Eros was facing Rodiss as each one of them held a black crescent sword. Rodiss charged at him and tried to slash him with his sword and didn't stop for even a moment.

Eros was dodging his attack at the right moment and was even able to land some attacks but this wasn't enough as Rodiss immediately healed and continued without any rest and he said:

" Come on Eros why aren't you trying to really attack me I am starting to get bored, your sword skills are quite average, it seems like you don't use a sword in your battles and even can't land a hit on me. I must say you are just a beast who uses his physical strength and magical power but that doesn't matter your speed, strength or endurance are all amazing and make you a worthy enemy".

Eros didn't answer him as he thought

(I must find a weapon after this, the sword isn't a good weapon my growing body size can't keep up with sword arts).

Rodiss started smiling and then said:

" Oh, and by the way, if you are by any chance trying to make the fight longer so the Girl destroys the cores, well, let me tell you that even if by chance she destroys the core on the first floor, there are still 2 others. I even put guards beside each core so I guarantee that nobody will be able to destroy it while I am away hahahaha".

Eros immediately answered him:

"hohoho You really misunderstood, I only want to see your power after all if I use too much power I will kill you ".

Eros continued dodging and got pouched to the wall side and at that moment he used the black sword in his hand and gathered the heat and said " Fire slash ".

A great fire sword wave came towards Rodiss and it was very fast and hit him so hard that it burned his whole internal organs and even made him fly towards the exit and broke all the walls and at the end even got out of the tower as he hit the wall of the underground cave inside the mountain and after that he fell and hit the ground. Eros then jumped and said:

" Where do you think you're running, I am not finished with you, 'Solar Beam' ".

Eros attacked him by The solar beam from his hand and it penetrated through Rodiss chest and Even created a great explosion around and made all the tower shaking and when Eros turned to see the tower he noticed that from the outside.

All the 6th-floor was half-destroyed and the fire started coming as a result of Eros Fire slash. Eros looked to the tower and thought

( I must change the location of the battle or else I will destroy the tower and the people inside it).

Eros then turned to Rodiss location as he saw him get up and come to him again. He was totally wrecked as he lost his whole arm and even his face had a big hole in his forehead and lost his nose and eye.

The hole in his chest was so big that it made all His ribs appears out of his body. Eros looked at him and said:

" look at you aren't totally injured huh ".

Rodiss started regenerating as he said to him with a sarcastic voice.

Rodiss: "Eros, you're power is really fascinating, even though you're cultivation is lower than mine you were able to destroy me and if I didn't have the gathering formations backing me and healing me I would've really died but this end now after all if we continue the tower will be destroyed by our battle".

"You're right, we are on the same page now ".

Eros threw the black crescent sword as it totally melted and became unusable and then he heard Rodiss saying:

Rodiss: "Overheat activate ".

As he said that the magus-mana gathering formation started converting more and more WM and using it, he healed himself and starting transforming again.

This time all the darkness started forming around him and creating a black armor and this armour attached itself to his skin as Rodiss started yelling:


Rodiss armour was as black as the night and his cultivation started rising again as he said:

" Eros this time I will give you all my power and you will see my full power Hhhhhhhhh".

A dark cape made out of darkness miasma started forming. finally, his cultivation reached truly the peak of Emperor-warrior.

" oooff this is better now I am at the 10th stage of emperor warrior and I can defeat you easily Eros, hhhhhhh you should've killed me when you had the chance ".

Eros looked at him and said:

" So you hid your ugly face under the armour and I thought that you will have a big power-up or something like entering the 7th-stage but sigh, well better than nothing I guess ".

" Hhhhhh Eros even in front of death you're still talking like that, I will make sure to rip that mouth before I kill you ".

Rodiss then disappeared from Eros front and instantly appeared on his left side and said:

"Die ".

a dark fire appeared from Rodiss crescent sword and a 10 sword waves Hit Eros body and burned him completely and created a big explosion that sent him up towards the 10th floor and made him hit the cave ceiling and he went out of the cave.

then going to the second mountain. Rodiss didn't stop as he s followed him and flew towards him saying:

"It's the end, Eros take this 'hell darkness drops ' ".

