You have a snot in your nose

The first light of the sun breached between the narrow gap of the blue colored curtain, embellish the dim and gloomy wall with the spark of luster path, gleaming the large piece of white bed that framed upon the room.

But the resident inside this over 200 square foot place was nowhere to be seen on the top of the bed, instead, a handful of blonde hair appeared a few meters away, and its possessor currently sat on the white carpet above the ceramics tile.

His face looked serious, the cerulean eyes focused on what lain in front and his neat clipped finger moved in a fluid manner. Two other stuff placed beside the man who wrapped in a black T-shirt and orange short pant: A small size box made of wood and rugby ball scaled blue colored piece of jewelry.

After minutes of finger gesture and folded eyebrows, the man eventually picked the item he poured all of the attention and grabbed the jewelry with another hand, placing the oceanic like stone several inches from his legs, the man lined up the thin piece of steel item and proceeded to sink its edge on the attractive stone.


The stone's surface halted the item progressed at the moment of impact, with a twitching lip, the man put a slight pressure on the item before it successfully passed through the dense material in a smooth manner as if it traversed a block of cotton or a sheet of silk.

It couldn't be imagined how those research and developer people's feelings if they were seeing this phenomenon, the human had been invented a lot of technique and technology over the years in order to smoothly cut something concrete such as mineral or rock, from grinding saw into high-tech laser, heat treatment to high compression water.

Tons of idea and bunch of money had been allocated to further improve the cutting methodology but none, so far, even close to what this man just did.

Despite the brilliant spectacle the man just accomplish, the clear naked provocation to those people's effort and intellect, his face showed no satisfaction, in fact, a great disappointment lingered in those cerulean eyes.

"Haah, still not succeed..." Naruto fell into his back and sighed in frustration.

He had been doing the enchantment since the last night and up until now, he still unable to cut the heart of eternity in one effortless sway. Since he lacked the variety of diamonds, he either wanted it or not, have to use the one he received from Xu Zhihong as the current standard of his progress. He rather unclear whether this enchanted thin knife had met the requirement of his deal with Xue Lin, the ice snow corporation CEO. Albeit the deadline still further away on the horizon since the weekend time wasn't included in the time limit, Naruto didn't want to make things awkward by confidently showed the item but turned out it's not working the way he expected.

He raised his body and resumed the sitting position, on the ground within an arm's length distance from him, a white paper, not as fragile as cotton paper and not too rigidity like Tyvek paper, could be seen with several strange words marked on it. Two pieces of item lingered above the paper, one still in the exact same condition with the thin knife within his hold and another already full of crack and seemed fragile, as if the slightest touch would tear it into fragments of steel.

That was the failure item, the one that came out as the result of insistence enchantment while the material grade incapable to provide upgrade much further, it became unbalance and soon commenced a deconstruction on its own, once this had occurred, the item became freed from any substance that deemed its function, even the piece of its fragment no longer worthy stood against a tiny tot cockroach.

Naruto put the knife in his hand among its kind, he crossed his arm and stared deeply at them, "One fail and two barely succeed..." He rubbed his chin, "It's still something than nothing, I guess."

This three piece of knives hailed from one mutilated antique dagger he gained from Liu Ruyan, last night, while they discussed something, he didn't forget to mention the relatable item, conveying his intention on buying the item and proposed a considerable price that may be caught her interest. Unsurprisingly, the seductive woman didn't haggle over the worth of the item at all, she even willing to give out the dagger without a single cent of repayment.

But Naruto rejected her goodwill behavior and it's not because he's a crude person or something, but he, at the moment, had a backing of a sugar daddy that definitely willing to cover the price, no matter how much she bargained for the item.

When you blessed with a huge fortune of wealth, or more specifically, other people's huge fortune of wealth while the connection between the two of you not even close to being called a friend, it will be one hell of a blasphemy if you choose to remain indifferent and didn't utilize it to the full extent.

Naruto offered five hundred thousand dollars as the price for the item which making both Ruoxi and Liu Ruyan flabbergasted since they didn't know Naruto's circumstance, even for Ruoxi who practically living under one roof with him still lagged behind in term of Naruto's situation, of course, that amount of money held no meaning to her, but for Naruto, who previously only a ramen seller in a small stall, wasn't that still a huge sum?

Was he always has that much of money stash somewhere?

Albeit the strange event that happened, Liu Ruyan while she was feeling funny, still agreed with his proposition and closed up the deal by promising the item would be delivered into his home.

After all of the hassle concluded, Naruto just had to contact the unfortunate young master and prepared to batter him with innumerable words of bullshit.

Naruto let out a chuckle as he stood up and stretched himself, he went into the balcony and basked in the ray of early day's light.

