Hakaishin Awa

In-universe 14 is where we find a mature blue-skinned woman walking up and down the hall, Before her, one could see huge doors that seem like an entrance to bedchambers of a king, she was in a thinking pose constantly ticking her staff on the ground with each step she took. Then she stopped and looked at the huge doors and started to walk towards them with a huge smile across her face.

"Don`t blame me for what I am about to do to you Awa," She whispered to herself as she kicked open the doors of the chamber and stepped inside the room. She honestly couldn`t be blamed for what she was about to do to the poor hakashin that was sleeping like a baby. She tried everything one could think of to awaken someone from a deep sleep but nothing seemed to work for Awa is a heavy sleeper, al she does is sleep when she is not training doing her duties as a hakashin and it`s awfully hard to wake her up.

"Time to wake up Awa-sama," She said as she pointed her staff at her and raised her up off the bed.

She started floating with her behind her while she was peacefully sleeping.

"To the baths, " She said fully aware of the consequences of what she was about to do.

They reached a building that had the sign of bathhouse on it.

" I am sorry about this," she said as she levitated her into the bathhouse towards a large cold bath.

"If this doesn`t wake you up am not sure what will!" She said before making her clothes vanish and move her over before slowly lowering her into the cold bath.


Awa immediately sprong up high out of the bath and crossed her arms together muttering.

"Cold.. Cold.. so cold, I hate cold water" then she started to look around, there was a huge cat statue in the middle of the bath and four other cat statues in all the four corners of the bath.

"How did I get to the bathhouse.? " she thought out loud still in a daze.

"I brought you to the bathhouse Awa-same," A voice responded to her question outside of the bathhouse.

"Why would you do that to me, You know I don`t like cold water Jen." Awa said as she saw Jen entering through the bathhouse doors.

"I just couldn`t think of a way to wake you up so I brought you here" I truly apologize Awa-sama for we have an important meeting with Zeno-sama.

"Just call for me when you are ready to get out, so we can go.

"okay,I wil."

( later )

"Awa-sama, Zeno-sama wants to see us now, It`s time to depart,"Jen called.

She stopped feeding her two adorable cute little kittens and petted them both on the head before flying over."alright, I`m ready."

"Good, Then let`s go." Jen said as Awa lightly touched her shoulder before they both teleported away. They reached the realm of Zeno-oh-sama where The Daishinkan was waiting for them.

"I humbly welcome you." The Daishinkan said.

"It has far been too long Father," Jen responded.

"You must be Awa-san," It is good to officially meet you." The Daishinkan said with a smile.

"Hello grand priest." she greeted humbly bowing her head and back as a sign of respect.

" Then I`ll take you to Zeno-same."Said The Daishikan as he turned around and started to walk towards the building behind him.

Awa was starting to get a little nervous while she was walking behind the dashinkan, thinking about what to say or how to do a ceremonial greeting towards the king of all.

It has been two years now, her mind was remembering the deal she made with the previous destroyer and his attendant Jen, To be trained she had to accept the position of the next god of destruction when the time came, she didn`t really mind become the next destroyer, she needed the training the attendant of the destroyer offered Because she was a Saiyan that was driven by instinct, Becoming powerful and fighting strong opponents was like an addiction to her, and cats,

The previous destroyer wanted to retire and live the rest of his life peacefully in a quiet and peaceful planet, He was truly tired, physically and mentally, friends, family, loved ones, all lost in the river of time because everything has a price, being a destroyer came with getting a longer lifespan granted,

"You are the new god of destruction of universe 14 Congratulations.'' Said a very short and small kid with a blank expression, with a rather oval-shaped head and a sky blue skin, except for two sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, which are purple, He has small round eyes and small rounded grey ears.

"T-Th-thank You!! Zeno-oh-Sama!" Shouted Awa as she bowed her head and her spine following her head as she made a 90 decrees bow.

"What`s your name.?" Zeno asked her.

"My name is Awa Z-zh-Zeno-oh-sama," she responded as she bowed again.

" I am expecting a lot from you awa, Don`t disappoint me." The king of all said.

" Y-yy yyes zeno-oh-sama," she said.

" You may leave now." The king of all said as he went back playing his chess game,

" Thank you for having us and for officially granting awa-sama her title as a haikashin Zen-oh-sama." Jen said as she led her new destroyer away before teleporting her back to her planet.
