When Eros explained to others about Star and her past, all of them felt sad about her and decided to help her. Lisa who started wiping her tears after her story said:

"You don't need to feel sad anymore because with the emperor magic herbs help was gonna find you those 2 herbs and you will have finally a body ".

Eros turned to the emperor and said:

"She said that she needs two herbs. One, to create the body that will host her soul, the second, The herb that will boost her life force and make her body able to level up as any human. Do you know these 2 plants? ".

When Sophia heard this she also looked at the emperor and said:

" You are majesty, you may also have a magic herb that can cure the magic poison in my mother body. So can you help me? ".

When the emperor heard that he sighed and said:

"Well, I can help you with all the plants. They are all in my possession and for her body, I have even all the materials. Unfortunately, I wanted to create a body for myself. Who thought that I the great mage Charles will be deceived ".

Star who didn't expect hearing begun quivering and because she was in her liquid form, Eris was able to understand how worried she is. Eros turned to the emperor as he didn't understand what he meant by that and said:

"Did they deceive you in buying a fake one. I really didn't expect the emperor Charles, The mage of the Era to be deceived like this ".

The emperor looked enraged and said:

"Cough... cough, It's not like that you idiot. I can say for sure that it's a valsum marium herb and I can bet my reputation as a mage on it. What I didn't know was that there are 2 types of this herb, the marium An and marium Pen. Each one of them gives life but to different gender ".

Eros: "So one of them create a female body while the other creates a male body and because you have the one that creates a woman body, you can't have a body right hahaha".

The Emperor: "Of course, why are you laughing. I can't have a woman body. What people would think if they know that the great mage is in a woman body".

When Eros heard that he could swear that Star sighed although she can't do that and even was happy that it was the herb that creates a woman body. The emperor said:

"The marium Pen is the one used for the female body so it's perfect for you who is a woman I believe right ".

The metal noted. The emperor thought(it's really weird to talk to a metal who is a woman ).

Lina said:

" Brother Eros why I am you calling her star can't you give her a good name, I mean the star isn't a good name for a girl ".

Everybody looked at him as they thought ( who gives a girl a star name isn't this quite disrespectful ).

Eros looked at said:

" Well, I know one girl who calls herself star fire so why do you say that it's weird ".

Shira looked at Eros and said:

" For now let's give her another name okay, So How about, Lenora ".

Sophia said:

" What about Helena isn't it better to be related to stars in the name because of her origin ".

Lisa said:

" Then I want her to have Sheila like this she will have a beautiful name ".

Saifon then interrupted them and said:

" I believe she might choose her name herself after all she wants that right? ".

They all turned toward her and saw that she nodded to Saifon answer and all of them understood this and stopped bothering.

Finally, after walking a little, they got out of the hall and got out of the room completely thanks to Shera teleportation.

They then followed the emperor towards the lake and then reach the beach. When they saw that, the emperor said:

" Because I wanted the perfect environment for the herbs to grow and also stay the longest alive. I put them in a house underwater".

When everybody heard this, they were shocked by the abilities of the mage of the era. Emperor Charles who looked prideful and happy because he was able to show off in front of them.

Eros looked at his expression and knew how much he was happy, he interrupted his happy thoughts as he said:

" Well, Now stop showing off your abilities and just give us the herbs ".

Charles wasn't happy and was about to answer Eros but then he thought about something and grinned then said:

" You see I also can't show you as the treasure but how about this if Eros admit that I am the greatest mage of the era, I will tell you the location. How about this ".

[ AN: Did he just say that, wait perhaps I am wrong ].

Emperor: " come on Eros just admit it ".

Other people: " yeah just tell him ".

[AN: 0_0 0_0, oh boy ].

When They said that, Eros didn't answer them and suddenly he runs and jumps in the lake. Everybody was surprised by what he did and didn't understand his goal.

On the other hand, The emperor, Sophia, and star knew what he was about to do and Sophia said to the emperor:

" Your majesty you shouldn't have said that to him ".

When she just finished saying that, everybody noticed the water of the whole lake boiling and starting evaporate. Saifon who understood what was going to happen Yelled:

" Everybody escapes to the forest or you will be burned ".

At that moment everybody started running and as they were running they heard: PRIDE FLARE".

It was Eros voice that activated Sunshine underwater to not hurt anybody and launched the Cruel Sun and made it explode.

A whole lake has evaporated and what remained was only huge steam.

Everybody got out of the forest and noticed the emperor and star who stayed on the beach because such attack was useless and can't hurt them.

