Finishing The Deal with Ice Snow Corporation

Several feet away from Naruto and Zhao Hongyan's block, a woman with shoulder length hair and wearing a typical office suit clad in a sleeveless jacket stood by while staring at them with wrinkled eyebrows. Her eyes filled with suspicion and her face expressed a doubtful visage.

Zhao Hongyan startled, remembering that her hand still glued to the blonde guy's arm, her cheek adorned in a red tart. She quickly took her hand back and left few steps away from him.

Naruto didn't show the same reaction as his female companion, he slanted his lips, leaning his back on the seat, and he faced the woman with taunting eyes, "Well, well, well, who is this heroine that finally decide to show up her face?"

Zhang Cai crinkled her nose, holding tight the bag on her shoulder, she struck a pose with one hand on her waist, "Humph, you just recently got accepted into the office but already dared to skip a day, even pretend on using the excuse of getting caught in an accident, you might fool other sister but you never trick this sharp intelligence of mine!"

"Ooh, in the front of your mighty brain, I am nothing but a weak and fragile peasant," Naruto sighed and waved his head helplessly.

"Heh, I know you will finally confess, you even dare on using Mingyu to interpret your debauchery of lies, you this despicable man!" she snorted and pushed up her nose higher into the air, her tone filled with mischievous anger and lips crooked into a playful manner.

Zhao Hongyan shook her head, rubbing her own temple in shame for her besties way to ruin her own image in the front of someone else.

"Yes, yes, I'm guilty as charge, please heroine, enlighten me with your holy guidance," he raised his hand in surrender, then facing her with subservient look, "please tell me, what reason that I could possibly have to skip myself from attending the office?"

Zhang Cai frowned, her forehead knitted quite deep as if she was thinking something hard, Zhao Hongyan twitched her lips in annoyance while Naruto gradually grew a smirk.

"Aha, I know!" she tilted upward, snapping her own finger, she spoke with confidence, "you must be got hooked by pachinko, right?!"


Naruto and Zhao Hongyan glanced toward their respective thighs and feet, both people eyes shut tiredly while gloomy aura filled their head.

I don't even like gambling, Naruto thought in depression.

"Yeah, whatever you say..." Naruto flagged his own hand, then a slope manifested on the corner of his lips, "on the other hand, I heard someone had been long not touching her own snack, this is a blasphemy toward the citizens of snack, you know?"

The fierce woman ahead of him suddenly as if her throat caught something hard to swallow, her face turned pale with a little bit flavor of strawberry smeared the smooth cheek on her round face.

"I... I don't know what are you talking about..." she glanced to her side while wiggling her own body.

"Sure, disregard everything I said..." Naruto faced Zhao Hongyan, smirking a little, "sister Hongyan, I remember a famous line but I don't quite know who says it, it says 'thy forsaken the snack, thy shall suffer the famine' is that, right?"

The ponytail lady leered at him then stared at the pouting woman before them, she nodded her head while wickedly smile, "Oh yeah, it's horribly true, the sin of those the damn for abandoning the grace of the snack, he or she will get the eternal pain of everlasting hunger."

"Huuh, ck, ck, surely I didn't want that kind of thing happen to me, how about you sister Hongyan?"

"Neither am I!"

"Ooh, I felt sad for those who did though, I can't imagine how they suffer the famine..."

Naruto bitterly shook his head.

"We better keep our distance from them, hunger is contagious, oh..."

Looking at both people started bad mouthing her, the violet like iris woman unable to bear much longer, with face full of anger, she stomped her delicate foot, then drilling her sight to the ponytail woman beside the blonde, "Enough! Hongyan how can you sold me out like this? I thought we were friends!"

Zhao hongyan shrugged while holding back a laughter, "friends joke to each other, just consider this as a joke will you? besides, I am not the one who spill your 'little misdeed'."

"If not you, then how he knew about it?!" she clenched her jaw.

"Beats me."

"..." Zhang Cai frowned her cute rounded face, then she suddenly lashed out a roar, "Mingyu! You come out to this sister!!!"

"Shut up, don' t create a commotion in the morning!" From the special room belong only to the supervisors of PR department, an aggressive and commandering shout struck all the coworkers outside, their body instantly stiff and went on their own business.

Zhang Cai straightened her back and stood in fright, cold sweat dripped down her temple while her face getting paler.