He's not feeling any fatigue at all, even after working and racking his brain for a whole lunar period and the sun emerged from the horizon.

Birds joyfully chirping as they flapped their feather at the sight of dew, dripped down from the leaves above.

He moved his eyes, gazing at the flowers that moved right and left as if waved their hands and greeted the blonde man from afar.

Bees and butterflies huddled, coaxing the shy four petals to grace them with its essence.

Naruto hopped on the rail guard and sat in a cross-legged, he placed both hands in either side of his knee and steadily closed his lids. His blue aura blazed gently, a second for another... it blend against the nature, like two different water inside the same basin, both initially foreign entity, destined to be unique on its own, but a string of homogenous feature connected the pair, joining them in harmonious environment and developed a whole new entity.

Naruto's aura turned orange, wind breezed and water spored around him, the air coagulated then formed a strange movement in accordance with a mysterious rhythm.

Birds stopped their morning chirps, butterflies ceased to loiter around the flowers. They flew from their nest and field, approaching the attractive force that kept pulling them in like a devil whispers. One bird perched on his shoulder, let out a chirp-chirp sound while the butterfly swayed near his ear. A group of wildlife started feeling no longer shy, a grey dusty cat purred on his lap and chipmunks stared from below with its puffy cheeks.

His face remained tranquil despite the variety of disturbance on his vicinity, soon his orange aura turned into green, depicted his figure now became one with nature, he's a drifted wind, a bead of water, an ember of fire, a zap of lightning, and a pebble of rock.

He was a flock of ants that carried a peanut to their base, a soaring eagle hovered in the air and prepared to assault a snake, and a mighty whale in a vast deep sea.

Nature was him, and he was nature.

Luckily it's Sunday and still early in the morning, people still relaxed inside their own place even the villa's security had yet to do another patrol.

An hour passed and Naruto slid open his eyes, the gathering of wildlife didn't put a scare into the man's serene expression, he lifted his hand and raised a finger, one of the birds separated from his body and perched on it. Let out a "Huu-Huu" sound as it small eyes stared at him.

Naruto grinned and brushed its feather with his hand, soon a clattering sounds of animals sang in the balcony and one man laughter joined the crowd.


Finished brushing his teeth, Naruto came out from his room and overlooked Ruoxi in the living room, watching a morning news with a hot milk on her hands.

She wore a blue satin pajamas, her hairs gracefully touched the cushion of the sofa she sat. Raising the brownish mug within the hand, she opened her cheery lips and delivered a group of luster liquid inside.

"Morning," Naruto said as he paved his way to the kitchen.

Ruoxi replied as she glanced at him and showed a smile.

The house's cooking compartment can be said equipped with full set of kitchen gears, from baking machine to a coffee Espresso Machines. The area's size provided a lot of room to move despite a large table situated in the center of the room.

Naruto strolled onto the large refrigerator and opened it wide, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and other stuff placed inside in a neat manner, including the last night leftover. Wang Ma who currently slaughter a handful of vegetables beside a stainless steel pot with light fire underneath it, noticed a figure entered the kitchen, she glanced at him and startled upon seeing the suspect of her curiosity, a smile curled the corner of her lips, "Young master, are you hungry? I am sorry but the food still not ready, do you want me to make something for you? A roasted bread maybe?"

"Ah, I am fine, Auntie Wang, on the contrary, do you need any help?" Naruto grabbed a banana from the fridge, he closed the ice shelf and turned around facing her.

"Young master doesn't have to do anything, just relax with young miss while I cook."

"Come on, Auntie Wang, you said yourself that we are family, how can I let my family do things by herself?" he said while munching on the pale yellowish fruit.

Wang Ma stopped her activity and pondered a bit, she eventually nodded, "Then young master, can you take over cutting these vegetables while I prepared some steamed buns?"

"Sure do!" he finished up the banana, threw the leftover skin into a trash bin, and proceed to Wang Ma's last position while the person herself went into a cupboard and took out a basin.

He grabbed the knife and started mincing on several carrots in steady motion, his movement neither clumsy like a virgin chef nor extremely skillful like a pro chef.

Nevertheless, Wang Ma was a bit surprised at Naruto's easy-going attitude in cooking's practice, she thought that he must be not strange in the kitchen's environment.

With Naruto's help, the usual forty-five minutes long of breakfast's preparation became ten minutes earlier, and the quality of food didn't even reduce a bit.

"Young master, I didn't know that you can cook," Wang Ma said while carrying a tray with a bunch of white bowls and plate on it.

