[ 4 Days ago ]

Eros and the emperor were talking to each other about the last test of the star: " sigh old man I didn't expect a legendary mage as you will have an old item that can't even measure my great magic sunshine and you still call yourself the mage of the era really disappointing ". " What are you saying young man, it's not the mistake of the crystal star as you are the one who doesn't have a talent for being a mage don't try to hide it and also you already have a heavenly talent for the warrior path so why do you care about the mage path ". " must I explain to you each time that it also doesn't matter for me which path I take because I will be able to master both of them easily that's why I want you to admit that your magical item is malfunctioning".

Lisa tried to interfere between them and said: " come on both of you it doesn't count right???". both of them said at the same time: " yes it counts ". Lina thought ( really both of them are children ). on the other hand, the emperor thought ( I finally found something that can make him angry and he dares to say my magical item is broken hmph, I will totally screw you hhhhhhh ) Lina then asked: " Your Majesty, even if Eros didn't score an in the magic test he still can pass right. "

The emperor then stopped his fight with Eros and smirked to him and gave him a disdainful look and said: " Of course he can because he passed the third gate and so he can go to the trials without passing the talent test although normally the third gate was designed for true geniuses but, sigh, who expected that someone with only 1 star in magic talent would be the first to pass that". But Eros then replied to him with a nonchalant look: " sigh, I don't understand how shameless you can be, why don't you just admit that your crystal star is a one that can't even measure normally yare yare ". The emperor wanted to retort but he knew that this was useless so he stopped fighting and then said: " I will go now as its useless to stay anymore. if you want to eat go and hunt in the forest you will find that they are more delicious than the monsters in the desert and also beware because as far as I know the powers in the Moxi desert are strong as I observed them over the years here from above and they look strong goodbye and take care of yourself ". " wait what about the girls take them with you". " I can't because where I am going is the control room and only I am authorized to enter. you don't need to worry because people can't kill each other in the tomb".

The Emperor soul fragment disappeared and it was like he was never there. Eros then said: " hmph sly old man ". then he looked at the girls: " Hey why don't you try to measure your talent in the arena perhaps you will discover something, of course, your talent won't be as shocking as mine ". Lina rolled her eyes and Lisa laughed and said: " yes, your talent was so shocking mister ". " I told you to not call me mister don't you understand call me lord or sir or even brother or just Eros I am not that old ". After Lina tested her power she discovered that she had the talent of being a mage and her stars were 6 as for her affinity, it was towards earth, wind, fire and even here magic ability which was a type of no-element magic appeared. Eros asked: " how do this magical ability work?????". " well there are people who have special abilities along their elemental magic as only people with a high affinity to magic have it like me who has the ability of ' eye of truth ' that gives me the ability to see someone true feelings and even know if they lie or not but there is also another type as magic abilities are categorized in 3 types offense, defense and support ".Eros thought( this magical ability is really awesome and can be really a good help well doesn't matter as long as I have sunshine which is even stronger than magical abilities I will be invincible ). After Lina was Lisa turn and surprisingly she was of the warrior type and even have the rare lightning Ki-mana which was quite rare as it was one of the rarest types of all the ki-mana. Lisa was very happy as she thought ( like this I will train and won't be a burden to mister Eros and sister ). and she giggled. After this Eros and the girls waited for 4 days for the trials.

[End of flash back]

When all the people that entered through the first gate saw Eros and the girls they were totally shocked because they didn't expect someone entering the tomb before them. Korio looked angry because he knew that those two girls were the ones who ran from the village and made him lose the third elder who was one of the strongest commanders he had. ( That guy must be the one who killed the third elder but this is weird because I don't feel anything from him not a mage nor warrior mana. this doesn't matter the important thing is how did they enter the tomb as I sent 200 2nd level master warrior in case they wanted to go through the 2nd gate but it seems they went through the mysterious 3rd gate and somehow made it through dammit I should've also sent guards but even that is impossible as it's in the underground tunnels). On the other hand, the second prince was puzzled as he didn't expect other humans than him and the imperial guards but quickly understood that they must be survivors from the village that the Ivan family lived in and suddenly he said: " How dare you, aren't you ashamed that even after betraying the royal family and giving them a fake location of the tomb you still want to take the treasure of our ancestor the great mage Charles for yourself, answer me, members of Ivan family ". Eros looked quite surprised as he didn't expect to see a human at this place aside from him and the twins and then he said to both the girls:" Who is this idiot and why is he talking like he is some big shot or what???". Lina answered him:" Looking at the insignia on the armor it shows that they are the imperial guards of the Lefia royal family. seems like he is a member of the royal family and perhaps a prince ".

