Eros looked at the metal liquid and then looked at Charles as he said:

"What is this thing and why do I feel immense fire mana inside ".

Charles smiled and looked at Eros:

" This metal is a special material. You see I found this liquid metal inside an ancient ruin of dwarves. I brought this thing to my friend a dwarf blacksmith and do you know what he said to me???".

" What did he say??? ".

" Let me tell you that this metal cane from the heart of a dead star ".

The moment Eros heard that he though ( wait a moment isn't this like... Then don't tell me...).

The emperor continued:

" Looking at the metal that is still in its liquid form, I can say that the star was so hot that even after it died, the metal inherited all the fire of the star. Finally, it is in this form because each time I put the metal inside the mould, it will instantly melt and can't resist the heat".

Eros looked at him and said:

" Then why did you put him with these 5 other weapons. All the 5 are swords or spears and even an arm yet you say this metal who is in a liquid form is a weapon????".

Charles sighed and said:

" Along the years of observing this weapon, I noticed one thing. This metal has its own will and what I understood is that it will only form as a weapon if the master decides to ".

Eros was fired up but he didn't show it and said (Oy oy isn't this like thor hammer of marvel. Who thought that I will find such an in the tomb. It's the perfect weapon for me. Perhaps I can even decide to form it like rhitta or any other weapon ).

Eros said:

" Can it change weapon form each time or its just one time ".

" Don't be too greedy Eros, if a weapon form from this metal, It can even be a legendary S weapon yet you also want it to transform to many weapons ".

Eros said: " Legendary S weapon??? "

Shira sighed and said:

" Eros don't you know what are the types of weapons ".

Eros didn't want anybody to suspect him that he was from another world so he said:

Of course, I know but I just forgot ".

[AN: The lamest excuse ever]

Shira didn't insist on knowing and just said:

" Well there 9 levels for magical weapons and items they are F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS. Each level has 3sub-levels. For example F level there is F-, F, F+ and the same for the other levels. "

Eros said:

" Then the weapon will be only on the third level and I thought that S level will be amazing ".

Everyone looked at him and thought ( Come on, there is a limit for everything but to say that S level weapons are nothing this is really unbelievable).

Sophia then interrupted them and said:

" Sir Eros you must know that officially, on the whole continent there exist only 15 S level weapons. 8 which are S- level and 6 S level and finally one S+ level. The only ones who have those weapons are the 5 empires of the western continent. Those powers are all elite of each empire ".

Shira added and said:

" The only S+ weapon is in the possession of the strongest man in the continent. they say in his hands, that weapon can destroy islands like this with only strength without using any mana ".

When Eros heard that, he smiled and said:

" If he can destroy islands with a weapon then I can destroy this island with one hand ".

the emperor looked at him and said:

" Well, all the weapons here on the table are hypothetically at the S level because they were found on ancient ruins so I believe now there will be at least 6 other weapons in the continent form this moment on ".

Seath looked at his metal arm and smiled as he said:

" Hhhhhhh I have the greatest weapon now, an S level weapon. It seems living in this island for 30 years finally gave its rewards ".

Everybody looked at him as he was laughing and rolled their eyes. Lina asked the emperor :

"Your majesty is my weapon at the S level??? ".

Charles looked at her and smiled as he said:

" Sorry my child but your weapon is just A+ level weapon but it's still good ".

Eros patted her head as he said:

" Yeah, you must know your weapon is very good. Saifon tells us what has the protector as a weapon??? ".

When Saifon heard that he answered:

" Well, It's known that the king has a B level weapon so it rumoured that the protector has a B+ or A- level weapon ".

When Lina heard this she became happy and nodded and said:

" I will become strong and be able to get my own S level weapon ".

Eros looked at her and nodded:

" This is the spirit ".

When Eros was about to go to the metal liquid, suddenly purple lightning appeared in the corner and everybody was surprised as they looked at Lisa who has in her hands a sword.

Eros looked at the sword who has a black hilt and purple blade edge. its centre was white. The guard of the sword has a lightning symbol on it. Eros looked at Lisa and run to help her but was stopped by Charles who said:

" Stop, She is trying to fuse her will with the sword and now she is gonna make him her soul weapon".

Eros then didn't interfere but looking at Lisa who was having the pain running through all her body made him sad. The emperor said:

" You don't need to feel sad because she is gonna be okay. The weapon is testing her and for now, she is doing amazing by resisting the pain ".

After about 10 minutes. the purple lightning stopped. Lisa finished her test and she is now a different person. Her eyes became purple and there were sparks of lightning around her body.