It was a darkness fire that has the size of a water drop but because of its darkness elemental nature it can create high damage and Rodiss made thousands of these drops and shot it towards Eros.

When Rodiss saw all the destruction he was satisfied and descended to the mountain. He then saw Eros coming out of the explosion, his arm was heavily injured and blood gushing out of his forehead and both arms even his shoulder was pierced by the darkness drops and little holes that blood was coming out from this.

Rodiss looked at the sky that was dark then said:

" look Isn't the night beautiful, don't you feel that can swallow anything and make it disappear from this world. Eros, you are really something but unfortunately, you fought me, I am invincible and you can't defeat me so give up and die, give your life force and become part of me. I will be the night and you will be swallowed by my power ".

Eros didn't speak to him or answer him and just charged towards him. Rodiss sighed as he thought

(is he finally going rash and crazy, Eros you disappoint me it seems even if you are prideful you still become terrified when you are greeting death).

Eros was able to take the second crescent sword and this surprised him as he thought

(he is fast, how did he become faster even though he was injured ).

Eros then looked at Rodiss and said: " did you say that you are invincible and that you will swallow me. Last time someone did that, he couldn't do anything and got burned by my magic and now you will be next. ".

Eros then started healing at a fast rate and his energy started going higher and higher and then he said:

"For going against me and using people lives for your selfish reasons you will be burned by the flames of the sun lord Eros ".

Eros jumped to the sky and started converting all the WM in him into heat and he started yelling:


All the heat was attached to the black crescent sword as he was preparing his ultimate attack.

" Such power, it seems like he hasn't used everything and look at the heat its like a sun, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes Eros yes, you're really the Sun lord but you can't stop me, I am the dark emperor now attack me and let's see if you can really injure me ".

Eros looked at him and said in his mind

( i will kill you ).

He then slashed towards him with the sword and said:

" take this Super Fire Slash".

A big red burning sword wave came towards and when Rodiss saw it he thought

( I can't stop that attack must run away).

But Rodiss couldn't run because it was so fast that he couldn't dodge or run away. His last thought was

( shit why did I stay. I am too arrogant ).

A big explosion happened in the mountain and half of the mountain was destroyed by Eros attack that was so devastating that all the people on the island felt the heat coming from the mountain.

Eros then fell to the ground and saw that all his Sun-core mana store was almost exhausted and he couldn't keep up his transformation and his body returned to normal and didn't have any power to move anymore.

Eros then turned and saw that he split the mountain in the middle and destroyed the half. He smiled and laughed:

" (long sigh) He dared to fight against me and was destroyed by my magic, he couldn't even run away and was disintegrated to nothingness. ".


Eros turned and saw Rodiss or to be exact Rodiss head as even his the armour head disappeared and what remained was only the green face with fallen hair and darkness coming out of the neck.

He was like a zombie that didn't have a body. he said:


Eros saw him and smiled and said:

" look at you, you became only head without a body ".

Eros then tried to get up but he could only activate sunshine for minutes as he exhausted his mana in his last attack. He tried to endure the pain but he was only able to walk a little and fell to the ground again.

Suddenly he remembered Rodiss and saw that he still didn't regenerate and thought

(Why doesn't he regenerate isn't he like an immortal or something. No, wait a minute if he can't regenerate then that means).

He heard Rodiss yelling:

" How is this possible why can't I regenerate even after using Overheat this is impossible. In the magic spell, it explains that as long as one of the 3 magus-mana gathering formations is able to work I will be able to regenerate and although it won't be the same with 2 as 3 its still gonna work so what did happen for f*** sake. Even if the girl destroyed all of the magus-mana gathering formations I still can at least regenerate a part of my body thanks to the WM in the air ".

Suddenly they heard a voice behind them:

" Of course you can't after all the two girls destroyed the gathering formation on the tower and I destroyed the remaining two and I even made sure to make your body unable to gather WM ".

Eros then saw someone coming out of the shadows and took Rodiss head with his hand and said:

"It's been a while puny Rodizio you even changed your name hhhhh ".

When Rodiss or now Rodizio looked at him he was shocked as he said:

" impossible, it's you ".