Charles who was in a soul form can't be hurt easily unless it's soul magic as for Star she is a metal liquid that formed from a dying star so attacks like this are useless.

Eros got out of the lake and went to the beach and then he saw both the emperor and Charles. Eros heard Star saying:

" You are really amazing, your power is able to evaporate a whole lake in mere seconds ".

Eros was surprised when he heard her voice but he remembered that he was still using sunshine. he then smiled and said:

" Such thing is very easy, I can even evaporate a volcano if I want ".

Eros deactivated Sunshine and then looked towards Charles who finished a little and was shocked by how overbearing Eros is. Then he smirked and said:

" So old man, tell me if I am wrong but the house is there in the middle right??? ".

Charles sighed and said: " yes, it's there ".

Lisa came running to him and looked furious she said:

" Eros, you idiot why did you do that couldn't you just admit to him yet you went and evaporated the whole lake. is your pride worth that much ".

Everybody looked at Eros who smiled and said:

" Of course, I am the sun lord Lion sin of pride Eros ".

When she saw that, Lisa pouted and hmphed then she stopped and didn't say anything. Then they all headed to the house in the middle and while they were walking, they were totally shocked and gasped.

Eros made the whole lake was burned and nothing was spared except for the house in the middle.

They decided to do anything and not go and battle Eros because death was guaranteed and not even a body will remain.

Then Eros went and opened the door that was grey in color, the moment they opened the door a huge smell of herbs hit everybody. Sophia was shocked by how much Emperor Charles has magical herbs and said:

" I must say, your majesty, The herbs here are all rare and coveted by even those at the 9th level and you got all of this ".

Charles couldn't contain his smile and started laughing and said:

" Hhhhhhhh, of course, it is after all although I didn't enter the legendary Saint emperor level my traveling around the continent made my collection very hard to come by hhhhhh ".

Eros rolled his eyes and said:

" So where are the herbs mage of the era who didn't reach the Saint emperor level ".

[ AN: oh buuuurrrrnnnn ☀☀☀☀]

Charles didn't answer him and said:

" First, let's begin with the plant the girl wants. Sophia what is exactly the poison your mother has??? ".

Sophia became sad a little because she remembered her mother and said:

" Although it been 10 years since I was here so I don't know about her condition and I am going to describe the poison that got to her body 10 years ago ".

The emperor said: " okay you can say ".

Sophia nodded and said:

" It's a poison that can eat the life force out of the body and its called 1000 killing poison because the pain that is felt will be like dying a 1000 times ".

When everybody heard this they were afraid and terrified of the power of the poison. Charles thought a little and said:

" Although this poison is one of the strongest poisons in the whole continent, I have the perfect herb for it so wait a moment ".

Charles went inside the house and after some time Charles came back and with him a blue herb with red vines. Charles gave her a herb and said:

"This herb is light saving herb, It's a herb that can gather all the life force in the body and then regenerate it using the pure mana inside it. The second ability is that it takes all that new pure mana to burn the poison and so the illness will be totally finished. This herb is very rare but its very effective against all life force poisons ".

Sophia became very happy and glad that all these years didn't go to waste and now she can save her mother and be happy. she started crying and the twins and shirt came and consoled her.

Eros looked at her although he didn't show anything on his face, he was really glad that her efforts all these years were answered. He then looked at Charles and said pointing at Star.

Eros: "So did you bring the 2 herbs for Star so she can get a body??".

Star started shaking and he understood that she was nervous.

Charles: "Don't be impatient, Here take this. The first herb which is purple and white is The marium Pen. The second one which is totally red is valium herb, It can increase the body life force during the forming of the body and can even increase the cultivation of the body that's why it's necessary for the body".

When Eros heard that he understood the power of the two herbs. In the hand of someone who is in death door, he can make a new body and a new life.

Eros: "Does any of you know a mana gathering formation? If you don't you can follow the old man instructions so we can finish it fast and make for a body".

They first got out of the house and then went out of the herb house. They returned to the forest and then Shira used the spatial gate and they went to the mountain where they exited from the tower last time.

Shira volunteered to do the formation and with Charles guidance, she was able to create a very good formation that could support the two herbs forming the body.

Eros looked at the liquid that was shaking and he smiled and got behind her and said

Eros: "Hey, are you nervous?".

The liquid then nodded. Eros then laughed and said to her.

Eros: "No need, With me here, I will guarantee that you will get your perfect body and nobody will take it from you".