It's been 2 days since Eros came to the underground facility and to be honest, nothing much happened.

When Eros woke up in the morning of the next day, He only went up to eat and just after that, he went to the 5th floor so he can do some training.

What Eros really wanted to do is to control the heat and someday be able to use his sunshine just like Mael.

Eros started by trying to control the mana inside his body. Eros was a little surprised, even though he is underground he could still use Sunshine.

Still, he didn't think too much about. After all, Unless someone can bring the night here or create an isolated mana space nothing can touch him because whenever he goes he will be invincible.

Eros then remembered something and went down to the fifth floor. The fifth floor is made of a big library and a big training room only used by high members of Kairo gang.

The floor is also where Kara lives she has a whole suite for herself. Eros went there so he can ask Kara about something.

[AN: Sniff Sniff Wait, I smell something. Isn't it the fanservice scene?].

Eros found some guards at the entrance of her living quarters but he totally ignored them. The guards didn't try to stop.

In reality, the things that happened in the mansion and how Eros was able to defeat Kara easily made him very famous and also someone who really must be revered.

That's the reason why the guards didn't try to stop him as they knew that they won't be able to. Eros didn't care too much and said to them:

"Is Kara inside or not?".

Guard A: "She is inside Sir but she told us to tell anybody that comes here that they can't enter even the city lord himself".

Eros nodded to them but he still continued walking and ignored what they said completely. He then walked and reached what looked like the dining room.

He then inspected the room. Eros had to admit that this house looked quite girly for a woman as old as Kara.

Click Click.

Eros heard a door opening and when he looked at that direction, he found something unexpected. He looked at Kara who is only wearing a towel as she got out of the bath.

Kara purple hair still has drops of water that are falling over all her flawless skin. Eris almost had a nosebleed. Such a gorgeous body can make any man die without any regret.

Kara who suddenly saw Eros in the room didn't say anything. Nothing appeared on her face and she only stared at him.

Eros who felt that this moment is very awkward. As typical Otaku, he only waited for the moment that she will hit him with something but such a thing didn't happen.

Finally, Eros broke the ice and said:

"I entered your room because I needed to ask you something that's why I don't want you to misunderstand something".

Kara still didn't say anything and this made him feel more guilty as he really wanted her to react no matter what.

What he didn't know is that Kara is reacting but inside her head.

Kara: (Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Noooooooooooo Poo. How could someone see me like this Ahhhhhh? I will kill him no matter what. Arrrrrrrgghhh. wooowooo how I can see Riss now that my body has been seen).

[AN: you have been sacrificed for the sake of fanservice so be proud. I need to make some fanservice for Eros because he's the MC after all].

At last, she sighed and said with a calm voice:

" What do you want from me?".

Eros: "I want to ask you if you have by any chance in your library a martial art related to weapons".

Kara: "Martial arts related to weapons?".

Eros: "Yes, I want to learn how to use an Axe so I can control it with more ease".

Kara: "So, You mean magic art?".

Eros: " Whats a magic art?".

Kara: "Well, I can't...Wait for a second you don't know about magic arts?".

Eros: "How about you explain to me?? I forgot about it".

Kara: 0_0 0_0. Sigh. Well, let me explain to you".

After some time Eros understood what she meant by magic art. In reality, magic art is a special art that gives its user the ability to control and channel the Ki inside him.

It can also give you the ability to use your element and your body to full power. For example, Kara Ice Maiden sword is a magic art that enables her to master her Ice element and transform her ice Ki into ice swords.

There are also many different types of magic arts that can give you access to many abilities. The magic art was created in the first place so it can compensate for those who don't have magic abilities.

Although magic arts can be very powerful, they have some weaknesses as each time you use it, it will consume ki just like a magic spell use spiritual energy and magus.

Magic abilities are something natural that is born inside any living creature that's why people who got this kind of power are hailed as geniuses and natural born mage or warrior.

Finally, Eros understood a little what she meant by magic art. After Eros heard this he thought

( So this magic art is like a cultivation technique skill like those in novels. These techniques are created because of those who are naturally born with talent).

Eros then looked at her and said:

"What about those born with a magic ability?".

Kara: "Well, It depends on the magic ability itself. If the magic ability doesn't have any related element then you need to have a magic art to control your own ki element as for those who have a magic ability related to their element then they don't need to use magic art".

Eros: "Won't those with elementless magic ability will have an advantage by having a magic art and a magic ability?".

Kara: "It's a fact that most of those who have elementless magic abilities have useless ones and can't be used in battle".

Eros finally understood what is the true meaning of having crappy magic abilities but then he thought about something

(Wait a minute, doesn't that mean that me, Sophia, Lina, Saifon and Shira have super great magic abilities and don't need to have a magic art).

Eros then thought of something and said:

"Can't mages use magic arts?".

Kara smirked at him and Eros felt he looked like an idiot. Kara said:

"If they could learn such a powerful art won't that make them invincible with their magic spells. Hmph".

Eros looked at her and finally thought of something

(Well, they already have multiple elements and with a probability of a magic ability and also the mighty magic art, Nobody will stop them and a warrior use will go away).

After Kara answered all Eros questions, he started walking as he went to the door and get out of the room. Kara signed and finally turned to go to wear clothes.

Kara: (Wait a moment...).

Yes, Since they talked all the time, Kara was only wearing a towel and she didn't notice that because she was answering Eros questions.

When she turned to hit Eros, she finally discovered that he went away. Sh is now raging as she couldn't get her revenge.

Eros started walking towards the library as he was thinking

(This is really good. Not only did I get some new information but also I got to see that woman gorgeous body. This is really amazing).

Eros who has a smile on his face as said:

"I am truly a lucky man".

After Eros reached the library he entered and found people also there searching for their own magic spell or magic art.

Eros then said:

"As expected there aren't many magic spells because she doesn't have many mages in her gang. Even the magic arts are quite weak here, all of them are at the common level".

Kara also told him about the magic art level. They go from common, uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Divine. Each level is divided into a lower, middle and higher level.

Kara said that the most powerful magic art on the kingdom is in the hands of the royal family, It's a Rare level magic art.

Eros who didn't think too much about learning a magic art as he already has Sunshine. He only wanted to find Axe art so he can gain more power.

Eros looked at the shelves and said:

"Shall we begin".