When Eros entered the gate he closed his eyes and when he opened them he found himself in a big cave with the gate at the end of it. After looking around him a little he noticed that the girls were beside the emperor at the entrance of the cave and then he walked to them and said: "Oy why didn't you wait for me I was inspecting the place and you went and left me there ". neither the girls or the elder responded him and this made him shocked because he knew that at least Lisa would've replied. He noticed then the girl's surprised face and when he started looking at the outside of the cave and was very shocked because what he expected was a tomb in an underground place and traps everywhere but then he found that he was in a big green forest with huge trees and the sun rays going through the gaps between the trees and the clear blue sky and white clouds that made everything look like a beautiful painting . " How is this possible just now we were in a desert and now we are like in the paradise did we die," said Lisa but then Eros replied:" don't say a stupid thing girl ".

Then they heard the elder saying " Welcome to the great tomb of Emperor Charles, The flying Argalia island ". they turned at the elder and Lina said: " you mean we're on a flying island!!! ". " yes, the island was found by his majesty years before building the tomb and the only way to get to the island was through the 3 teleportation magic circle which made this place the perfect testing ground for those who want to get the emperor treasure ". Eros said: " before we continue the trials can you tell how much there are???". The elder looked at him smiling and said: " normally there would 3 trials if you passed by the first or the second gate but because you passed through the third one you will have 2 additional trials and they will be more difficult than the other gates ". " well it doesn't matter for me because these tests will be so easy for me ". When the elder saw Eros confidence and arrogance he said: " we shall see ".

" Now follow me so I can get you to the talent testing ground before we go to your first trial. Then they started walking through the forest and met many magical beasts who tried to attack them but Eros easily fended them with his powerful aura which made the beasts terrified and trembling in front of him as he stared at them but after a moment he left them and they continued there way towards the outside of the forest . Lisa said: " Wow mister Eros that was just amazing to make those beasts fear you with just the aura you have is just unbelievable ". " Well, first why do you call me mister or uncle each time I am not that old I am just 22. Second, I am so strong so it's normal for them to be like that. hey by the way old man when will we reach the talent ground I want to end all the trials in the fastest time and break a record so I can get all the treasures ". When the old man heard him he started laughing " hhhhhhhhh young man in all my years I lived or staying here I never saw someone like you, you must know that just by entering through the third gate you already broke a record ".

" HOOOOO, of course, I will break a record so what is the record I broke ". " Well being the first one below the age of 25 to defeat alone a 5th level magical beast "." and I thought that it will be an awesome record but just killing a spider will be a record sigh this is really disappointing I am surprised by how weak the people at this place are ". " young man don't be like that, not many people can reach the 1st stage of the ' king warrior ' below 25 years old and you are just 22 years, even I reached the king-mage level at 24 and I was considered a prodigy and a genius in those 5000 years without a match". " I am different from you old man my power doesn't work like that so it's useless to compare to me because I am not something that can be compared to but if you feel like praising me then do that I won't stop you ". When the emperor fragment heard that he was surprised ( Even if I am just a soul fragment I am still Emperor Charles and at least they must show some respect as I was the most powerful mage of the era and yet this young man doesn't show a shred of respect for me ).

Lina looked at the emperor expression and then asked him: " Pardon my disrespect of my friend dear emperor and allow to say that you're not what I expected to see from the great mage of the Argalia empire and his era how should I say it, the emperor mentioned in the history is a glorious and majestic and an imposing aura yet you look just like a regular old man that can be found anywhere , also please allow me to apologize if I offended you in any way ". the emperor looked at her and suddenly a great pressure appeared around Lina but Eros countered the pressure instantly but Lina still felt some of the old emperor pressure and looked terrified. Lisa came and helped her a little so she can walk. The emperor said: " you are a very smart girl to know when to advance and retreat and that's why I didn't use so much power as for the answer it's because I want to enjoy testing the younger generation that's why I hid my aura ". Eros looked at him and was a little angry then said: " Old man I didn't know that you are so shameless to attack a little girl why don't you fight me and see what happens". But lina stopped him and said to the emperor: " sorry it was my fault ". The emperor looked at her and smiled and continued walking and they followed him.

After sometime Eros suddenly asked the emperor: " old man tell me how much people did pass the trials and what is the highest score????".Eros was still angry about the old man attacking Lina but he didn't have a choice as the one controlling the whole island was the Emperor himself ( wait for me after I finish the trials I will take everything and destroy your soul hmph to dare attack Lina in front of me, hmph ).

The old emperor looked at him and gave him a smile then said slyly: " Why do you want to know, ohhhh are you afraid that you will not be the first hmmm ". Eros looked at the old man like he was looking at an idiot and said: "Of course not I just want to know so I can go easy in the trial and not get a high score that will never be broken after all I am a good person and I will give a chance to everybody ".