Eros then turned to the prince " hmph so you're just a little prince, I must say you have some courage to come here but this isn't a place for children to come and play, go back to your kingdom and castle and stay there ". the 2nd prince was enraged and said to one of his followers: " injure him but don't kill him and torture the girls and kill them in front of him and then kill him". The imperial guard said: " yes your highness ". Then the guard walked towards him and smirked and said: " hihihi I am gonna really play with you 2 girls and you, curse your luck for angering his highness as he is very vicious towards those who enrage him ". Then he used the big sword and said: " this is the sword that every imperial guard receive after becoming one so be glad you desert bumpkin that you saw this sword ". The moment Eros wanted to stop the guard an ancient voice said: " thou shall not kill for its prohibited otherwise thou will be punished ". Suddenly before the guard sword reached Eros, he started bleeding from all his body and his face became so pale and his eyes flooded with blood. It was a terrifying scene and all the people pitied the guard as he started screaming and saying: " aaaaarrrrggghhhh your highness please help me I feel pain ".

The prince didn't even give him one glance and just stared at Eros with a cold gaze. After some time the guard died and his body swimming in his own blood, the prince said to Eros: " you knew about not killing people yet you didn't say anything ". Eros gave him a nonchalant smile that made the prince more enraged as Eros looked on him like he was a little cat fighting a huge lion. Williams said: " I will remember this so make use of the time that remained for you for after you get out of the tomb, it will be your doom ". Then Williams turned and waited for the test of talent. Eros didn't care about him anymore and looked at Korio as he said: " you must be king of the scorpions Korio, remember this I the lion Sin of pride Eros will make sure to kill you for what you did to Kalssouna tribe and also I have a message from the third elder, the message is ' Ashes ' ". The king then understood that he was in a huge problem because he knew that the one who killed the third elder was this human and was angry because he because the human didn't show any respect for him as if he was nothing and just someone that he can crush whenever he wants. All the tribes understood that the one who made the glass that night was none other than Eros and he even killed the third elder.

glasiosh then gave a curious look to Eros and was amused and happy about the fight between Korio and Williams and Eros as he thought ( hhhhhhh I knew that by inviting the prince the party will become more and more lively, I did the right thing. When I return home and they hear about this they will laugh till they explode hhhhhhh). Saydon looked at Eros and thought ( to be able to defeat the third elder who was at the peak of the spirit warrior level, his looks make him quite younger than the spider princess that means his talent must be at least at the same if not higher than the spider princess. How did he appear here I never heard of him in the Jan village, after all of this I will try to see his true power as I can attack now".

Shirafilia looked at Eros and the girls and thought( So this is the man who caused the incident of the glass in the west at that night, looking at him he looks younger than me and yet he is at the king warrior level and also I can't even feel his aura or magical power. it seems that he can hide his level ). The prince heard this and started asking glasiosh about the incident and then glasiosh started telling him about the incident of mana burst of that night. The queen started walking towards him and then when she was almost near him the two girls blocked her way and Lisa said: " what do you want from us didn't you hear that if you try and kill you will be killed". Shirafilia only smiled at them and then said: I only want to talk and nothing else so please can I pass???? ". She then made her 8 spider legs and her horns enter her body so she looked like a normal human and more than that a ravaging beauty that could topple over kingdoms. After looking at her new form both Lisa and Lina were shocked at how she looked so human and then they heard her saying " I am half human, half sd-tribe member so I have two forms that make me look like a human and a member of the sd-tribe ". Eros opened his eyes and stopped meditating and then looked at her and said: " well that is surprising I never that there was such a beauty in the middle of this ugly beasts." All the people started looking at Eros and wanted to finish him but they remembered about the imperial guard and gave up killing him. Shirafilia looked at him and then said: " It's nice to meet you my name is shirafilia but you can call me Shira, I am at the 2nd stage of the ' king mage ' level". Eros answered her and said: " I am Eros the lion sin of pride, member of the seven deadly sins holy knights and also the holder of the greatest magic sunshine ". After Shira heard this she was puzzled as she never heard of holy knights that call themselves the seven deadly sins but she didn't ask much and then said: " well mister Eros what do you think about the trials and when will they begin??? ". " I believe that the old man will explain it not now so no need to ask me". " The old man??? ". All of them were puzzled about the old man Eros was talking about then the heard the ancient voice again " The trials will begin and because of the challenger's high number, the first gate test was not activated and so there are 46 challenges that will be tested through the talent arena and to be admitted you must at least get :

for warriors will be tested with there affinity to the element and the conversion of WM to ki-mana and storing it.

for mages, it will be their comprehension of magic spells other (stars) and also the affinity.

The affinity will be divided into 4 levels.





All who want to test must get to the arena and except for challenger number 13 or who don't want to go to the trial they must pass by the talent test". When the people heard this they were startled but immediately understood. The prince then said looking at Eros: "Hmph, I will go first then I want to see how I am compared to the talents of the ancient era and also show some people the difference between normal mortals and true geniuses ". then the prince entered the arena and started his test.