"I once sell ramen on a small stall at the market, none of my customers ever ran away in fear so I guess I know my way around a kitchen a bit," Naruto laughed as he also carried a tray with him, his cheerful gesture contaminated the middle-aged woman who now giggled in glee.

"That's amazing young master, I am sure you must be had a lot of customers."

They arrived at the dining room's table and set up the portion of foods on the top of it, hearing Wang Ma's praise with a sincere tone in it made Naruto felt gratified and warm, he became a bit bashful, "Well, you could say it like that, I have, uhh... thirty customer at least."

Wang Ma's face jumped in surprise, "Young master, thirty is a lot of people for one day!"

"No, no, not a day..." Naruto shook his head, "a week."

Her shock feeling instantly disappeared, she let out helpless laughter and comforted him, "Well, young master, I am sure you have done your best..."

Finished setting up the dining's table, Wang Ma returned to the kitchen while Naruto washed his hands on the sink, he walked toward the living room but stopped halfway and softly shouted, "Ruoxi, breakfast ready!"

The young lady in her pajama seemed startled, with a brief frown, she turned off the 30 inch TV's display and rose from her seat. Soon, her graceful's visage appeared in the blonde's man vicinity, she overlooked the foods on the table with a slight surprise.

"That's faster than usual, and the food also many..." Ruoxi's said in an absentminded tone.

Naruto waved his hand, "Don't think too much about it..." he grabbed her plate, "What do you want to eat?"

Her crystal black eyes scanned upon the edible foods, scrambled eggs, steamed buns, youtiao, soup, potato mash, and last night leftover chicken. She shook her head, "My stomach still uncomfortable from last night feast, just give me a bit portion of every dish, except chicken and youtiao."

"Alright," Naruto nodded, he scooped a quarter of the scrambled eggs, broke half one steamed buns, took another quarter of potato mash, then finally, filled her bowl with the soup for another quarter.

He placed them in front of her, a temperate smile adorned on his face, "Eat slowly."

"Un," Ruoxi made a small nod then began to eat. At this time, Wang Ma showed up again with a water kettle on her hands. She sat down with them after pouring all the available glass and eating the breakfast together with them.

"So... do you both have any plan for today?" Wang Ma said while slowly chewing the eggs.

"I am going to visit my uh... friends, two of them..." Naruto nodded as he munched on the chicken.

"No plan on going out so probably just spend the rest of time in the study room," Ruoxi lightly said.

"You couldn't be more have any boring activity than that?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Any better idea?"

"I do, come with me, associate yourself with my 'friends'," a hopeful tone smeared his voice.

"Which friends you're talking about?" She wrinkled her forehead.

"The one with the blood and the one who suffered in anxiety," Naruto chuckled.

"I hate blood, but I don't mind a little bit anxiety..." Ruoxi said, her fork kept delivering the steamed buns into her oral cavity.

"Alright, so how about I go for the blood first then come home around noon so we could go for anxiety together?"

"Hah, forget it..." she shook her head, a light sigh breeze from her lips, "just go by yourself, don't mind me, they both deserve a lone time after all."

"Are you sure?" Naruto said gently.

"Yeah..." Ruoxi closed her eyes as she sipped on her hot tea, the corner of her lips curved upward, "if I ever get bored I am just going to bother Qianni."

"Alright, send my greeting to her."

"You too."

They continued the feast while forgetting another person who got confused with their strange conversation.


In an area surrounded with concrete walls but no proper roof on the top, two dummy placed not far from the vast water pool with 2 dragons head and 2 horses head on it each four sides. The sky was bright, resulting in a perfect climate's condition.

Jiang Wei stood 5 meters away from the dummy spot, her body faced on the other way thus giving the dummy her slender back. Her serious countenance with both eyes closed expressed the degree of her concentration. Her thumbs and forefingers both hand pinched on star looking projectiles.

The breeze of wind swayed her hair, and the colorful flowers nearby, it's gentle even almost indiscernible.

Steady and decisive, the moment she felt her hair no longer waved, her shoeless feet tapped on the ground and she jumped into the air, turning her body around and upside down, she swung her hands and launched the projectiles toward the dummy. They struck upon the straw made dummies and created a couple of sounds that roused her ears, she quickly counted them.

Her body recovered its initial position and she landed in a squatting style, Jiang Wei raised up, exposing her onyx colored eyes and glanced at the result of her spectacular acrobatics. She twitched her lips at the sight of 2 black star projectiles embedded on the dummy's surface while 3 another laid around the ground and 1 completely lost track.

She let out a sigh, thinking maybe she's not concentrated enough while performing the action, she wiped the bead of sweats on her forehead, her tight Neoprene bodysuit stuck onto her skin and encompassed the heat that contained on it. Luckily, she still capable to feel a refreshed air on the entire of her arms including her shoulders, and her legs from the knees and below.

