
Hi there Author here.

Ya I know couldn`t keep my promise of delivering to you 2 chapters a week. so hope you understand.

and I truly apologies for breaking the promise I`ll try to make up for it in the future.

well here`s a new chapter so enjoy. there will be a time skip so you know. let's go in the story.

I do not own DBS


In deep space, the spacepod of one the Saiyan twins floats and it seems to have slightly sustained some damage from leaving the atmosphere of the Saiyan home planet.

Inside The Saiyan spacepod, we find a suspension chamber placed in the middle of the spacepod.

The chamber was human-sized with the upper half being clear see-through glass-like material and

inside the chamber, you could see a white panel in the middle that had a series of commands, The person inside appeared to be a kid around the age of 10, with a pair of white boots and only wearing a grey baggy pants. his hair was long and it went to his back and spiked out in various directions that seemed to defy gravity itself.

The spacepod began to violently shake as cracks started to appear all over the front glass of the suspension chamber until it eventually scattered all over the spacepod broken. A few moments later after the shaking stopped, Lights started to flash from the suspension chamber, the upper portion of the chamber clicked as it opened with a hiss light smoke came out, most likely the result of the chemicals used to preserve the body.

Groaning. The Saiyan started to slowly push open what is left of the glass of the chamber to open it slightly, He sat up slowly as he felt stiffness in his joints. He opened his eyes and started to put his hand up in front of his eyes so as to protect them from the bright light of the spacepod.

A few seconds later he gets used to the bright light and starts to look around the spacepod.

"Where am I? "He thought as he tried to remember what happened"Those Saiyan Bastards!

They killed her, They shall pay for what they did!" He thought as he looked around the emptiness of space and recalled the memories of what happened.


"Hurry! We don`t have much time!" The mother of the Saiyan twins shouted as she watched the Saiyan engineers building two Saiyan pods.

"Why are we building two Saiyan pods if I may ask and why are we implementing two suspension chambers in them?! Asked on of the few trustworthy friends the mother of the Saiyan twins had left on this cursed planet.

"Just hurry up, please. We don`t have much time before they get to my children.

I don`t want to involve you guys in all this mess. just finish the pods and never talk about building them or it might get you all executed. I am truly sorry, She said to them.

Don`t worry Xeleri. After what you did for us back then we will never forget that you are our savior.

The spacepods will be done around midnight. and we will make sure we four brothers never speak of it again after this.

"Thank You, I am really grateful to you guys" was all she could say to them.

I`ll go get the twins it`s almost midnight, after you guys finish the pods, please. run and hide don`t stay here and find out about what is going to happen.

"Xeleri Went back to her home to get her twins, But she was slightly surprised and alarms started to go off inside her mind. Could they have found out about my plan already?" she thought as she made her way to the two guards waiting before the entrance of her house.

" We are hereby to inform you of the decision our king Vegeta has made. he told us to kill one of the Saiyan twins and the other to be sent as an infiltration baby to a planet so he could prove his strength and come back as a warrior.

"No! I`ll not let you touch a hair of my child, Xeleri said as she powered up and punched one of the guards in the gut to which he bent over holding his stomach, she also kicked the other one in the head sending him through a wall. She stormed inside her house and took her 1-year-old twins and went to the Saiyan pods.

"Hurry! We don't have much time! Ready the spacepods"Xeleri shouted from afar towards the four Saiyan engineers. Realizing it might be best to do as she says. the engineers walked over to the pods and started pressing different kinds of commands on the pod's panels and also choosing two different destinations for the pods.

"The pods are ready Xeleri, Said one of the engineers,

Good now go and never speak of this again! " We wish you and your children all the best Xeleri, They all said at the same time as they ran away, tears threatening to break free from their eyes, but they surprised them because their Saiyan insects told them not to cry.

she ran to one of the spacepods and went to a suspension chamber and put on of her children inside and told him, as tears started to flow uncontrollably and with a shaky voice and a caring look with love she told her child, " Whatever you do and whatever people say about you know that you are the child of Xeleri and Tarro and not some cursed child that carries an ancient Saiyan bloodline. Know that we love you Kanba.

( End Flashback )

He yelled as loud as he could and started letting what little power he had in his body out. the whole spacepod started to shake and everything that was inside started to rise up as his power started to rise, He started to breathe heavily as he reached his limit and started to power down as an attempt to calm down his emotions.

His Saiyan side was overflowing with a tremendous amount of rage and self-blame but all he could do was shed few tears for his mother for revenge was out of the question. He was weak and still a child, all he could do now was wait and train till the age of 13, there is a seal on his body restricting him of controlling his ki an using it.

"Mother..." he whispered and remembered the love and bond he has formed in that 1 year that he has been with her and his twin brother Black, I`ll make sure that bastard of king dies a horrible death, Hopefully, his twin brother is doing okay.

He stopped his thoughts as he saw a huge lightning strike like crack appear in the middle of space. and his pod started to violently shake from the unknown force that started sucking his saiyen-pod in the crack that appeared.

His spacepod got sucked in and everything started to calm down as the lightning strike disappeared.