Riss reached the end of the floor with the others and they found that there is a shield made of mana. The shield seemed powerful and made anybody unable to enter.

Saydon: "Mister Riss what are we going to do right now? This formation will make us unable to enter".

Riss looked at

Riss didn't say anything and just smiled. He then thrust his sword in the ground and held his spear in his left-hand horizontally.

"Black hole".

Riss smiled as dark miasmas started gushing out of the spear. It then coated Riss completely and created a thin layer of darkness around him.

Riss then started walking towards the shield, he then touched the shield with his darkness hand.

Crackle Crackle.

The Moment Riss hand touched the shield, it started trembling and then it shattered just like the glass.

Everybody is shocked by his power. He didn't do anything at all. He only touched the shield and it immediately shattered just like that.

Riss then looked behind the shield and found the surprised and shocked Korino looking at him. Everybody then noticed Sophia and Serena in the corner asleep.

Korino: "How is that possible, nobody under the Saint warrior level should be able to break it".

Riss: " Heh, this kind of shield is really amazing. The tenebris guild is really resourceful. Oh, Riss, it's been a long time since I saw you. Last time was when you were spying on me 40 years ago ".

Korino who heard that looked at Riss with disbelief as he smiled like he did nothing special. Korino couldn't say anything as he felt a great danger from him.

Korino: "Riss, looking at you, I can see that you knew that I was spying on you but this doesn't matter because that was in the past and it was an order from the leader. I just want to know why you're helping them?".

Riss: "Oh yeah, I completely forgot about you spying on me. It doesn't matter, I didn't hold a grudge. What I just want is the music box. That's the reason I am helping them".

Korino smiled when suddenly he got out of his spatial ring a music box. When Riss looked at the box, you could see for the first time that Riss showed true excitement.

He then turned back to normal and said with a solemn voice

Riss: "What do you want?".

Korino: "I want the two girls and also to know your true identity otherwise I will destroy this music box. I also want you to kill all the rest".

Riss didn't say anything and just smiled as he showed an expression that he was thinking. Saydon who saw this panicked.

Saydon: "Mister Riss, please don't listen to him. He's from the evil Tenebris guild. We can't let him get what he wants".

Korino: "Shut up you magical beast. You think that you can choose whatever suits you. Riss decide now. The music box or these people".

Finally, Riss raised his head and the smile still on his face as he said with a cold voice.

Riss: "It seems that you want to make me choose and I don't like that that's why I will take everything".

Korino: " Hmph, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be fast enough to take the music box from my hand before I crush it".

Riss: "Oh you mean this music box?".

Korino: "Yes, that mu... "

Korino suddenly looked at his hand and noticed that the music box is missing from his hand. He couldn't understand how this happened.

Korino: (What happened. Just now, I was holding the box and after a second it was missing and appeared in Riss hands).

Everybody is shocked and mouths are open because of the speed that Riss showed.

Riss: "Now, what do you want to exchange with. You don't have a music box and your only way is to escape now"

Saifon: "Don't let him escape, he will take...cough cough Serena....."

Riss turned and saw that Saifon is coughing and injured. He couldn't understand what happened to him.

Shira who came and held Eros in her hands looked at Riss.

Shira: "When the branch leader came to take Serena, Saifon tried to protect his sister and wasn't able to do that as the branch leader attacked him and injured him".

Riss nodded and then turned and looked at Korino. Korino who saw that felt a little afraid and got from his ring a paper that has a spell on it.

Shira: "A portable formation!!!!!!!".

Riss(smile): " So you're running away. I won't let you".

Riss used his spear and went so fast and appeared in front of Korino.

Riss: "Die".

Korino(smile): "I don't think so".



Everybody noticed a great light that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blinded everybody.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that Korino completely disappeared and the only one ahead of them is Riss.

Riss spear has some blood on it and he didn't have any injury on him. This means that the blood belonged to Korino.

Riss: "Always sly, he didn't change at all during these 40 years. I'd don't matter. It seems like he left both the girls to run away and his tail between his legs".

Everybody then looked at Sophia and Serena. They sighed as they felt glad to rescue them. Saifon who leaned on Shira as he walked towards Serena.

Finally, he reached her and felt glad that she is safe. Tears started falling as he started crying.

Saifon: "After a long wait, I can finally live with you again. 4 years of waiting finally paid. sniff sniff".

Serena who is sleeping soundly woke up and looked at Saifon who is crying.

Serena: "Brother, you came to rescue me".

Saifon: " Of course. Even if I die, I will return back to save you as many times as you want".

Serena: "You won't leave me because of my cursed heritage?".

Saifon stopped crying and he then looked at her with a serious expression and showed a caring smile.