A tearless cry could be seen from her face as her future career potential certainly became gloomy after this sequence.

Naruto and Zhao hongyan exchanged glances and could only bitterly smile to each other.

"Naruto, come to my office!" the commandering tone resounded once again.

Naruto rose from his chair, striding his path toward the specific room inside the worker floor.

Both ladies he left behind stared at his back with different expression, one with worry, another with grudge.

The scent of lavender invaded his nose the moment he pushed the grey colored door, "Chief Mo, excuse me..."

Behind the blue neat arranged desk, a cute face appeared serious and her fingers magically dance on the notebook's keypads. Her eyes reflected a bunch of text that had been repeatedly type and re-type as it rapidly progress toward the end of the page. She noticed the blonde figure at her peripherals vision and heard his familiar tone breeze through her ears, her delicate finger froze for a while, there was a strange feeling rose inside of her, not the uncomfortable must disappear kind of feeling, more like stay deep inside don't wander around.

"Un, make yourself comfortable, let me finish this for a while," correcting her jumbled emotion, she spoke to him without giving his eyes the taste of her cute face as her fingers continued their dance.

Naruto looked around, he proceeded several steps towards the greenish coach on her room but ceased his steps the moment he saw her electric teapot that stayed idle. He glanced to his superior who knitted her short forehead while her finger samba became waltz, he could see a small tooth jab her natural colored lips.

He let out a chuckle, then strolled toward the teapot, "Chief Mo, allows me to boil you a tea, OK?"

"Sure," Mo Qianni simply said, her eyes never leave the display of her small notebook.

Naruto grabbed the handle, went into the dispenser on the room, filled the pot with fresh water and strolled back toward the pot initial position. He put the plug into the hole and let the electric teapot heated the water inside.

Grabbing the tea sachet, he tore up its upper paper part and took out a brown colored powder, trapped inside a transparent small bag with large pore on its surface. He grabbed the teabag by holding its white thread and plunged it deep into the water boiled teapot.

He waved the teabag up and down several times before he fully rested it on the teapot. Then he waited patiently for the water to boil and its translucent color turned deep brown.

For the whole time, Naruto didn't once rest or sit on the couch while awaited for the tea to boil, his expression revealed a honest patience that clarify his intentions on making the tea not just because she was his boss, but the act purely out of his kindness.

Time to time, Mo Qianni will look at him and gazed upon the small curve at the corner of his lips. She delayed her face for a while before glancing back at the display of her work, typing the flat alphabets and put on some strings of line on this virtual document.

Soon, the tea had been brewed, the soothing scent lingered in the room, joyfully embraced each other with the flavor of lavender. Naruto took out a cup and a small plate, he poured the miniature waterfall of deep fragrance brownish water into the porcelain cup and presented it for his supervisor, several inches away beside the blue small laptop.

"Chief Mo, please have the tea," Naruto softly said.

This time Mo Qianni no longer denied him from her cute pleasing face. She closed down the monitor on her notebook halfway, then beaming up a smile into her subordinate.

The smile is fresh and carefree, blooming akin to a wild flower opened up its blossom in the center of sunlight among the grizzly lush of forest. So innocent and pure, not once untainted by the world dark abyss and corruption of the dirty hand. He had seen her smile, but at this specific moment of the time, he as if he saw it for the first time all over again.

Naruto shut his eyelids halfway, eyes bore into that smile as if it was something peculiar he found interesting but hard to manifest. How long had it been since the last time he saw that kind of smile?

"Thank you!" she cheerfully said as she lifted the cup and took a sip of it.

The hot water gripped her tongue and filled her oral cavity with light taste of a jasmine, MQ couldn't help but hum in satisfaction after got the taste of the heavenly blessed tea.

Naruto went silent for a while, then he said lightly, "Don't mention it."

"How's your health?" she leaned into her back, fiddled with the cup within her both hand.

"I have been well," He stood straight beside her desk with the teapot readied in his hand.

"I am sorry we have yet to visit you after the accident, how bad is it?" she put down the cup on the plate, stared him down with concerns on her eyes.

"It's fine Chief Mo, it only a small injury, I am already fine now, right?"

"True," she observed his appearance and found no single indication that he had any sort of trouble or discomfort, just like back then.

