Bitter story

The audience unable to believe what they just heard.

Chief Wanqiu has an adopted elder brother?! Moreover such charming and dazzling young male?!


Hu Qiang eyes became astonished, the previous bitter hatred he had for naruto almost disappeared in the spot.

But the one that had the greatest reaction of all of them was naturally Wanqiu Xia herself. How come the situation turned complicated like this?

"Naruto, what are you say-"



Before the small waist woman managed to finish her sentence, a clear crisp sound suddenly came from behind her, She yelped as her body stumbled forward and she held her bottom which suddenly aching while feeling hot all over.

Most male in the room blurted out their eyes at the sight of ripple that came from her bottom, and Hu Qiang drooled at the erotic sound.

"You... you dare to..."



Naruto carelessly swung his right hand and smacked that plump ass of her. His hand felt the comfortable soft mound, and couldn't help but swung it once again to taste it.


"S-stop that!"

Wanqiu Xia's face already turned red with eyes glared fiercely at the blonde man before her, Hateful! How can you spank a lady in a public area?!

Oh god, where she should place her face now?

Naruto assumed a righteous appearance, he said while pointing one finger, "That is your punishment for being such a liar, your punishment for not calling me elder brother, and the last one was an interest."

What punishment you big pervert!

Wanqiu Xia face darkened, her bottom started feeling so hot as if it burning all over, she might even suspect it swelling a little.

Then Naruto opened his arm and brought her into his bosom, while his cheek rubbed against her temple, "Oh, my little minx, I am sorry for being too harsh with you, but I don't have a choice, our daddy had been told me to properly teach you in case you did something atrocious, oh, my soft heart couldn't bear it seeing you in pain like that..."

Her darkened face turned deep shade red, she could smelt his unique man scent combined with vanilla perfume he wore, the firmness of his body stuck on the front part of her womanly asset, deflating them a little, and his warm crib almost short circuited her system.

"OK, OK, I get it, stop rubbing on me!" Wanqiu Xia closed one eye as Naruto unceasingly rubbing succeeded on annoyed her.

Then she sensed Naruto's hand once again fell into her butt, her forehead took many wrinkle as she deeply frowned, she knew she had greatly bothered him by forcefully accusing him as her boyfriend but wasn't this a bit too much as retaliation?

When she thought the blonde man once again wanted to sexually harassed her, instead that hand just stay idle on her plump mound, and it eluded a comfortable aura that somehow ease the aching on her bottom, she couldn't help but moan at the feel, it was as if she had been getting massage down there without the hand made single bit movement.

After a while, her bottom had returned to its initial proportion and Naruto let go her body as he patted her head.

As she looked at his smile, she immediately declined her head in embarrassment, that redness between her eyes cannot be denied.

Naruto turned around and faced the audience with a mild smile, "You guys probably wondered how can I become Wanqiu adopted elder brother, right?"

They all nodded their head like a pecking cock. Even Wanqiu Xia curiously stared at him, wanted to know what non-sense excuse he would tell them.

"Oh..." Naruto suddenly had bitter visage, "I wanted to tell you, but... it's not a beautiful story..."

Looking at his sad countenance, many women also became sad, they even told him not to force it if he can't.

"But if I don't tell you, how can you trust me as Wanqiu Xia adopted elder brother? I am really stuck in a hard place..." he glanced at her, "little minx, what should I do?"

"Eh?" she startled, looking at his eyes filled with meaningful stare, she went silent for a while and quickly responded, "Naruto, you don't have to---"

"Little minx, how many times do I have to tell you to call me elder brother... is it too hard for you to say it? Or having me as elder brother is a shameful condition to you?" he made a pitiful face, even dripped one tears from his eyes.

"Kyaaa, baby don't cry!" the fanatic went uproar, even almost sprang forward and swarmed him to ease his pain.

They also hatefully stared at their own chief, as if what she said before it's a great taboo that no one should spoken.

Wanqiu Xia quickly had a cold sweat, she observed ahead and found out Naruto secretly sneered, she immediately gritted her teeth. She snorted then set her eyes toward the side, "If... if e... if elder brother... doesn't want... you don't have to... tell them."

"Woah, little minx!" Naruto abruptly hugged her again, even slightly lifted her body from the ground and swayed it side to side, "I am so happy you finally called me elder brother!"

Just kill me already, Wanqiu Xia bitterly thought as her body being trashed around in the air.

Naruto placed the human sized rag doll back to the ground, he shook his head afterward, "But little minx, this people need to know the truth, after all, how can they trust me as your elder brother if the box is still unseal?"

"Therefore, I have to uncover this sad and bitter story..."

Naruto strolled toward one of the table, he hopped onto its top surface, placing his feet on the chair, he cleared his throat, "Ahem, I know many of you still didn't believe that I am Wanqiu Xia's adopted brother, I am willing to tell you my past as long as you promise me not to spread this into the people outside, let the Pandora remain inside the box, let my secret only known by the people in here... can I trust you guys?"

"Yes, yes, you can trust us!"