When the old man heard that he was stupefied but only for a moment and then didn't care anymore and replied:" well let me first tell you that the trial won't open until 4 days pass because the trials can only open once a year, second in your 5 tests or the talent testing ground will not be included as its only a little trial to see your potential and finally in all the history of the tomb only 12 persons were able to get some of the treasures of the emperor. and you're the challenger number 13 of this tomb and the first one who passed the third gate trial ".

" Hmph, so only 12 persons that isn't too much so it will be easy to get the first score ". " As for the highest, you must understand that there are 5 trials at max and for the first three trial each one of them is 100 points as for the additional 2 each one is 50 points. The highest score you can get is 400 points but there are exceptions for those who pass 3 tests and since you're gonna pass 5 you don't need to know about them, know that the highest score ever is 327 points ". Lina said:" Normally it would've been 300 for those who pass 3 trials but because of the ' exceptions ' they can go beyond the max of 300 right??? ".

Charles looked at her and then said: " young lady you're really smart, yes it's true for those who pass 3 trial won't be tested for the last 2 but if they fulfill some conditions they will gain special points that will be added to the final score ". After they finished the conversation they reached the end of the forest and what faced them were 3 big mountains and a wide green plain. between the plain and the mountains was a big lake. Lisa said: "emperor this island is really amazing and the scenery is very beautiful ". " I know I was also like you when I saw it for the first time. ". Lina also said: " I can only say two words for this place magical and mesmerizing ". Eros reaction was normal as he thought( well this is what you call magical this place is really amazing it makes me want to make a painting but unfortunately my drawing skills are 0 ). After that, they walked toward towards the testing ground and then said the emperor: " welcome to the talent testing ground ".

In front of them was an arena and in each side of the arena, a pillar and above the pillar was a statue. One statue was a person holding a sword and another statue was that of a man and around him was something resembling a magic circle. Eros thought ( this must be how mages look .Lina said that through spells they transform the WM directly into magus-mana which gives them the ability to control the elements ). The two final pillars had one crystal ball and finally a star made of crystal. The emperor said: " Normally I would never appear during the trials and only at the end of the trial I will appear and give the scores and rewards but I was curious about the one who passed the third gate test and I appeared. After you test your talent I will go back to the control room of the tomb and I will only meet you after you finish the trials and if you die inside your corpse will rot for eternity in the tomb do you want to ask anything???".

When the girls heard this they were anxious and worried that something bad might happen to him but Eros looked totally relaxed like he was in a picnic and then he looked at the old man and said " then can you take care of the girls for me until I finish the trials and also if I notice that you did something weird I will make sure your remaining soul fragment is destroyed ". then he started walking to the arena but he remembered something and turned to them and said " And stop saying stupid things, I the lion sin of pride Eros killed in a tomb and by such weak trials, it can't be even a joke. " and continued walking towards the arena. emperor Charles looked at him and then asked the girls " why is he so prideful and arrogant like this, can't he talk normally????". Lisa then answered him immediately: " Because he is the sin of pride ".

" Sin of pride huh...interesting ".

After Eros entered the arena he felt some kind of warm energy entering his body and trying to look through his body. Eros didn't try to resist and after some time the energy left his body and then both of the pillars of the warrior and the mage started shining at the same time. The emperor was shocked and said: " Impossible you can't have both the mage and warrior abilities nobody in the sarna world can have the same powers because of the energy they use is totally different and one focuses on the body and the other on mind and comprehension unless.....". then he said:" unless he uses the WM directly without needing to convert it to Ki-mana or magus-mana hhhhhhhhhhhhh who thought that the there would exist someone like you in this world if you were born in my era would've taken my title of the strongest mage from me hhhhhhhhhhhhh ".

After the shocking scene, Eros thought ( Perhaps because of the divine sun cultivation technique I am able to only use WM which means I can be both a mage and a warrior and have the advantage over everybody in this world Although having sunshine is already a great advantage). After that. He continued the test and the crystal ball came towards him and when it was in front of him he touched it, the ball started shining more and more with red color until it became like a flaming ball and at that moment the crystal ball was destroyed completely and even became ashes. The emperor was so shocked and his jaw was opened completely and said: " this is impossible he (trembling) he has a perfect pure affinity towards the fire although it's one element, to reach the perfect harmony and affinity towards him make him a perfect host for the element." ( well, of course, it's gonna be fire I have literally a sun core inside me how couldn't it be the fire affinity ). finally what remained was the star test and after the crystal, star descended and Eros touched it what appeared was a number which was 1

Emperor Charles: 0_0

Lisa: :O :O :O :O

Lina: 😅😅😅😅😅😅

It was total silence for some minutes. All of them was shocked by how Eros results are so different from any other person in the world. Emperor Charles then said: " The heavens really hate those that have the great destiny and for everything you have something will be taken this is really unfortunate ". But Eros didn't say anything but after a time he said

" Oy old man your thing is broken fix it and let me continue the test ".

Emperor: 0_0 0_0 .