dedicated man, he doesn't have time playing around," her voice not having a slightest warm in it.

"Of course, of course, that what's a man should do..." he narrowed his eyes, "especially when his position just an ordinary employee..."

Tense stiffened her eyebrows, "Boss Xu need something from me?"

Xu Zhihong nodded before he sneered, "I need you... to kick away that man from your life... tonight."

Ruoxi wrinkled her eyebrows, she let out a chuckle, "Boss Xu, are you having a fever or something? Who are you to tell me what to do?"

He just smiled before calling up a server and picked a glass of wine, "I heard your father was bedridden?"

Shiver trailed down her body, and pale visited her face the first chance it got, "You... what will you do to him?"

"Oh Ruoxi, you wounded me, I just simply care about him, after all, we have known each other for quite some time."

"Haven't you cause him enough misery?!" Ruoxi eyes turned red, the image of Lin Kun laid unconscious haunted her mind.

"Well, I don't actually expect his injury to be this bad, I thought he might just get... you know, a sprain," his head shook in bitterness.

Ruoxi's face changed, she took a step back from him, "it's your plan all along?! To let my father became a victim of collateral damage?!" Her tone quite loud thus attracted a pair of interested eyes.

"Shh, Ruoxi you gained too much attention than you already have, calm down..." Xu Zhihong took a sip of his wine and strolled away while his hand gesturing Ruoxi to follow him.

Her face darkened before she threw a forced smile toward her surrounding and follow his tail, they arrived in a little-secluded place, Ruoxi stopped far beyond his arm-length, her pair of frosty eyes watched his every movement.

He chuckled, "Are you afraid I'm going to do something to you in the place with so many people like this?"

Looking at her gave him zero response, he shook his head, "Your father injury indeed part of my plan, after all, if the forces he hired incapable to handle that man before the nation special security killed them all, then my money and time come to waste, so I told your father to stay on their base while I tipped off the government..." His body shivered, "I can't believe the aftermath of the fight I saw, I thought it will be just a couple of bullets hole, or maybe some grenade blast, but this... no wonder foreign mercenary have a strict rule when it comes to a mission in a different nation.

I thought with that kind of messy situation, your father will not make it alive so I forced to formulate another plan, but it seemed gods blessed me with their fortune, I don't know how your father survive that fight but he finally has done something right."

Ruoxi closed her eyes, unlike her previous outburst, a solemn expression took a hold of her face, she crossed her arms, "You want me to break my relationship with him in exchange of father's security?"

Xu Zhihong licked his lips, such a woman who can still handle a situation like this with a calm expression, definitely worth to conquer!

"Actually you don't have to break a relationship with him, what I want, for you to break his heart, filled his guts with sadness, and shame his face with bitterness, I want him to feel death is better than life."

Ruoxi opened her eyes with a sneer curved her lips, "You are really a disgusting person, not only you willing to harm an injured person, you even want to destroy someone's feeling, I never see a wretched person more than you."

"The winner's take it all, Ruoxi, the winner is not someone good or bad, but someone who willing to seize the opportunity had given to him at any chance."

"Spare me your famous quote," Ruoxi frowned, "give me some time to think."

"Oh, of course, I'll wait until this noon..." Xu Zhihong winked his eyes as he walked passed her side, "remember your father's life, is in your hand."

Ruoxi sighed as she leaned her shoulder to the pillar nearby, the cold surface she sensed through her skin crawled to every part on her body.


Twenty minutes later, Ruoxi strolled back toward Cai Yan who had a pale face after finished the entire cakes on her own, "Xixi, I think I got diabetes..."

Ruoxi rolled her eyes, "Who told you to finish them all alone, now faces the consequence."

"Xixi don't be so cruel to me..." Cai Yan honked her mouth, "besides, you disappeared all of the sudden, forcing me to eat them by myself."

"Yeah, sorry, I have to go the bathroom," Ruoxi gave her a faint smile.

"Urgh, I want to puke..." she held her mouth.

"Ah! Don't do it here, come on, I take you to the bathroom!" Ruoxi grabbed Cai Yan's arm and started dragging her.

"No, no, I'm fine... urgh, I can tone it down... don't worry."

"I'm not worried about you, I worried about my face. Also, the carpet."

"You're such a horrible friend."

"I know, and I love you too~"

"Everyone please head out to the next room, we about to start the auction!" A seductive female voice entered both young woman's ears.

"Yanyan come on, don't embarrass me!" Ruoxi grabbed a hold of her friend upper arm as they walked along with the crowds.

The current theme of the banquet was a charity for hope schools and orphanages. The profit from jewelry or antique that displayed here will be put in a donation. They sat in a chair made of ebony woods with a red cushion on its top. Everyone also followed their suits and took their own seats. The rows of seats divided into three categories: Platinum VIP, VIP, and normal guest. Both Ruoxi and Cai Yan received the seats on VIP section, one a successful businesswoman, while another a lady from a prominent background at Central City. Of course, the number of seats between these three categories ranged in different amount; The platinum only has ten seats which all reserved for people with high rank in a government or entrepreneurs with assets worth of billions. Despite her successfulness, Ruoxi yet to have that many assets.

Several minutes later, a woman in cheongsam clothes resembled a black lotus flower appeared on the stage in front of these arranged chairs, her feature looked delicate yet every part on her body cast a seductive spell to every pair of wolf eyes in the room. She raised the mic in her hand and smiled charmingly, "Do all the esteemed guests took their seats? Alright, let the auction begin."