William woke up and found himself in the outskirts of the forest that Eros and the girls came from. At first, William thought that he died and then reincarnated in someone body.

[ AN: nope nope, you're not the MC of this story so don't even think of that ]

William started walking towards the lake and then found in front of him the testing ground and he was happy as he can go to his troops.

William then entered the testing ground and found the imperial guards waiting for him.

William was happy as he was able to survive this whole event and also thinking about getting revenge against the others who disrespected him and even trashed him in the ground. William then said:

" Imperial guards hear my commands ".

The 18 imperial guards turned and found their prince behind them. All of them were excited because they can finally leave this place but also because of the prince return that indicated that he succeeded in the trials.

" We greet your highness the second prince Williams and congratulate you on succeeding in the Emperor Charles trial and inheriting his legacy ".

Little did they know that not only did he get nothing but also he didn't even pass the first trial. The prince didn't say anything as he didn't want to embarrass himself and just didn't say anything. William then said:

" We will stay here until Saifon gets out of the trials after all he still didn't finish ".

When the imperial guards heard that they were shocked and in their excitement forgot about Saifon existence. They all thought ( tch, because of the idiot we will stay here longer).

In reality, William thought another thing( They must have stayed to continue the trials and because they threw me here I can't continue and now I need to just wait and then take all the treasures this time I will kill you all with my imperial guards hhhh ).

The other people present in the testing ground and saw the second prince appearance. The winged tigers decided to stay and wait for their leader as he told them that they will go when he returns.

The sd-tribe also decided to wait as their princess is still inside. The first elder was suspicious of the prince because he was the first to return but she didn't have any proof so she decided to wait. Finally, the first elder said:

" We will also wait for his Highness until he comes out ".

" Yes first elder".


[ In the treasure room]

Eros and the others were in the great hall that Shira made them teleport to using the spatial gate. The long gold corridor has a majestic aura of dominance.

They walked toward the end of the corridor and saw that there was a great red door with 2 golden statues beside it. The right statue was that of a young man with a sword in its hand.

The young man looked magnificent as he pointed his sword toward the sky like an invincible warrior. Sophia said:

"This must be emperor Charles when he was young. Even in his younger days, he still had the imposing aura ".

" Yeah, This old man really liked to boast about himself, he is a full-fledged narcissistic"

All of them looked at Eros who was smirking as he said that. All of them rolled their eyes at Eros statement. Shira then said:

" The other statue then must be when he became old as it has some resemblance with the young one ".

Everyone nodded. Saydon then looked at the door and said:

" Then how are we going to enter through the red door because I don't think that there is a key or something".

Eros started walking toward the door and touched it. The door didn't have anything special aside from the insignia of a circle with a crossed sword and magic sceptre inside it. he then touched the insignia and it started shining

" Eros you really can't change your attitude toward me. I am emperor Charles you know ".

Everybody was surprised by the voice as they didn't understand who said that. Then an old man appeared out of the door. Eros immediately retreated as he activated sunshine and became muscular immediately. Eros then said:

" Rodiss It seems that you want another round of beating after all of that. You even are like a cockroach, each time I kill, you live again ".

All the people are on their guard as they prepare themselves to battle the emperor again. Then Charles sighed and said:

" it's just 8:30 in the morning and you're already at the peak of king warrior, I really want to know how much you can reach in the zenith but I am just a soul now I can't continue the adventure ".

Eros didn't understand why the most attacked him and then the old man said:

" I am a second soul fragment put to protect the treasures inside the treasure vault in case anything bad happened ".

All of them looked at him because they thought he was lying but then Eros looked at Lina and she nodded at him indicating that he wasn't lying. Eros asked:

" So you are not controlled by Rodiss??? ".

" I once was controlled because I was a secondary soul and when Rodiss controlled the main soul, I was controlled but now that the main soul and Rodiss destroyed I am free.

Eros said Lina: " Is he lying??".

Lina said: " No, he's saying the truth".

The emperor continued:

" but I don't have much time because without the main soul fragment I can't live so I will let you enter the treasure because they are not needed any more. As for entering you must find a way and I will not tell you how to enter it's against my orders ".

Eros deactivated his power and then looked at Sophia and Shira:

" Both of you, you can try and find a way because looking at this old man he's not gonna tell us anything ".

[After one hour ]

The girls were still inspecting the door and searching for an impossible way to enter whilst Eros was talking with the emperor about His fall for Rodiss control

Eros looked at the old man and said:

" Old-man how did that Rodiss came and took over the body. (deactivates sunshine) Was your soul which was that of a great mage easily overwhelmed by an emperor warrior level".

" I really don't know much because I am just not the main soul but what I know is that Rodiss came here 120 years ago to the tomb and tried the trials but because he failed at the second trial and died. His soul was pushed out of his before he got killed and somehow survived. I don't know how he was able to overwhelm the main soul and became the new manager. Of course, he was able to have some control but also restricted and when he understood that he decided to create a new body and found the spell inside the knowledge library ".

Eros heard all the story and sympathise with him but he didn't show it and just said:

" Old-man don't feel sad, you're finally going to rest now and join the rest of your soul ".

The emperor looked at him and said:

" Eros you're quite the good young man. If you just show your emotions and not hide them in that pride of yours ".

Eros smiled and said:

" sigh, Emperor Charles you must understand It's not pride that I have. It's just that there is not something that can make me have emotions against and people say that it's pride so I stopped correcting them and just let them alone ".

The emperor sighed and then Shira came to Eros and said:

" Mister Eross, Sophia said that she might have found a way to open the door ".

Eross and the emperor went with her to the door. There, they found all of them waiting in front of Sophia who was inspecting the door and said:

" This door is really fascinating. it works on an isolated magic reserve that is inside the vault and finally, it can counter any magic spells or physical attacks up to a 7th level "

saydon then said:

" Then how can we do that, we don't have a 7th-level expert. It's a Saint warrior/mage, after all, they don't grow on trees ".

Sophia didn't answer him and just looked at Eros as she said:

" Sir Eros what do you think about it!??? ".

When Eros heard her, he started laughing and said:

" Let me then try my attack now and let's see if it can resist ".

Eros activated sunshine and this time his size became bigger and he became more muscled. The emperor and Sophia and everybody who was present is shocked by how he's big and the heat emitted by his body and also the magic power emanating from him. The emperor said:

" This is really fabulous, just an hour ago he was at the king warrior and he is already at the 1stage of the saint warrior, truly a cheat magic ability ".

Eros turned to Charles and said:

" Do you understand Old man, my ability can't be measured and only revered. This is my great magic Sunshine ".

Then he walked towards the door and said:

" Let me show you true power ".

Then with all his power, he punched the big door in the middle and after that, he stopped and deactivated his transformation.

suddenly everybody heard a sound of cracking and noticed the door starting to shatter from were Eros punched. All of them were terrified of Eros potential and power and had the same thought( a Saint warrior at the age of 22, The world has gone crazy ).

Eros said then:

" Sigh, it took one punch to destroy this door and I thought that because it was built by the great emperor Charles, it will be very durable ".

Emperor Charles said:

" You must know that I needed the saint level at the age of 100 and yet your power gives you the ability at the age of 22. How laughable and ironical for me".

Eros then turned to him:

" Kings like you are like the sand grain, there is too many of you but I am a unique existence. I am the lion sin of pride Lord Eros ".

Then as he said those words, the door completely shattered and the inside of the vault appeared in front of them and they entered to take their rewards.