"But I still owe you a visitation, how about we all going to a dinner after work? Me, you and the rest PR worker?" Mo Qianni tapped her finger on the desk, "now that I think about it, I still owe you one treat, right?"

"Chief Mo schedule is crowded, you don't have to force it," Naruto wryly smiled.

"Yeah, I kinda am, how about this, next weekend, I treat you the promised food, deal?" she winked her eye and took another sip.

"Sure, I can make it, it's a date then," Naruto nodded, "is there anything you need from me, Chief Mo?"

"No, no, I just want to see how you're doing, and you seemed fine, you can return back to your desk..." she said with face full of smile, "oh yeah, don't forget about the Ice Snow deal, the contract deadline is tight!"

"Thank you for your reminder, then please excuse me, Chief Mo..." he placed the teapot on her desk then strolled out from her room.

The moment he closed properly the door toward her room, all blood rushed into her head as her smile went stiff, the hand that held the cup of the tea trembled as droplets of sweat trailed down from her temple into her smooth cheek.

D... D... D... Da... Date?!

I am going to have a date with him?!

H-how's that possible?! For godsake, he's married, Qianni! What the hell are you thinking, outrageous!

She abruptly rose the cup in her hand and clog the rest of the tea into her mouth, but she soon put it down with bitter eyes and red lips honked in misery.

"Humm, it's hot..."


Naruto walked back to his desk, a figure already await for him there. She stood gracefully with right hair fell into her chest area while the left one tucked behind her ear and pinned with red hair ornament. She wore a dark purple jacket with white shirt slipped under the layer.

"Morning," she said.

"Morning," he raised his hand, there were purple lights flashed on his pinky.

The woman blushed, she declined her head and brushed her right hair, purposely exposing the blue icy stuff that stuck on her ring finger.

Naruto gaze immediately became heated, he wanted to embrace the woman ahead, but the environment sadly didn't appropriate, especially when Zhao Hongyan sat behind her, albeit she's not paying any attention.

Naruto arrived before her, gently said to her, "How's your night?"

"Never slept better than before," she blinked, then mischievously smirked, "but if I had my 'pillow', it would have been much better!"

Naruto chuckled, he sat on his desk, "Hey, you had been offered before but chose to deny, beside, you already played with inside the case, what could you possibly want anymore?"

"What playing with inside the case? Morelike battered by a rough dough, my body is sore all over..." Mingyu rolled her eyes, then patted her mouth and giggled.

They continued chatting while using weird phrases that enough to make Zhao hongyan wrinkled her eyebrows. But eventually decided to give up trying to decipher their words and just mind her own business.

"Is there any problem with your neighbor?" Naruto slowly moved his position and now he only a couple inches away from Mingyu. His hand secretly encroached upon her hand, out from another person eyesight, they hooked a finger to one another.

"No, no, in fact, I don't know what happen, but this morning, when I left to work, I accidentally met him in the hall and he just declined his head to me like how normal acquaintance greeted each other," Mingyu's heart fluttered and anxious at the same time by their gesture behind the scene. This is like inside those movies where the main character cheated on his/her spouse with their coworker. Silently engaged in forbidden love affair escapade.

Naruto nodded his head, his finger went into her palm and tickled it a bit, "If he asked for apology, then I sincerely hope you can forgive him."

Mingyu twitched her arm, feeling funny and goosebumps at his playful manner, she slanted her lips, fluttering her eyelashes at him, she pushed out her chest while pasted her left arm toward her breast, boldly show off the marvelous twin peak that impatiently tried to break out from its tight compartment. Pushing out one tooth, she bit on her own lips.

Naruto widened his eyes at her provocation gesture, the flame inside his furnace almost combusted in the fervor of her attempt to seduce him. Remembering the feel of her prominent mount, if not for the conscience of their whereabouts, perhaps he already laid her on his desk and repeatedly ravaged her here.

The charm of the peak young woman indeed terrifying, especially if they are as awesome as Mingyu.

The perpetrator of his sudden explode in hormones only giggled joyfully at the success of her dazzling seduction. She glanced to her left and right, and muttered something with her mouth.

Then she immediately left, swaying her hips as she minced toward the direction of the file's archive.

"Huh, where is she going?" Zhao hongyan noticed her coworker's leaving his desk and tilted her head in confusion since she just left without saying any words.

