[After 15 minutes]

In the island of Wadya and to be specific on the south-east of the island situates one of the biggest cities of the Lefia kingdom, the Wadya city.

The city has a population of 1 million people. It's also the centre of the economy in the south of the kingdom. The city lord ruling here is a distant relative of the royal family.

This shows the importance of the island for the royal family. The city also has a big port that accepts all the merchants from the other 2 kingdoms.

60% of the people live on fishing or mining on the mines in the west of the island. 10% are either working for the city guards.

finally, the 30% is the army division of the kingdom living on the island to give protection and help in case something unusual happens.

Since the rebellion of the former city lord, the kingdom had taken some measures to make sure that something like this never happens again.

One of them is to put a city lord related to the royal family and the other thing is to put a part of the army to guard the island and monitor the city lord.

All these actions showed that even if the kingdom did put the royal family there, they still can't trust someone who tasted the influence and rule power.


[ In the port at the east of the city].

In the port, the fishers are doing their jobs while preparing for the nets to go fishing. Suddenly a big black and red ship appeared coming to their direction.

The ship looked expensive and very good. One of the fishers said:

" Well, look at this amazing ship. It's made of the finest wood I ever saw and look at those sails. They are made perhaps from the silk of a high-grade magical beast. I must say that a big ship like this is very expensive".

another fisher also said:

"Yeah, even the big shots of the kingdom can hardly afford a ship like this".

Everybody was talking the ship that was coming towards the island as it was rare for luxury ships to come to this island as there wasn't anything interesting aside from the mines and fish.

One of the guards saw how the fishers are talking about the ship. He decided to tell his captain about the ship. He then went to the office and knocked on the door. A voice was then heard.


When the guard opened and entered the door. He found in front of him the famous port guards captain of Wadya city. The captain was a man in his fifties. he has a brown hair and a thick beard and a moustache.

The captain was reading about the reports of the last month ships that came to the island. When he suddenly raised his head and said:

" So what is the problem, don't tell that it's the Raiko gang again???. Tell them that I won't let anyone of them enter the port".

He was wearing a silver armour with a shining red colour on the arms and legs. When The guard saw him, he gave him a salute and said:

"No. Captain, I am here to report about a ship that is gonna enter our waters and I want the permission to monitor it".

When the captain heard that, he was a little surprised and said:

"A ship?? What do you mean by monitoring it??? Is it a suspicious ship that has those things we've been tracking??".

The guard answered him immediately:

" No, it's the first time the ship came here but in minutes it will come here and so we need to check the crew or at least see if there is anything suspicious".

When the captain heard that he felt a little puzzled as he thought

( Hmm it's the first time the ship came but it could be the new way that they came with to mislead us).

He then heard the guard saying:

" captain, to be frank, this ship looks like a ship that a big shot will use and not something that a gang will use but I still wanted to tell you as it may be a way to get them".

When The captain heard that, he started thinking and after some time he opened the drawer if his desk. He looked at the papers and then smiled a little and said to the guard:

" Go and bring with you 200 guards and also notify the army that they must bring with them also a 1000 man. It seems our guests have finally come and pay us a visit. Also, send one of our men to the city lord mansion and tell him that the targets have finally come".

" Yes, captain. So we monitor them or do something????".

" No. Just let them enter like any normal and don't alert them".


The guard then left the office and the captain got up from his seat and took his sword as he said:

" I must be the one to catch them or else the other captain may take this opportunity. If I do this, perhaps the city lord will reward me hhhhh".


[In some place at the island]

There was a dark room. This dark room didn't have any window or anything. The only thing that you could hear was the sound of 2 persons talking.

One of the voices said:

" It seems the final target has come to the island with a great ship".

The other voice said:

" Yes, it seems that our mission is nearing its end. But I must say I didn't expect them to send you. After all, you are one of the upper ranks".

When the first voice heard that he started laughing and said:

" Well, this shows how the boss wants this girl and also we had the chance to find another one of the targets. With all the 4 pieces gathered, we will finally be able to release them from that place and our glory will return".

When the voice heard that he got silent for a time and then said again:

" You must know that there someone among them who must not be underestimated. Even if you are known as the lightning sword".

" Hhhhhhhhh what's gone wrong to make you this paranoid. I mean since you came back from the island, you became a different man".

The voice sighed and said:

" Well, you can say that I met the wall that made me know my abilities but that doesn't matter. We have 4 days before the messenger come with the teleportation circle. So we must get out of this barren place and take both girls".

" No need to feel anxious because the moment they enter the island. They will not escape".


The voices then disappeared and no sound was heard anymore.


[At the ship of Sophia]

Eros and the others were preparing for the stop at the Wady island. Then Sophia came and said:

" I must tell you that this island is ruled by members of the royal family so you must know that it will be a little dangerous and So I decided that only half of us will go while the other half will stay and in case something bad happens you will save us".

Eros then said:

"You don't need to feel afraid because I am here and I will protect each one of you".

Everybody sighed when they heard what Eros said and really wanted to reprimand him but his power is big among all of them.

Eros then looked at the island and said:

"Let the catching game start".

Sophia then said:

" So the ones that will stay and protect the Ship are Shira, Saydon, Seath and finally Eros".

Eros: 0_0 what????