The sword blade became completely purple and the hilt became more black than normal and the symbol of lightning on the guard became a little bigger. The Emperor said:

" This change signifies that it recognised you as it's master. This aura I feel, I don't believe it. It became an S+ weapon level. Girl, you're very lucky ".

When the people heard this they were all shocked, a girl who is 11 years old has in her hands an S+ level sword. they all thought except Eros ( Did the S+ became so cheap that everybody can have it even children ).

Eros smiled at her and said:

" Good job kid now you are a little stronger and can protect yourself ".

Lisa became happy and said:

" Can I join now your new group of seven deadly sins and become strong ".

Eros turned to her and gave a serious face as he said:

" Kid, don't think that because you have an S level sword that you can join my group and the sword didn't become yours because of your strength but because of your potential ".

Eros patted her head and continued:

" He deemed you worthy of using him but he can find someone who is more worthy and live you so you must train to be able to use it ".

When Lisa heard this she understood Eros meaning and said: " yes ". She took the sword and put it inside the pouch.

After that, The remaining weapons are 4. A big heavy black spear. A red sword. A bracelet and finally the liquid metal.

Sophia looked at Eros and the remaining one as she said:

" Everybody there is only 4 weapons remaining and I don't need a weapon because I have Aquila so, please each one of you take one item and this will make us all happy ".

Saydon said immediately:

" Miss Sophia what are you saying, I can't accept such thing. You are one of us and aside from Eros you did all the job so you must take one of the items ".

Eros then said:

" She doesn't need an S level weapon because she already has one, isn't that right Miss Sophia. Although you helped us I must say you really are mysterious ".

Sophia signed and said:

" Since when did you know?? ".

All the people looked at him and didn't understand what he was saying. Only the emperor understood the meaning of Eros words.

Lina asked: " What do you mean Eros???? ".

Eros started saying:

" You see Miss Sophia said to me that she is from a noble family from the Yodatya kingdom. I then thought that this is impossible because if that was true, How do you explain Aquila who is at the peak of

6th-grade beast was with her, him who is considered as the protector level. those who are at the emperor-level ".

Now that Eros said it, Everybody was confused. If the Yodatya kingdom has such a powerhouse, why did they assign it to protect a girl from a noble family?.

Eros continued:

" Somehow you deceived Rodiss and made him believe that you are from the Yodatya kingdom and because you didn't show Aquila who was unable to be summoned thanks to the tower, he was surer now ".

When they heard what Eros was saying, they started getting suspicious, Eros continued:

" That means you didn't want him or us to discover your identity because of some reason. Now, If you're not from the Yodatya kingdom, you're definitely not from the other 2 kingdoms because of the same reasons. they all have the same power and this is why they don't go to war which means you're identity and background is outside the west-south plains ".

[AN: Damn Eros I didn't know that you have the detective Conan in you. This is amazing. Show us her true identity detective pride. ]

All of them were impressed by Eros who was able to deduce this much just by Aquila appearance.

Eros then said:

" With all of this, I can say that you are at least from one of the 5 empires. Only them can give birth to a talent like you and also have a 6th-grade beast a bodyguard. Also, Nobody in their right mind will give up having an S level weapon even if you have another S level weapon which means..... "

Lina interrupted him:

" If she tries to take the weapon and it tries to test her, she will have no other choice than to use her power and so her identity will be known by us because her power can only be related to one background and everybody knows about it ".

[AN: 0_0 0_0 did she (tremble), did she interrupt Eros revelation wow she has guts]

Everybody turned to Lina who said that and we're shocked how she was able to follow Eros reasoning and deduce the same things as him.

Eros looked at her and he sighed as he thought( I wanted to surprise everybody and look like Conan but you stole my moment sigh ).

He then turned to Sophia and said:

" So are you gonna reveal yourself or just pass having an S level weapon ".

Sophia sighed and said:

" I will still have to pass because I already have an S level weapon with me and yes I also don't want to reveal my true identity ".

When everybody heard that, they didn't say anything and just nodded. Everybody has his secrets and if she gives up then that's a good thing because now each one of them will have an S level weapon.

Saydon, Saifon, Shira and Eros. Each one of them walked toward the weapon they decided on. Saydon decided on the black bear because he was a long weapon user.

Shira decided on the bracket because she was sure that it was a mage item. Saifon decided on the red sword because he was a swordsman who specialised in sword attacks.

Finally, Eros who was in front of the metal liquid and decided that he will form it to resemble Escanor Rhitta and perhaps if possible another weapon is able to transform it again.

( I will finally have my Sacred weapon Divine axe rhitta ).