"Mingyu! This sister have a thing to settle with you!" out of nowhere, a heroine jumped in with both hands clenched tightly, she startled, then glanced to left and right, "yi? Where is Mingyu?"

"Dunno, she just left," Zhao Hongyan shrugged then returned to her computer.

"Oh damn this stomache, if not for you come in such a bad time, I might already catch Mingyu..." then her face went pale while rubbing her tummy, "huum, I am sorry, I won't yell at you again, please don't mad at me..."

She swiftly turned around and rushed toward the outside of the workplace again, leaving both people with huge sweatdrop on their forehead.

"She worry me sometime..." Zhao Honyan sighed at her friend antic behavior.

"Her stomach trouble come from the exhaustion and trouble sleeping, she must have pull too much work yesterday," Naruto softly said.

"Eh? How do you know about that?" she dropped her jaw and looked at him with unbelievable expression.

"I have my way, also, why do you think I provoke such a ridiculous drama at the beginning?" Naruto smiled faintly.

"Oh my god, that's horrible, I need to help her out!" she quickly stood up from her chair and dashed toward outside the room.

Naruto looked at her disappearance figure with fixed countenance, the moment Zhang Cai appeared before their block, he already knew how terrible her condition is, albeit she tried to cover it with make up, the pale on her skin also black line under her eyes couldn't manage to avoid his observations, not to mention her pupil dilation, and trouble in breathing.

Naruto sighed as he stood up from his desk and went to the archive room.

The place is not big, only half quarter size of the main work floor, it consists of several shelves with many box and multilayered stainless steel cupboard.

The moment Naruto turned around after closing the door, a figure immediately seized his neck and soft lips attacked his thick one.

The attacker kissed him wildly, as if trying to convey every desire she had for him, her hand even started impatiently unbuckle his pant. Naruto did the same, as he slid down her skirt's zipper and unlatched its bind, quickly both youngster pants fell down onto the floor.

Luckily, the archive room didn't have security cam inside, merely have one that pointed at its front door outside, thus their activity is safe so long both parties remained silent and kept calm.

Meh, the hell with calm!

Naruto cast out a barrier around their figure, thus no matter how loud their engagement, no one will heard it outside.

He also had froze the lock so no one can entered the room suddenly and catch their action off-guard.

Soon a grunted sound and amorous moan filled the room with a lot of files, one shelf shook fiercely as one hand that hold it's frame repeatedly shaking the entire furniture, well, it's not like she did that in purpose, but the person behind her that grabbed a hold of her leg and raised them in the air, kept plunging his phallus in a really harsh manner and filled every impact with a bang.

The tremor moved from one shelf into another, her both hands now held onto the rack while her entire bottom had been lifted, the pa-pa sound created by the meaty slapped of their sacred place enough to cause someone turned deaf for the moment.

Since they can't abandon their own post for so long, the couple had to do it fast, thus they quickly intensified their action and both reached the mount everest peak.

Gasping and breathing hard down on the floor, Naruto and Mingyu cuddled in each other embrace, he repeatedly brushed her hair and held her hand while stared at the room ceiling.

She sighed in satisfaction then noticed his lamentations, she caressed his face and spoke softly, "What's in your mind?"

"I am worried about sister Cai..." he said without moved away his face from the ceiling.

"The lass? What happened to her?" Mingyu raised her head and said in concerned tone.

Naruto told Mingyu his observations on regarding her health. Mingyu much less already knew her fiancee is extraordinary thus she didn't bother much how he figures it out, but she immediately expressed a worried color after hearing Naruto's words.

"This is not good, she eventually will break down if she kept working too hard like this..." Mingyu frowned deeply.

"Can you think any sort of way to help her? Maybe we can lend her some money to pay her husband debt..." Naruto turned his body to the side and rubbed her leg that pasted over his tight.

"You know her, you know how hard head she can be, you think we never try on doing that?" Mingyu sighed while lazily leaned her head on his chest.

"Well, let's try it again, maybe she listen this time..."

In the previous time, he managed to get her into accepting his treat, maybe this time, he also could get her into accepting the help from other.

"Of course we could, but you need to know that she hate the most that people took a pity on her, she's not a defenseless woman who can't do anything to strive for her own freedom."

"You just prepare other sister to get on with the boat, leave it to me when it comes to persuading her."

"Alright, I leave it to you, honey."