Walking toward one of stool table with black granite disc, she took her phone and checked on the time.

There was still enough time for her to do one more attempt then taking a breakfast and bath before headed out to the hospital.

Remembering the goddess-like beauty who taking the post as her precious man's rightful wife, Jiang Wei crinkled her nose in annoyance, they both had been giving out each other a cold shoulder although not so necessarily built a hate among them.

When she first time met at the hospital, she quickly ignored her and sprung toward Naruto's room because of two reasons:

First, she desperately worried about her blonde lover. The moment she heard Naruto's accident, her inner world combusted in chaotic flare and swept by the tornado of fear, then she saw him in that room, laying with no awareness and strapped into a machine, he... the one that usually stood tall and braved a smile to her, teaching her to fight blow to blow, tempering her senses to be better than most human.

Survival, that's the thing he always taught her.

A complete mindset of how to preserve your life in a fight; glory, wealth, fame, and honor, those meant absolutely nothing if you only met a death's door in the end.

Her heart as if pricked by ten thousand needles at his predicament, she wishes nothing more than replaced his position, making him regained the previous condition, assuming the man's posture she used to see on him.

As for the second reason, the moment she saw the appearance of this wife of him, she was simply... jealous.

The perfect face she possessed as if it never been touched by a single impurity. The bearing she carried akin to a celestial goddess descend to the earth.

Did you ever read a story about a goddess who unable to return to her realm because someone stole her silky shawl? Then she fell in love with a mortal and married him?

That was the first thing that comes into her mind when she gazed upon this goddess-like beauty, and the flame of jealousy kindled inside her guts.

Thus for the remaining of their interaction, the negative emotion constantly surged and played its part by making her unable to stay friendly toward her.

Jiang Wei let out a sigh, she knew that her behavior isn't worth a praise, they both shared the same man and he would be the one who received the residue of their ill relationship. As someone who just a lover, maybe she should act as one and made a compromise...

While shaking her head, she put down her phone, and reached out from the yellow box beside it, she took out another six of the star projectiles and walked to the five meters location from the dummies

She allocated six projectiles into her both hand respectively, 3:3.

Her body faced the same direction as the dummies. She closed her eyes. Focusing her sense toward her target.

Achieving the skill beyond mere human, surpassing the limit of the normal senses.

She jumped, throwing out the six projectile in upside down position, sounds sparked as she rolled in the air and landed perfectly smooth with her two feet.

It's three...

Her face showed a great disappointment, only three of the projectiles that she heard stabbing against the dummies. The other three either stabbed into the ground or had gone missing to somewhere she couldn't be more cared.

Oh whatever, maybe I can cool off my head by swimming a while.

"You count on your mind too much, let your instinct do the job."

When she about to plunge into the light colored water pool ahead, a man relaxed voice slipped inside her ears.

The voice was soft and full of dear but it brought a giant impact on her brain, raining it with innumerable lightning bolts.

Jiang Wei froze on her spot, her eyes stared at the bottom of the pool, her breath turned lag, and everything inside her as if coagulated.

"When you try to throw a shuriken or other thing with your another sense, blackout your mind and lit up your instinct."

The voice getting closer but she still unable to turn, her feet as if glued into the ground, failed to lift, hard to move.

"Don't use six at once, started from one, then slowly build up from there..."

Now, not only she could hear his voice, even his intoxicant aura coated her presence, the warm he transmitted, she's feeling it through her back, literally.

This time, she forced herself to break free from the invisible restraint and braved her body to turn around, witnessed the immeasurable happy fact that just stood behind her.

Her eyes gazed, a man with a white jacket and orange long pants appeared, his glowing face and bright yellow hair shone under the glare of the glorious sun. A soothing faint smile and loving eyes blossomed, closely resembling the miracle of penicillin toward every sickness in the world.

She endured in pain and his smile cured it in the instant.

"Hey..." he said.

"Hi..." she hiccuped.

"I miss you..." he said.

"I miss you too..." she wept.

"Do you know?" He walked up to her. Reaching out for her shoulder and pulled her into his embrace.

"What...?" she pasted her face on his chest, didn't even hesitated to dirty his white attire.

"You have a snot in your nose," he chuckled and blew her face.

"Huuum, dumbass, don't ruin the moment~" she almost broke out a laugh.

He leaned his face and kissed her tears, then finally lodge his lips on hers. She happily complied, with both hands on his neck, she heatedly joined their lips. With a fervor on his body, he held her thigh as she hopped into his torso.

With her soft body in his bosom, they entered her boudoir and amorous moment trig by the joyful moan.