"Alright... before I begin, I suggest you prepare a lot of tissue..."

Naruto took a deep breath, he put on a sad face before he faintly smiled, "The story began with a pure and naive young lady who lived in a secluded village called Konoha, the village is strict with its traditional rule and forbid many of its people to leave the village, so the young lady from born till matured age never once left the vicinity of the village. One day, while she was looking for a herb plant inside a forest, she stumbled upon an incapacitated man who got shored by the river's stream. The girl was kind, she didn't have the heart to just abandoned the man with such condition, thus she approached the body and commenced an inspection on it.

As she observed the man's body, she startled at the fact that the man had distinguished appearance from her, starting from his hair which is bright yellow colored, face feature that had the making of uniqueness, and skin tone that slight reddish compared to her. She immediately concluded that the man is an outsider and worried if his body ever found by other people from her village, perhaps his fate turned for the worse.

Since the young lady cannot take the man back to her village, thus she persisted on treating him on the river's creek. It was a bitter experience, she had to travel back and forth to his location which is quite a distance, selling many of her stuff to the village's healer to buy a lot of medicine, lying to her family and friends, collecting a lot of herb in the forest, making a tent for the man to rest, all for the sake of that man...

Of course, her effort wasn't a fruitless one... several weeks later, the man finally fluttered his eyes opened, the young lady immediately became entranced by the color of his iris, it was cerulean blue, so bright and clear like the blue sky. The man spoke with the language she couldn't understand but it didn't hold back the interaction between the two of them. Starting from using hands gesture till made some drawing on the creek's soil, they built up their communication slowly, until the man taught her his language and so did her to him.

All of this happened without the knowing of her relative, she secretly brought foods and her father cloth to give to the man. The pure and naive young lady spent more of her time with the man instead with the people in the village, thus they grew suspicious at her behavior.

And one day... her secret finally had been exposed...

Her family was furious, especially her father which is part the village prestigious person, having his own daughter to have a relation with an outsider is a big shame for him, thus he and the people of the village wanted to take the man in the custody and publicly executed him.

But the love between them had already budding.

The pure and naive young lady was crying loudly, pleading for her father not to kill the man, promising she won't have any relationship again with him, her eyes was desperate, her skin was pale and her voice is hoarse. She spent day and night kneeling in front of the village's head house so the chief could grant the man a mercy and just sent him out of the village.

Clear day turned brighter as hot as it can be, rainy day turned colder as icy as it can be. But the young lady remained all four in the ground, her forehead pasted on the dirty soil. She didn't once sleep, only dried tears and hoarse sound that accompany her lonely figure.

In the end, the village's head cannot bear the woman's insistence, neither her parent, thus they decided to send the man out of the village, with a bitter goodbye, the young lady never once saw him again.

But her torment of life didn't end...

Exactly few month after the man's departure, the village found that the young lady turned out pregnant, and the father of her child clearly is the outsider, she even admitted it herself.

The pure and naive young lady had committed two sin in the regard of the village's rule, first is engaging in physical relationship without marriage and the second, is that her partner was an outsider. These two sin was one of the greatest taboo the village people should never break and the young lady happened to cross both of it. So without have any much choice, the young lady was cast out from the village while she was pregnant...

Since she never leave the village before, the young lady clearly didn't know what she should do or where she should go, then she remembered someone told her about a city several miles away at the north from her village, thus she walked toward that direction.

Without any supply provided for her, she had to consume the foods from mushroom and plant, drink any water from the rain and river.

Time to time she would have stomache and she would laid on the ground until it finally away, which sometimes can take two days...

She was freezing and sweating, her legs almost tired out every time, she never had any good sleep since she feared for any wild beast will attack her.

Moreover, each month, her belly will grow bigger, it made her getting harder to walk but she never complaint about it, only gently rubbed her large belly and spoke lovingly, "Be patient my dear little child, we will soon meet up with your father again..."

Yes, the force that drive her to strive on her path was the wish to meet with that man once more. In the duration of their interaction, he had told her where he hailed from, and where he currently stayed. The reason why he fell into the river was because he experienced an extreme water sport but an accident happen. The young lady didn't know whether the city she headed is the same as the city the man currently stayed, but she hadn't much choice in the first place.

7 month had passed, she finally arrived on her destination with her big stomach, carrying that extra weight began to make her back ache and her condition is no longer can be said good.

It's already a miracle she could survive that long...

She tried to ask the people in the city about the man's where about, but looking at her tattered dress, smelling her ill scent, and sensing her chaotic condition, many people instead taking their distance from her. Even before she managed to open her mouth, those people already went away. In the end, the woman unable to stay on her feet any longer, unlike in the forest where she could sleep anywhere, the city is rather harsh and the ground is hard also cold. In any time, she fainted and passed out just like that.

She woke up in the midst of homeless people who offered her a sanctuary, her big stomach forced her had to accept these people. She also telling them about that man and hoped they could help her found his location. These people was more than glad to help her out but weeks after weeks, they still unable to get a single info about him.