"Un, sweetheart."

They ended the activity with another amorous and passionate session as Mingyu straddle him, with both hands attached with each other they called out the satisfying wave for the last time.


Finished with the needs to unleash their desire, both Naruto and Mingyu went out from the archive room, secretly.

They bid goodbye and headed into each other destination, Mingyu made her way toward the restroom outside the work floor, along the way her complexion had returned to normal aside from several blush and strange feeling within her loin.

Well, since letting it out on the environment and making the archive room dirty is out of the question, Naruto had to spray his essence inside of her, and she was impossible to gush it out there, thus... yeah, just like what you imagine.

Naruto somewhat funnily looked the way Mingyu walked as she tried to close tightly her legs, fearing a bit of his essence dropped onto the floor, he wanted to tease her but refrained from doing so since he also had not enough heart to be cruel at her.

Luckily the working hours had been ticking, most employees already busied on their own activity thus Mingyu had no trouble paved her way through the sea of people mine... Or least that was she thought.

"Ufufu..." a creepy voice crept out behind her, Mingyu's danger alarm suddenly went off, but before she managed to make any counter plan, two arms already hugged her from behind, frightening her as she yelped and her legs... spread open...

"Mingyu, you think you can get away from this sister predatory sensor?!"


A strange sound of some liquid thing innocently fell down onto the floor, that Zhang Cai faced that filled with victory sign shifted greatly into a confused one, while the purple-orange streak haired woman in her arms went absent minded instead.

"Huh, what is this?" she was about to bend her body and identify the U.F.O that just touched down the land. But a fist of god, filled with wrath, ascending high to the sky, and plummeted back to the Earth with severe acceleration!


Several stars flew away along with a loud shout and the creation of a big lump.

"Mind your own damn business!!!"


Several hours later, the sun had rose another steps, had taken one chance away from sitting upon its rightful throne.

Naruto was no longer in Yu Lei, right now, he was standing in the front of a white desk with a large stone, glittering as bright as it can, rested magnificently atop the surface of the desk.

His hand held a piece of thin blade, the edge glinted with a cold touch and one could feel its sharpness in several distances away.

Naruto focused his eyes on the white stone, his cerulean iris not once showed a ripple. The muscle on his face was tensed but he adopted a carefree visage thus the situation is not arrive at the grim atmosphere.

Another person stood by beside him, her face is coldly mesmerizing, pair it with her black frilly blouse that failed to conceal the outline of a pair of big bun on her chest and small skirt that carved the small waist she possessed along with full rounded mound bottom and white skin tights, she's like a perfect sculpted icy statue.

The cold beauty now masked her face with tensed appearance with a little excitement of an expectation lingered on her eyes.

She was a bit skeptical about their agreement but didn't brood against it that much since she still can gain a lot if the requirements is unfilled.

When she received his call that the tool is readied, she almost unable to believe it and thought he's not being serious, but then he told her to prepare some mid-grade gemstone or any raw material for him to use as the test object.

This was enough to tell her, he's not playing around.

The moment he took out that thin knife, she knew that thing is not ordinary, she could feel a mysterious power being held inside the blade and she couldn't help but foresee its succession.

Naruto raised the knife and hovered it above the white gemstone.

Xue Lin told him that the stone is called Paladin Pearl. One of the gemstones that prominent with its thickness and hard substance, Naruto didn't know whether the gemstone is harder than the one he had but he deliberately disclosed the information about it from her. He didn't want her to know about that blue gemstone in case she decided to later replaced the object with something harder.

He brought down the knife, the silhouette of the blade as if enough to tear apart the air around it and splat the atmosphere into two.

Remembering the content of their deal, Naruto's heart is quite gloomy. Yu Lei needed to pay 50 million fine if he unable to submit the necessary requirements in time, the contract's due is within a week of a normal working days, albeit he still had enough days to complete it but he found an unsatisfactory feeling if he had failed many times beforehand.

He could only hope that however strong this so called Paladin pearl, it's not stronger than the heart of eternity.

Soon the blade pasted on the top part of the white stone, Xue Lin eyes grew widened along with the unceasing seconds that had been passed, one droplet of sweat trailed down her white jade skin and a lump of saliva swallowed by her slender long gooseneck.


No dull sound.

