[An hour later].

Eros and the others got out of the meeting room. Saya then started walking beside Seath and Eros as she said to them:

"Where are you going now?".

Both seath and Eros looked at her. Saya is someone who really worships Kara and after the battle between Eros and Kara, she never talked that much to them.

Although the reason she wants to talk to them right now is Kara herself.

Seath: " Why do you want to know?".

Saya: "Well, my mission is to follow you and monitor you so you don't ruin Miss Kara plan. After all, if she takes the branch of Tenebris organization, she will be able to truly expand her hands on the whole lefia kingdom and be a true underworld ruler".

Seath: " Sigh, I don't care about that. What I want to do is just battle and become stronger and stronger than ever. After all, I want to be at least among the top 10 on this continent".

Saya looked at him for some time and then she started laughing and even her stomach started hurting her. She continued laughing and laughing until tears started falling.

Saya: "You, strongest on the continent. I am sorry but that night impossible. Even if you're above this kingdom strength, you won't be able to keep up with the empires elite strength and Let's not talk even about those old fogies hidden in the royal city and the emperors themselves.hhhhhh".

Seath started gnashing his teeth as he saw Saya laughing at him. Finally, they reached their own rooms and entered.

Eros didn't speak the whole way as he started thinking about Kara plan. Her plan is quite simple, to be honest.

Eros fell on the bed and started remembering about what happened inside the room.


Kara: " We will attack them when the sunrise".

Eros: "What are you saying?. Why do we not attack them right now?. The perfect chance will be to attack during the night".

Kara: "They already know that we ate going to attack them".

Eros: "How?".

Kara: "One of the spies that we sent was discovered and captured. I believe that they already became suspicious and believe that someone will attack them right now".

Eros(yelling): " Then I don't care. even if they know, We will just go and attack them. We will defeat them and rescue my friends".

Kara(yelling): "Can you guarantee that they won't kill anybody from your friends if they see you attack?".

When Eros heard that, he suddenly got down and sat on his chair as he started thinking about she said. Finally, Eros thought in his mind

(She's right. Even if I kill everyone there, it won't guarantee that they won't kill them. After all, they only need Sophia).

Eros fell into a dilemma as he didn't find a way to rescue his friends. Kara then gave a smile and said:

"That's why we will let them prepare. If they prepare themselves, they will think that we'll fail and they will drop their guard and then attack them at the Sunrise".

Eros: "Sigh, Okay. I will go according to your plan but I won't follow you. I will only attack at Sunrise and you won't order me".

Kara: "As long as you begin your attack at the Sunrise and destroy the whole branch then it's fine by me".

Finally, Eros got up from his seat and went out of the meeting room. Seath also followed him. Kara then looked at Saya and said:

" Follow them. Don't let them destroy our plan. I don't want anything bad to happen".

Saya: "Yes".


Eros looked at the ceiling of the room and started thinking about how he could rescue his friends as he didn't like Kara plan at all.

Eros: (Why did I follow Kara plan. I am very strong and I can for sure defeat anybody below the emperor level easily and with my Axe, I can even take immediately all of them so why would I do a stupid thing and wait for the Sunrise).

Eros started remembering everything about his adventures until now. From him coming to this world to this moment right now.

Kara: (I never backed down from a challenge and I will never do that. I am the Sin of Pride and nothing will be able to stop me).

Eros then got up and started laughing as he said:

"I almost lost my path but such now that I discovered what I am. Nothing will stop me. I am the invincible warrior, the whole knight, the Sun Lord, Eros-sama, How can I wait for the sunrise and I am already a Sun".

Unknown to hum, Eros activated Sunshine with just an image of the sun inside his mind.

Eros: "I am the Master of the Sin and I control it not her".

Eros power started gathering and he then said:

"Come forth, Divine Axe Rhitta".

After the battle, Rhitta stayed in the training room as people weren't able to lift it. The huge weight made her very unbalanced for them.

When Eros said those words, the Axe started shaking and then floating as it went with high speed towards Eros room.

The Axe was on the fifth floor while Eros was in the fourth one. The Axe went directly up and destroyed the ceiling of the floor.

Boom Boom

Kara who heard that immediately knew that it's related to Eros and she got out of her office and said to one of the guards:

" Go and see what happened on the fourth floor. If you meet Eros tell him that he must stop whatever he's doing".

The Axe reached Eros and he held it with both hands. Eros then went out of the hole created by the Axe and started going up.

Not many people tried to stop him as they knew his power. He finally reached the entrance to the building and prepared to go out until he heard a familiar voice.

Diss: "Young master? What are you doing here?".

Eros looked at Diss and then thought of something and smiled. Diss who saw that trembled a little and thought

(That smile, This bad.....).

Eros: "Diss, do you know about the Tenebris branch hideout, right?".

Diss(tremble and crying): "Yes".

Eros: "Then good, you will come with me and show me the way, how about this".

Diss(crying): "Of course, no problem"


When Seath, Saya heard all the commotion they went and didn't find Eros at all. Then, they followed the walls that Eros destroyed until the First floor.

Seath: "Damn it. He tricked and went alone".

Saya: " This is bad, with him going alone, Miss Kara plan will be ruined".

Kara: "From the beginning, I didn't believe it will work with someone like him".

They turned and found Kara string at the entrance and sighing.

Kara: "Saya, go tell the leaders that we will go now and prepare the men so we can attack them".

Saya then nodded and went to notify the leaders.

Kara: "Well let's go join him".

Seath: "Yeaeeaaaaahhhhh".


[AN: One piece badass music ].

After Eros and Diss got out of the slums, Eros held Diss and started jumping on the roof and after he left the city, he went as fast as he could to Daya city.

He finally reached the city after half an hour. Eros then asked Diss to show him the building. He then put Diss down.

Eros: Stay behind me and don't do anything

Diss: "Yes".

[AN: One piece music ON].

Eros then started walking toward the entrance door as the wind started getting more powerful. Eros then reached the entrance of the building.

Guard: " Hey you, What do you think you're doing here. This is private property. Go away and don't return here ever".

Eros didn't speak at all and then


Eros punched the guard and he then hit the wall and created a big sound.

Eros then walked to the huge door and then


Eros hit the door with his bare hand. The door couldn't Resist The powerful fist and it fell down completely.

People inside the building didn't understand what happened and are shocked because the great door just fell like that.

Eros then said while yelling a little.

"Prepare yourselves, I am here to attack you and destroy this place completely".