Finally the day of labor had come, with her utmost strength and speck of willpower, she endured the pain of child birth, her consciousness trapped between light and dark, bringing the new life to this world almost with the cost of her own. But she survive, the young lady was a survivor, so did her child, a pretty boy with blonde hair and cerulean eyes.

The young lady remembered the man's favorite food, thus she named the boy "Naruto".

And good news came at the same time, one of the homeless people found out the man's where about, the young lady had been told quickly, even when she just recovered for several days, she immediately took off, taking her baby along.

The house where that man resided was very big, it's like gazing upon a small hill back at her village. It also surrounded by a tall black fence. The young lady tried to enter through the gate but the person who stood in the front denied her from entering. Even when she claimed she knew the master of this house, the person still not budge from his position. It's understandable that she was being doubt, with her rugged cloth, messy hair, and dirty body, no one will believe she actually know the person inside the house, not to mention she carried a baby with her.

Did not give up from meeting the man, the young lady awaited outside, she convinced herself that the man eventually will come out. True enough, in the midst of hunger and baby crying, the person she expected to meet finally strolled out from the building, riding sort of carriage with no horse and began to exit the building's gate.

She swiftly stepped forward and halted the carriage, almost getting hit by it before the driver abruptly stopped. She went into the side door and unceasingly spoke, calling out the man's name.

The door swung opened, and the moment she saw that face, that blonde hair and blue eyes that she endearingly miss, invaded every dream whenever she slept, the longing she always held as she gazed at the sky.

But reality is hard to accept... albeit the person is exactly the same man she loved, but his behavior... is different.

He no longer the gentleman she conversed many months ago, not the one who said many beautiful poets and sing thousands cheerful songs she that found amusing. He was no longer the one that caressed her hair and kissed her lips as they joined their body under the breeze of air that swayed the soft tune of the leaves.

One simple words, mixed with cold tones and indifferent gaze enough to tell her, this is not him...

"Get away from me, ugly!"

The young lady was stunned, it was true that the difficult of her journey had changed her appearance a lot, she's no longer the fresh and beautiful flower that hidden inside the secluded village, her beautiful and long black hair had changed into swirl and messy one. Her white skin had lost its luster, now akin to a dirty napkin.

But she couldn't believe that the man unable to recognize her one bit, she tried to speak out her name but the car already drove off, leaving her behind, alone in the street...

In depressed, the young lady awaited once again for the man to return, trying to convince herself that the man just unable to recognize her appearance, as soon as she said her name, he must had remembered her again. That's not the only reason why she didn't walk away, it simply because... she had no home here... and she was too ashamed to come back to the homeless people's place. After all, she just left without words and gratitude, how she had the guts to return there?

Therefore, her last hope was just the man, even if he unable to accept her, at least he took in the baby who had been crying for quite sometimes. She opened her dress and breast feeding the baby, a gentle face appeared on her as tears bead by bead lingered on her eyes.

Hours and hours, minutes by minutes, seconds after seconds.

The man was still not return, the outside climate is cold, hunger had been haunted the young lady, exhaustion had been hunted the young lady.

But she never ceased on comforting her baby, she spoke lovingly, told her son that his papa soon will come to take him in.

One night had passed, sun once again perched on its highest throne.

The car that carried the man finally came back, the woman put on her last power to stop the car and went to the side, calling the man's name while shouting out her own name.

She tried to appear cheerful, covering at least her desperation.

The car's window slid down, and the view inside made her inner world crumbled.

It's a sight behold not appropriate for a children to see, the man had two woman inside, three of them wore not a single shed of article. One woman was on his left side while another hugging his body tightly, from the redness and sweat on their body, clearly they had been enchanted by the amorous interaction.

The man once again spoke coldly to her, telling her to back the hell off and stop bothering him.

The young lady had thoroughly shaken to her core, her mind turned blank, her face devoid from any emotion. As the car left her behind, it also marked the end of hope she had for the man. She twisted her body and walked away from the house vicinity, her steps was lonely... her bearing was dimmed.

The young lady had very exhausted and her breath no longer stabled, but she strove, didn't stop on comforting her baby, walked the bitter road toward the unpredictable end. The young lady knew she won't survive this time... she knew she had to leave the baby alone... but she was unwilling... she didn't want her baby to live on the street like a trash. She prayed... with each steps she begged the god to have mercy, not for her but for the baby... is a pure born child, not having a slightest corruption marked his surface. She prayed... she begged... she pleaded...

And her effort had been answered, soon she stumbled upon an orphanage... she used her last strength to knock on the orphanage door, waiting as she shivered and hugged the baby. The door finally opened, revealing a kind middle-aged man who startled at the sight of the young lady, he wanted to take her to the hospital but the young lady rejected, it was enough for her live to burden another people, she just wanted to use her last time to make a will for her son. In her slowly diminishing vitality, and the help from the middle-aged man, she told all of her life experienced in paper and left the message for her son, for him not to hate his grandparents, not to hate her village people, and more specifically, not to hate his father and her beloved man.

Even in the end of her time, she still loved the man..."