No single dull sound ever rung in her office's vicinity. No strange biting *dung* voice knocked part of her drum.

Her face instantly absentminded.

While the gorgeous cold beauty immersed in her dazed countenance. The handsome male beside her slanted his lips way more curvy than he ever was.

The blade went through the white stone without any sort of obstacles, it smoothly slash down the stone like a blade cut down a butter.

No hold up, no hesitation.

It was fierce and elegant, as if the white stone is made of a marshmallow in the first place.


Finally, some familiar dull sound buzzed their ears, but is not the result of difficulty on the cutting process, instead it already finished on separating a small chunk of a white stone, perfectly without any rough edge.

Naruto secretly let out a relief breath, he grabbed the white stone's chunk and brought it to Xue Lin, "What do you think, Ms. Xue?"

The cold goose caught the item awkwardly then she gave it a stare, along with the man who responsible for it.

"This... this is... this is impossible..." she mumbled with disbelieve.

Naruto shrugged, he put down the knife beside the stone and presented it to her, "Give it a try..."

He retreated to the side.

Xue Lin glanced at him and the item back and forth, she finally steadied herself and walked forward.

Her white fingers held the handle with a flavor of shivering tone. She raised the knife and slowly hovered the blade above the middle part of the stone.

Naruto chuckled at her clever way to prove his creation potency, if it can cut the thickest part of the stone then it prove the stuff is a real deal, but if not, clearly its importance only hold that much.

She brought down the knife, part of her heart wanted the blade to fail to cut the stone, thus bringing her company much closer to attain fifty million fine. But another part also wanted it to success and opened up many variations of achievement in the future, hundreds of probability that the knife could provide for her company.

Time progress slowly, no strange dull sound punched her on the ears, in fact, she had this marvelous feeling as the blade progressed through the hardness of the gemstone that famous for its thickness.

Cut and cut.

Down and down the road.

Soon, the white stone finally had been diverged from one another, two pieces of glittering jewels had graced the normal looking table and made it shone.

Xue Lin sighed and placed back the knife on the table. She faintly smiled as she turned around and faced the male beside her, "Congratulations, Mr. Naruto, you truly manage to score the impossible..."

"It's just luck..." he said that, but one can see a smug appearance on his face.

Xue Lin didn't despise his gesture, the usual fixed face woman right now let out chuckle, "then I guess it only leave with the 'workers' you said need not any break and know no stamina."

"Sure, how can I forget about that..." Naruto said with careless appearance, "I get them done tomorrow morning, just prepare any work you planned them to do..."

Then he scratched his cheek, "but please go easy on them, don't make them do too much complicated stuff or particular act that require a specific talent, in regarding that, I can't promise you..."

Xue Lin pondered for a while then nodded her head in compliance, she perhaps a business person who thought about utilizing an asset to their fullest but she also knew which limit she shouldn't overstep.

In any case, the man beside her had fulfilled one of his almost impossible wishful promise, she won't make it hard for him because she knew now this man is not ordinary, perhaps is a good prospect for the future of her company to be remain in a good term with this person.

"Mr. Naruto, thank you for your good effort, I assure you, we will provide the best gemstone for the necessary extension in your company design," Xue Lin stretched out her slender hand and offered it to Naruto.

Naruto smiled, he grasped her hand professionally without any sort of wicked intention, "I hope our cooperation can go smoothly, both your company and I can strive for each of our succession together."

They stayed their hands together for sometime... eyes stared into each other while lips faintly smiled.

After a while, Naruto finally let her go, "Then I guess, I head back to my office now, is a pleasure to have a businesses with you, Ms. Xue."

"Oh, Mr. Naruto are you in a hurry?" Xue Lin startled and said in a doubtful tone.

He raised his eyebrows but never falter his smile, "No, I am not, I just thought that since today's matter is complete, I might as well head back, it close to lunch time anyway, wouldn't want to miss the free lunch from my company!"

"Regarding free lunch, how about having it in my company's cafeteria?"

"Are you sure? Won't you be busy?"

Xue Lin bit her lips, then smiled apologetically, "Yeah, I do, therefore I won't be the one who accompany you..."

Naruto went silent, then he nodded his head, "Alright, if you insist, then I won't reject the treat, is free food afterall!"

