[After an hour].

The central district is the fifth district that controls everything in Wadya city. It's essentially the nobles homes and also the city lord palace.

It also has homes of wealthy merchants who couldn't get a noble title. You can say that this district is for the wealthy and influential people who govern the whole island.

In the City lord palace, a man in his office was reading many papers and also writing many things. This man was the city lord himself.

After what happened at the arena, many files came to him related to this event which made him busy the whole day.

After completing the last file in his office, he sighed and said to himself:

"All of this is because of the damn Adventurer Guild. I will make sure to pay them for this".

??????: "Well, I will make sure to tell Guild master Riss about what you said right now".

The city lord didn't show any surprised expression but he just turned and found in front of him General Adrian smiling towards him.

The city lord just smiled and said:

" Oh, if it isn't gentle Adrian. It comes here is an honor for me. What brings you here to our humble mansion. I mean they said you are busy these days because of the last movements of Ailonia kingdom".

The general then sighed and looked at the window and said looking above at the sky. He then said:

"These time, It seems that the Ailonia kingdom wants to declare war on us. They made our trade routes in the south completely sealed and this made the country economy weak a little. The only way is to trade with Yodatya kingdom who seems to be waiting for an opportunity to take down both of us".

When The city lord heard that he felt like the general meaning is that there will be a new war.

Adrian: "It been 200 years since the last war between the three kingdoms. at that time I was a young general who didn't know anything about the world and just sought for achievements through war".

When Adrian started talking about his story, the city lord felt a little interested in the general story. After all, no matter what, the general is over 300 years and he still lookes like a middle-aged man.

Not many persons lived in the era of war 200 years ago. The city lord was one of them as he wasn't even born when that happened.

Suddenly, Adrian remembered something and said:

"Wait a minute?. Aren't you surprised that I am here? I mean if I was an assassin it would've been the end for you".

The city lord smiled and said to the general:

"My general, Someone who can pass Damian without him knowing and comes here can easily take me down. I am just a 5th Stage spirit king level that's why I can't defend myself well'.

Adrian: " Don't belittle yourself. You're the youngest spirit king I saw in the last 10 years. Of course aside from that girl and Riss".

City lord: "being complimented by the general really honors me".

The city lord is 170 years old. He entered the spirit king level at the age of 70. This also shows the level of talent in the 3 kingdoms and the gap between them and The great 5 empires.

The only exception during these last years is Riss and Kara.

[AN: Eros and the others are also among the exception but as the story goes you will notice many things that are considered exceptions here are just normal thing outside the southwest planes].

They say that to go from a spirit warrior to a spirit king is like ascending from a normal mortal that can only leave for 100 years at max into an immortal that can leave for 500 hundred years.

This is why it's very important to enter the 5th level before you reach old age. Entering the spirit king at 30 and at 70 is a completely different thing

Even the great mage Charles entered this level at the age of 24 and this showed his great and immense talent.

Adrian: "But I always found it strange that someone as talented as Riss is here in this backward place in the continent. No matter what to reach the king warrior level at the age of 31 is something very big".

There is also something else that he didn't want to say in front of the city lord because he isn't sure about it and he kept it to himself.

Adrian: (That guy Riss, I always thought that there is something wrong with him Like something didn't fit when I see him. That feeling of discomfort and unease when I see him).

The city lord didn't notice what the general thought and just said:

"What do you think about what happened today? I mean I am sure that kind of power can only be exerted by the King warrior/mage level. We must find them and also talk with them".

Adrian: " We can't do that. If they appeared outside the guild, It would've been a different thing as we have the ability to investigate them but now, sigh, Riss said that they are members of the Adventurer guild and this will make it hard to find them because it seems Riss will do everything to protect them".

The city lord felt that this is a big problem because a sudden appearance of a king warrior/mage level so suddenly just with the Ailonia kingdom attack is very suspicious for him.

He's a city lord after all and he needs to guarantee the safety of his city and the citizens.

Adrian who saw the face the city lord made understood what he's thinking about and he then said:

"No need to think about them being spies because the possibility is very low???".

City lord: "Oh general, you can even see through my thoughts??".

Adrian: "Well, Its the very first thing someone thinks when a powerhouse such as a king level appears here but the adventurer guild won't take the risk to help a country over another. The adventurer guild has branches over all the continent and If the HQ of the guild gear about a branch supporting a country and breaking the neutral status of the guild ".

When the city lord heard that he sighed and felt glad that something like the adventurer guild helping the Ailonia kingdom isn't going to happen anytime soon.

City lord: "Then that brings us to the identities of both those warriors".

Adrian: "Oh, that's the reason I came to see you. I've already met them and I even know where they are now".

City lord: "Oh so you know them already. Wait... 0_0 0_0 0_0 WHAT THE HELL!!!!! YOU ALREADY KNOW THEM AND WHERE THEY ARE!!!!!".

The General looked puzzled at The city lord reaction and didn't understand what is happening. Suddenly the door of the city lord office room is broken.

The one who entered is none other than Damian who came running and said:

"City Lord, I heard your yelling is everything okay???. Eh, General Adrian, when did you come here??".

The city lord felt a little embarrassed as his reaction is inappropriate for a dignified city Lord. He then sighed and calmed himself as he said to Damian:

" Nothing Damian, I only was shocked a little by what the general said to me. You can go back now and I will be okay".

Damian: "Yes, At your service. If you need anything just tell me".

General Adrian: " Take care of yourself".

After Damian Went away, The city lord turned to the general and he said:

"What do you mean General. You met them and also know where they are. Why didn't you tell me?. Did you try to ask them to join us?".

Adrian: " Well, I met them at the arena. Both of them were hiding in the roof listening to our conversation. For your second question, They are in the mansion of Kara. They invaded it an hour ago and when she came to kill them, One of the two who seemed to be the leader fought with her and defeated her easily. He was even talking to her while fighting".

City lord: 0_0 0_0 0_0. 😱 (Come on this is very dangerous. he defeated her while talking with her and not even a drop of sweat appeared on him).

Adrian: "For your last question, I didn't ask them because it's useless for them".

When the city lord heard that he turned serious again and said:

" General, I must disagree with you her because There are many Adventurers who work for nobles while maintaining their status as Adventurers. You could even propose for him to join the army and be a vice-general".

Adrian who heard him say that sighed and felt a little disappointed by the city lord reasoning. He then said with a very serious face:

"Why should he join such a weak country?. He is too powerful for us. He is at least as powerful as the protector".

City lord suddenly felt his legs trembling and he said:

"An emperor powerhouse".

Adrian: " He even looks to be in his twenties".

City lord: "😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱(tremble) A....A.....20....years...old....spirit..... emperor warrior. Even in the 5 great empires, you won't hear about this".