Saifon: "Even if you're the devil itself, you will be my little sister no matter what".

Serena who heard that started crying bit she smiled and looked at her brother and said:

"Please take care of me".

Saifon: "hum, of course".

Everybody felt happy for the siblings as they met each other again after a long wait. The didn't want to interrupt this moment for them and didn't do anything.

Only Riss showed am the expressionless face and didn't say anything. He just went out and got his black sword. He then turned and looked at the siblings.

Riss: (This kind of emotions will make anybody weak and have a weakness that will be exploited by your enemies. who thought the great General Pride will turn to be this week man).


Everyone started walking and got out on the final floor. They also freed the prisoners who seemed to be civilians that got kidnapped by the dark guild.

When they reached the 2nd floor, they found that Seath, Kara, and Saya are also there with the whole Raiko gang.

Seath: "Saydon, Everybody so you're okay. I am glad that everything ended well".

Saydon: "Seath so you came here to rescue us. I am glad but where is Sir Eros, I thought that he will come with you".

Seath(surprised): "What, I thought that he came here before us. After all, he moved here before us".

Saydon: "Riss told us that he was fighting a higher star but we couldn't find him at all. I also that you are with him fighting there".

Seath then looked at Riss and started thinking.

Seath: (There something fishy there. Where did Eros go and why Diss is on Riss shoulder? Diss should've been with Eros. There is also his sudden appearance in this place).

Seath is about to walk to talk with Riss and also take Diss back but before he could talk with him, Kara who sees Riss there goes to him.

Kara: "Riss!!???, What are you doing here? I thought that you are at the guild".

When Riss saw Kara here, he was shocked to the core and you could even see that on his face. suddenly Riss started laughing hysterically.

Riss: "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Is this Destiny telling me that's its the time for us again. What is really happening? Hhhhhhhhhh, Father, you will be freed again and we will raise in this continent to rule over it again hhhhhhhhhhh".

Kara: "Riss??!!!".

Riss didn't answer her and just looked at the sky. He then turned back normal and looked at Kara.

Riss: " Kara, my name Riss is just some name that I used during these last 10000 years. My name is Rissidius one of the seven deadly sins generals under the rule of his majesty the Dragon Devil king. My sin is greed and our mission is to unify the whole continent and Sarna world under his rule".

Kara: "What are..... ".

Suddenly the weapons that Riss used turned into darkness and entered his body. Nobody understood what is happening.

Riss: "Tina, you can begin now".

Tina: " Yes, lord Riss".

Suddenly, the secretary of Riss from the adventurer guild appeared out of nowhere and took Saifon from Serena and Shira hands.

Shira, Serena: "Stop!!!!!!".

Saifon whos in the hands of Tina couldn't do anything because of his injuries. Tina is about to reach Riss when suddenly...

Splat Splat.

Seath appeared behind her and he hit her with his lightning coated hands.



Tina was hit by Seath attack and Seath held Saofon on his shoulder.

Seath: "Saifon are you okay?".

Saifon: " cough cough, you should be more caring when you rescue someone".

Seath(smile): "You talking means that you are fine".

He then turned towards Riss and he has an enraged face.

Seath: " Guild master, what is the meaning of this, why did you try to kidnap them?".

Riss: "I am no more the guild master you knew. I am now General sin of greed Rissidius for you".

Seath: "General sin of greed, hmph. I will show you my true power and pound you to the ground. haaaaa".

swoosh swoosh.

Seath disappeared and appeared again beside him. He has coated his hands with lightning and even created a hammer made of lightning and held it in his left hand.

"Take this: Lightning hammer".


Riss: "Blackhole".

Suddenly, all the power and weight that was behind Seath attack completely disappeared. It was absorbed by the darkness that protected Riss body.

Seath was completely shocked and couldn't understand what happened. His powerful attack was completely nullified.

Riss: "How about you take this. dragon fist".

thud thud.

Riss punched Seath in the stomach 2 times and even his first entered Seath body.

Seath: "Argh...."

Everybody looked shocked especially Sophia and the others as They knew how powerful Seath is.

He is a seventh-grade beast, his power is comparable to a Saint warrior and since he is a magical beast, then his power will be more than a normal human or any other race saint warrior.

Riss didn't do anything as Seath fell on his knees and this made him completely unable to move.

Riss: "Saifon, as you saw. I can easily take your strongest warrior here and Eros isn't here so I will propose something for you".

Saifon started getting up alone as nobody is beside him. He then looked at Riss and waited for him to talk.

Riss: "Come with me willingly and I will spare everybody here or I will kill everybody and take you by force".

When they heard this. Each one of them felt cold as they heard Riss words.

Riss(smile): "Decide whatever you want".