"Yeah, it's a bad thing to reject a free food!" Xue Lin nodded her head and chuckled in joy, she said in comforting manner, "our cafeteria had a lot kind of dish you might can choose, so you don't need to fear if you found one that not suitable to your taste!"

"Is there a ramen?" Naruto eyes lit in expectations.

Her smile expression froze, like a fish got thrown into a cold water and stuck in an iceberg.

She hung her head in shame, red blood blaspheme part of her face, "We- we don't have ramen, but we do have... fried noodle... I think..."

She rarely ate in her company cafeteria thus she wasn't sure if they had served that dish.

It's an embarrassment to her if he knew that she's not that fond with her company dish.

Well, it's actually a lot of dish, she is a veg, mostly like eating salad.

Oh, Xue Lin....

The cold beauty face turned really red.

Looking at the beauty became agitated in shame, Naruto unable to hold back his chuckle, he slanted his lips and teased her, "That's a disappointment, here I thought your cafeteria is complete, hah... one can only hope sometimes."

His voice filled with sadness and bitter.

Xue Lin snapped her face upward, her expression instantly changed panicked, "I- I am really sorry, h-how about if we order from outside, you just sit comfortably here while awaited my assistant bought you the food!"

"But it's from outside, is the same like going to a restaurant and order some steamed bun but they don't have it, instead offer me the one across the street, it's insulting and rude," he snorted in annoyance, "forget it, I just going to return back to my office."

"No, no, no, I am going to ask for the chef to make some ramen for you, please..." her face turned frightened and she spoke hastily.

Her skin that already snow like white now turned so pale akin to devoid from any red blood cell. Her enchanting lips trembled and eyes seemed desperate.

"Pfft..." Naruto held his lips while holding his laughter, he said roughly among the midst of his giggling, "ahahahhahaha! I am just kidding with you, why you are so serious?"

Xue Lin startled, her ruddy lips went agape for several minutes until those ravishing soft fruit slowly turned into a pout. Then the cold lady for the entire sequence took the temperament of a child while the blonde guy unceasingly flattered with thousand apologies.


In the Ice snow corporation, a woman with black trouser and blue pale shirt walked inside a long white hall with elegant steps. She flashed out her smiles to any coworkers she passed by, few she needed to decline her head in a gesture of salute.

Her perfect waist that showed the infinite charm of a woman swayed left and right as she traversed down the hall and headed toward the unclear destination.

Albeit the common gesture of greeting coworker is not a strange behavior for her to do, but one can see her smile is somewhat different today.

Usually she showed a smile that neither servile or arrogant, not too kind or forced, but today, something pulled the corner of her monte carlo lips far brighter than they're intended to.

As if the master of this extraordinary waist outline was currently in a happy go around mood.

Her steps albeit elegant, but everyone can noticed the urging feets that half dashed and half slouched.

Like she wanted to run but feared getting tease, or wanted to walk but feared getting late.


Soon she stumbled upon the company's cafeteria when a certain person already awaited in front of the place's double leaf door.

The person wore a grey colored attire from top to bottom, a red neck tie placed neatly on his chest.

He leaned against the door while crossing his arm, he greeted every personage that went in and out the food place.

The woman ceased her steps, she hid beside a tall decoration plant, fished out her phone and started fixing her appearance.

She already graceful and beautiful, yet she's like a part of lego that never have a finish makeover, every thing she did increase her charm more than she already had.

She took a deep breath, with a smile hooked the corner of her lips, she braved out from the plan and prepared to greet the man, but soon her expression froze in the spot, it simply because that man with a hair like a glowing torch currently was flirting with other ladies. The way their face turned red and that hateful confidence smirk on his face quickly boiled her sanity and brimmed her blood to the fullest.

She unable to bear it any while longer when the blonde is getting closer with them, he even dare to brush the female employee hair behind her ear.

With a heavy snort, she approached them, and spoke coldly, "Glad to see you have fun here."


Naruto was strolling beside many tables that provide a lot variety of food. Xue Lin turned out isn't talk nonsense about the kind of foods he could have in here, there were small munchies like youtiao and egg roll, heavy one like fried rice and noodle, cakes with chocolate and vanilla taste, pudding...

There were also soft drink and juice.

Albeit it was indeed crowded with many tasty edible grubby, sadly, the food wasn't on the company tabs. Each employee had to pay with their own money in order for them to have it the taste. Thus, unless they feared not losing too much money, they can only be picky about what they wanted eat.

What a cheap skate company...

Naruto rolled his eyes at his own thought.

"Pick what you want, it's on me today."

Naruto set his eyes straight ahead, towards the smooth back of a woman who swayed her slender waist charmingly and so desirable. He could notice a hostile tone she bared against him which he failed to know for what reason. He knew that they are rarely met, especially when the deal currently handle by her own boss, thus increasing the distance of the communication between the two of them.

"Ms. Wanqiu, there are so many food in here, I just have what you have," Naruto lightly said.

"Humph, how can a man was indecisive like this, you should capable on picking on your own!" she coldly said.

"Yes, I can... but it just a food, why you so worked up over this?" he tilted his head in confusion.

"Anyway! Are you sure to pick the same dish as I am? I ate so little, I fear your... 'great' appetite won't enough to eat only so much," Wanqiu Xia sneered as they kept walking beside the foods on the table.

"It doesn't matter for me, I am also not that much fond of eating..." he wrinkled his eyebrows, "what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, did you finally care? Good for you, I am fine by the way..." she said simply.

Naruto shook his head as he unable to understand how she could have a bad mood like this, Oh well, maybe her cycle is coming up now, thus her emotions is rather unstable.

Better stay clear then.

Thus Naruto decided to zip tight his mouth and empty his idea on talking with her.

While he was guessed correctly her 'great aunt' is indeed come to visit, but he was impossibly to guess that her irritation actually came from him.

Pervert, player, playboy, cheater, lecher, immoral, xxxxxxx...

Wanqiu Xia threw an artillery of curses upon curses inside her heart as she remembered how he such a flirt with other woman.

Despite whether she realize or not that there was nothing special brewing among both of them.

Soon they picked the dish which is only a small cake and brought it up to the dine table.


Naruto frowned as he looked at such simple lunch she have and couldn't help but stared at her with pitiful face, "Do you really eat only this?"

"Yeah, you got problem with that?" Wanqiu Xia said with a fixed face while inside she actually holding not to burst laughing at his puppy expression.

"I uh... I don't mind, really..." Naruto took a fork and ate it piece by piece.

He didn't like eating a sweet, thus putting this horrible cake inside his mouth is like a torture for him.

A sweet torture.

He almost wanted to throw up but forcefully held it back in respect for the woman beside him.

"It taste good, right?" Wanqiu Xia wickedly smiled as she observed his expression and noticed its not twisted in a good way. She concluded that perhaps he didn't like cake, thus her irritation with him digress in a large margin.

After a while, Naruto had strove to finish the hellish experience and gulped a lot of mineral water to shove down those hateful softy cake!

Wanqiu Xia laughed out loud, she tapped the dining desk repeatedly until the plate under her cake trembled, she had to stop eating in order to sate her laugh or she might got choke.

Naruto bitterly glanced at her, he spoke in sad and pitiful manner, "Look what I need to do to make you laugh, at least what I endure is not result in nothing..."

"Ahahaha, you need to see your own face when eating that chocolate jam, you are the same like a kid tried to eat vegetable, it's hilarious!" her body all trembled in the cause of his action which resulted in her gleeful shout.

Naruto twitched his lips, he begrudgingly said, "It's always fun to see someone become happy under other people's suffering."

"Pfft, I am sorry, I didn't mean to, it just... pffft ahahahha...."

The rest of people inside the cafeteria had been long became her audience, they curiously looked at what madness had occurred on that beauty over that table.

It took few moments for Wanqiu Xia to regain her bearing, she apologized many times to Naruto and ordered another dish which was not a sweet this time.

"So, how are you doing, Ms. Wanqiu, anything new these past few days?"

"Well, other than the release of our several new products and good improvements in sales service, nothing really worth to note," she said slowly, truth to be told, Snow Ice corp currently had some financial trouble but it's not appropriate for her to disclose it to people outside the company.

"I see, at least there is still something new to be said," he grinned while biting on the shrimp.

They chatted for a while until Naruto finished eating and immersed on his drinking.

In the midst of time, from outside the cafeteria, a man rushed in with roses in his hand.

He made a beeline on the free path among the dining table and arrived a specific location.

Wanqiu Xia and Naruto desk.

The man knelt and brought up the rose on his hand, "Wanqiu, please marry me!"